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Everything posted by anosou

  1. Awesome, then I DON'T have to kill myself.
  2. Not a lot to say bout this really. It's pretty solid. Arrangement could've taken some more liberties with the melodies, re-hashing when it's not even 3 minutes is low, but overall it was interpretive enough in my opinion. Production was over the bar, nice bombastic brass I must admit. However the "hand drums(?)" really put me off.. They sound like someone tapping on a plastic lid or two. Could've been more but it's ultimately ok the way it is. YES(borderline)
  3. I've grown old but not bitter. I realize that the production isn't the best here but I think the arrangement makes up for it in creativity. Especially admirable to do so while still keeping the sources recognizable to this extent, props! For future submissions, don't be afraid to have some more high-end in the mix and get it to sound more airy. Perhaps some room ambience would help, especially the piano in this case. Ah well, could be a little more polished but good enough! YES(borderline)
  4. Slow because of werk and whatnot. It'll happen, just cool your jets.
  5. 3N = NO'd. 4Y = YES'd. Everything split would need a majority by two or three (I never remember) to pass/get rejected. In the case of a really close call where all judges have voted and it's still saaay 5Y/5N Dave casts the tiebreaker. Pretty much, if I'm wrong Larry can come here and clear it out Also, many judges were at Jill and Andy's wedding, Larry just got a job and is moving back to Atlanta and only he's got access to the inbox.
  6. You should be banned off the internet, like they do in France. i.e. I love you, nice use of me.
  7. Oh come on, am I the only one who thinks this is funny?
  8. Definitely amazing to see you donate $100. On behalf of all the OCR staff, thank you! I hope you found exactly what you were looking for.
  9. JIMMY! HAVE MY BABIES! Also, happy birthday.
  10. Not if you mark it as a gift. And yeah, I'm pretty sure they've always been that way. The machines are essentially the same so it's not that strange. The only difference is the video output in most cases and that doesn't really mean anything for accessories.
  11. My Sanwa-modded SE will arrive in a day or two. Way ahead of you! Was just wondering if he could get another stick for cheap for no apparent reason other than it being cheap
  12. Hardware related stuff are region-free but yeah, I undestand.
  14. Same question but re: a GameCube Wavebird or FightStick TE for 360.
  15. No need to apologize, I just wanted to make clear that I thought your selection process wasn't the best out there Good luck with the project, whoever you pick.
  16. That's a silly reason I've worked incredibly close to all the developers I've worked with, I'm even offering free game design together with the actual music. For example we set up an IRC channel for the developement team behind Kaleidoscope and I've helped a lot with decisions re: game design based on my own gaming experience (10 years, 400+ games). Just because we use a website or pre-written letter doesn't make us soulless, unfriendly or not very creative. I'm a huge JRPG fan, played every Final Fantasy and pretty much all JRPGs from the PS1->360 and a few from the SNES era too. I really thought the point was going after someone who could make music that fits your game and THEN contacting them for a personal conversation.. That's usually how it goes and it's a good way to know that you both get quality music AND someone you can work with. We didn't even get a chance to talk to you about the game because you dismissed us, thinking that we weren't REALLY interested.. I dunno, I don't think that's fair.
  17. No need to apologize, can't please everyone actually, IT'S TOOOO LAAAATE TO APOLOGIIIIIZE, IT'S TOOOO LAAAATE~ ..sorry for the horrible reference.
  18. Again, for emphasis, I haven't PM'd you but that's because all relevant info is avaliable on http://anosou.com . Also it looks more pro
  19. Depending on pay I might very well be game. Have previous experience, mostly XNA-developed games for Xbox LIVE Indie Games. Resumé and additional info including contact information can be found on http://anosou.com
  20. Have a fantasticulawesoverpowered birthday!
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