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Everything posted by anosou

  1. Nice contextualizing with the name! Anyway, the backing is fresh, you do some nice but simple variation on the lead and overall the track is grooving. I am however torn about source usage. I don't think the chords are identifiable enough and there are no other hints to the source in the chord-only sections. Bass doesn't copy anything I heard in the source, no connection to any rhythm and the chords are altered. The production was definitely hot imo. I thought the bass level and reverbed leads worked. Definitely solid. However I will have to hold off my vote for a while, if anyone care to point out WHY they thought source usage was okay and give examples or similar, I'm all ears. EDIT: So, after getting lectured I'm gonna go ahead and settle for a YES. I still think the chords aren't easily identifiable but when it's this close I'll go with the flow. Groovy mix in any case. YES
  2. I don't agree with zircon that this has impressive sample usage, thought the lead violin sounded kind of fake. However that wasn't a huge issue. Production overall is good. There's a bit too much reverb, especially apparent since most instruments are in the frequencies. Like I said though, overall it's good. Arrangement is close to the source in mood and the melody is kept mostly intact. However there are additions both in the backing and a section or two that sounds like original additions as far as I can tell. While I would've appreciate some more interpretive source usage, the arrangement's still solid. I especially appreciate how dynamic it is. It might not be an easy pass but it's a pass for me. YES
  3. Guess I'll go ahead and give this the final push. Source was at times buried in all the cool stuff you added but I didn't think that was an issue because it was identifiable and dominant in other sections. The arrangement is very chill, very laid back. It's a perfect fit for the source. Like Fishy though, I would've loved to see a bit more source crammed in there. Production's pretty cool. The bass is slightly overpowered and the piano/guitar lacks realism but not so much that it hurts the track. The effects are tasteful and definitely builds an interesting mood, great work with that. I see no reason this shouldn't pass, solid work. YES
  4. Word. I fail to see how this is a Sonic arrangement.. Cool track though NO
  5. I could basically copy Palpable's vote here. Arrangement is too close to the source, even in shape. The production was decent but there's some clipping that should be sorted out. Some realism issues with the brass and (to a much lesser extent) some of the harder string attacks. You obviously have the tools needed to make a good sounding track, you just need to focus on the actual arrangement. Keep it up! NO
  6. Well for starters, all drums are loops. They're not even varied, you just add and remove layers from time to time, that won't fly. The guitars sound good though and the playing is expressive even though it could be tighter. The tone is good but the drums sit too far back in the mix and there's no real bass to speak of. The distorted guitars are a bit too big and muddy. Arrangement doesn't expand enough on the source, could definitely use some more interpretation and shape to the arrangement. Sorry man but this still has some way to go. NO
  7. I have to agree with my fellow judges here. While production was decent the arrangement was lacking. The melodies were all pretty close to the source and the transitions very weak. Would definitely benefit from a more interpretive approach to the source and some more variation. The sounds were a bit generic and the voice samples out of place, could've passed if the arrangement was up to par though. Sorry man but you'll have to develop this more. You have a good start and can obviously produce music, now you have to focus on arranging it too! Keep it up! NO
  8. Definitely some unorthodox harmonies if you're used to the original tracks. Good personalization of the melodies, sometimes a bit too liberal but mostly close enough to be identifiable. The production is slick, it still annoys me that you never actually have a real beat with bassdrum but that's personal preference. The only issues are that the track sometimes lack direction. This might be because of the previously mentioned lack of beat and slightly unorthodox key changes. However these doesn't drag the track down enough to warrant a no, even coupled with the liberal source usage. Overall good work, there's still some room for improvement and polish but I'm gonna go with my gut. YES(borderline)
  9. Not much to say. This is a very good cover but there's hardly any arrangement to speak of. Production was decent but drums lacked realism, hi-hats especially. OCR is all about interpreting a source, making an arrangement, and sadly this has some way to go. Still a good track! Sorry Jets, keep making music! NO
  10. Time to close this one out. I agree with the previous posters. Production is all kinds of top-notch, good use of stereo field and interesting instrumentation. The mixing sometimes felt a bit unbalanced (mainly the bass being strong and lead being weak) but that's minor. The arrangement is cool with great backing. Overall a groovin' track full of good writing. Solid. YES
  11. I'm not giving away a version without the moans, the moans are part of the track! That's like asking for Beethoven's 5th symphony "but leave out the woodwinds". D:
  12. Since the buff he's way more awesome since his farming ability and general DPS has been elevated by true damage and stuff. I still think he's pretty damn good, I just don't see a lot of reason to actually try to attack an electrician after he gripped and that's why he's not top picked. Tank all you want but if no one's hitting you it doesn't matter
  13. I use visualizers, does that count?
  14. Like SacStone/heart changes didn't kill INT heroes enough :'(
  15. Luckily I'm still your number 1 <3 ..but yeah, that random pub was a nice guy we got along with. In [OCR] everyone on OCR is invited and let's face it, we don't all get along. I'm suspecting [OCR] might become quite useless when you can auto-join channels and auto-matchups work..
  16. Heard you like Tempest... or ok, Wretched Hag? I think somehow that would affect the difference in heroes. While Behemoth's certainly no one-trick pony his playstyle (focused on great positioning and stunning) is unique AND fun to play. If fissure or his ulti was nerfed and Enrage changed he would probably be played differently, lose his unique style. I guess what I'm trying to say is that just because you think it's poor design, not everyone does. I like that one skill is hardly ever used. It's highly situational and allows focus on his two other skills, offering a unique playstyle. Agree do disagree (YOU ARE WRONG FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUU)?
  17. But if the rest of the skills are so fantastic a hero is banned in higher level games (Behemoth) changing the "useless" skills would severely unbalance the gameplay. The skills aren't USELESS (Enrage can be used as an interrupt, Chain Lightning for farming and extra damage) they're just much less powerful to make the hero OVERALL balanced. The result will not only be deeper heroes and deeper gameplay, the result will be imbalance and/or even MORE needless balance because every skill needs to be "good".
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