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Everything posted by anosou

  1. I wanna use both! Having a gay person that doesn't look like me AND a way to show my fanboy-ism of a certain X360-title is just priceless.
  2. I like putting clothes on doll-like stuff, mkay? :3
  3. Now that's just wrong :'( Read the sentence a couple of times and weep!
  4. All NTSC I take it? I hate you. D:
  5. *pokes Dave with stick* sup! bumped this for GREAT JUSTICE!
  6. HELL FUCKING YEAH! I've bought a harddrive and MU now but I didn't get it when I bought one :3 hopefully that'll count. Also, I'm looking forward to seeing how they handle avatar clothing! Achievement-unlockable t-shirts and from-game-outfits would kick serious ammounts of ass. And yes, my backgrounds will finally be visible!
  7. Okay, right off the bat the intro sounds off. Some off notes and timing issues and because the two squarelead-melodies are in the exact same frequency they kinda cancel eachother out. When everything enters this is a mess mixing-wise, like Larry said. Serious balance-issues: backing guitars too loud, riffing buried, too much high-frequency content, weak at times and too loud at times drums. I know it's hard to mix metal, especially one this heavy, but this just isn't cutting it. Arrangement wasn't half-bad. Some good ideas and the metal-adaption worked. Some sour notes during the intro and solo but nothing you can't fix. Another lead-choice would have been a better choice, the NES lead has a hard time cutting through the mix and it's not very interesting either. Some additional arrangement of the actualy melodies would also help the arrangement, show us you can do something with the source and not just play it! Overall this needs a lot of work before I can pass it. You've got the right idea on how to make something your own but it's still lacking in execution, especially mixing. I hope you take some time to read up on some general production-tips and talk to other remixers on the WIP-board for some advice because this would be quite cool to have on OCR. Good luck! NO
  8. Ah, finally, judges hosting was down :'( This is quite cool. I think the drums are too loud compared to the rest of the mix, especially in high frequencies.. Overall the mix seemed very cluttered because parts bled into eachother, check reverb-settings and EQ to make sure it's not too crowded. Delay is also a thing you need to be careful with. Most of the lead-synths were cool. Sometimes they got a bit piercing though, make sure you've got a nice set of studio headphones or monitors so you really hear the high frequencies and how they sound. I know, expensive, but a pair of good headphones will help you! The arrangement was very creative. Though the beatpattern went on for too long, like larry said. Smart usage of the melody and nice chord changes. Overall, a very creative arrangement. Awkward cut-off ending, should be fixed. Overall I think the arrangement just about outweighs the production. It's a really close call IMO but you managed to get it there. Now render this without the cut-off ending and you're set. YES(conditional on ending/borderline) PS: Probably wouldn't harm the track to tone down the reverb/volume on drums at render but it isn't a dealbreaker for me, just fix ending.
  9. Cool opening indeed. Solid (although slightly repetitive) beatwork, didn't think they were too loud at all. Sounds mostly sound great, I especially like the bells and fx. The piano sounds a little strange when it's just playing that two-note pattern, seems a bit loud and without aim but that's minor. The arrangement is dragging after a while without no real change. Chords are used in the same way throughout without any alteration/inversion or anything that could make them interesting. Since this lacks interpretive melody usage I expected some more variation in the, now quite static, backing track. So yeah, I agree with the previous posters. Get some more source melody (arranged or not) in there and try spicing this up. It's a solid base but it needs some more melodic focus to pass. NO(resubmit)
  10. You know nothing, NOTHING I TELL YOU! I also said one of, that might be wrong grammar-wise but you get what I meant. The skill system is fantabulous when you start to get what's important. Backyard battles are challenging, and so on.
  11. This is good stuff. I would've loved some more brass like Shariq, but hey you can't get it all.
  12. DAMNIT!, bitch stole my source :'( I've been thinking about remixing this for ages... expect serious bias! h8 aside, this is quite interesting. A good arrangement to be sure and I, being familiar with the source, felt it was dominant. Very nice melodic interpretation all around, you impressed me there Zorlax. Snorlax? Ok, sorry. I thought the samples were sometimes borderline fugly. Especially the strings sounded very dry and unrealistic, especially the introduction. Woodwinds a bit better but still fairly dry. Some nice hall reverb at the master could've helped a bit. When it gets going with the pizzicato and the oboe you realize how piercing some frequencies are. Should be toned down before posting no doubt. Also, panning the bass ALL the way to the right is probably a bad idea for this genre, feels like the piece loses focus. I'd love that to be fixed too. Otherwise, this is a damn good job with free stuff for sure. Overall I thought the arrangement outweighed the sample quality. It's a tough decision because the strings just sounds really bad at times. If you go the extra mile and fix the piercing frequencies and don't hard-pan the bass I think that would give this the final push needed to get over that bar. So, without further stalling: YES(conditional on touch-ups)
  13. The main issue is the drums, no contest. As my fellow jdgfgts mentioned they sound very distant. The kick is almost inaudible (compress that sucker!) and the snare is a bit weak, the way it changes between two samples is also quite strange. Work on getting them to sit nicely in the mix together with everything. Otherwise everything sounds quite muddy. Like every instrument is filtered/heavily reverbed. Work hard with the EQ to get everything to fit nicely together. The bass for example had a pretty strange sound and took up a lot of the soundscape. Arrangement-wise this isn't bad in any way. Sometimes it feels a little empty with just the synthlead supplying the melodic content. Gets better towards the ending, no doubt about that, but I'm sure you could go the extra mile with the source. Maybe add some chords or arpeggios? Counter-melodies? A general spicing up of the arrangement would help even though it's off to a good start. All in all, this needs a lot of work in the production area and less so the arrangement. It's quite good for a first submission but needs some additional polish to really shine. NO(resubmit)
  14. Damnit people, give it a chance. I mean Disc 3 and 4 has one of the most dynamic battles ever in a turn-based RPG. DDDDD:
  15. Lovely, then we understand, respect and cherish eachothers views and whatnot. <3 *BGC edit* Get a room already, guys. <3
  16. I don't agree with you there Oji. The direct sampling is used on top of an arranged version of the same passage but with an original sound. My point being it was not the only connection to the source at all. I think it could've been avoided or exchanged for an original sound playing the same thing and it's still borderline too much sampling but it isn't as bad as you make it sound The arrangement could still be improved. To have almost half the song as a build-up might not be a good idea. It seemed a tad repetitive, not horribly but a tad. Some more personalization of the source would also help this sound less repetitive, a change in chords or beats for example. Both these elements are quite static at the moment. I enjoyed the ending. Production-wise this is quite good although a bit cluttered. You use a lot of reverb-heavy synths with a long release and loads of mid/highmid content. Try EQing away some less important frequencies to make room for the important sounds. All in all, this needs a few more tweaks before it's passable. I recommend not using the game sample as it drags down the overall interpretation. Try with a bit more personalization and some better separation and this could be passed. NO(resubmit)
  17. you're incredibly boring and awful D: I enjoyed that game.
  18. I think the main issue here is the sheer ammount of bass frequencies. EQ some of that stuff away, even from the main bass. That's what makes the production seem muddy and it really drags the track down. Could probably be fix'd pretty easily with some equalization of the bass-heavy synths layered on top of eachother, give 'em space! The lead sounds quite good but the way it's sequenced makes it sound a bit strange. Short notes are cool but make sure it doesn't sound too out of place with the rest of this really grooving track. The shaker that you filter/pitch up and down is a bit loud when it's panned all the way to the left like that, tone it down a bit. Some of the leads was a tiny bit piercing too, just a bit of eq there. Arrangement wise this is above the bar. Good groove and you handled the source quite well even though I'd love to see some more advanced melodic usage and not only the sequenced 16th note leads. Still, this was absolutely above the bar. I have to go conditional on this like Larry. You need to do some more equalization for everything to really fit. First and foremost you should take away some of the bass frequencies, then focus at the little things. This is really close and you probably don't need many hours to fix this. Just make sure to really listen (preferably on some monitors or mixing headphones) and run it by some people before saying it's done. Otherwise, good work! YES(conditional on EQ)
  19. Interesting soundscape in the intro. Strings were so-so and could easily have been replaced with a pad doing the same thing. It was very reverb-heavy but it kinda worked as an intro. The drums were a bit too loud here and ruined the mood and "build-up quality" quite a bit. The build-up to the main part could've been handled a bit better actually.. the bass landed on an off note and the delay always sounds strange when changing the tempo if it's synced. Check that out. Some leads could be changed from time to time to keep it fresh but the general arrangement of track 14 was quite good. The in-game FX got too loud at times. Larry mentioned some odd notes, you should check those out. Try improving the way you handle the source a bit, maybe some subtle variation and smoother transitions between parts. Going from major to minor just like that sometimes feel a little strange. This is a good start but you have some issues to adress. Palpable's last comment pretty much nailed it: fix the problem areas we listed and spruce up the more generic 1:11-1:50 and 3:46-4:10 and the lead. Then this has quite a good shot at passing. Go for it man! NO(resubmit)
  20. This song on the SPC just made my list of all-time-cool-shit! Some SERIOUS clipping, I mean listen to those toms. Check your levels when recording/rendering, use a compressor or just turn the volume down! A lot of strange distortion on the drums too, they're very loud at times. Some guitar/bass sounds was also very loud and clipping like there's no tomorrow.. Check that stuff out man. Like Larry said, arrangement started off quite hot but quickly went downhill and structure was almost verbatim. Sorry but this is a no go. Production is terribly messy and arrangement isn't much to write home about. Get some tips at the WIP-boards/#ocrwip and read some tutorials and stuff like that. Oughta give you some pointers on how to improve! Good luck! NO
  21. Joren's back! Tell your kids! A bit crowded in the production-area. The backing guitars are a bit overpowered compared to drums+lead. Thought the drums in general sounded fine though, nice work there. Bass is a bit overpowered too but it's nice to hear a live one now and then. Good soloing and playing all around. The arrangement of the source was pretty much spot on too although you could've used a bit more. Nice energy all around. Cut-off ending is horrible.. we could at least fade the cymbal before posting it?. Anyway, given that you can't change anything, this is good to go. Nice work yet again! YES ...really, fade out ending!
  22. Here I was pissed the SPC cut off after a second and then the source just had one more chord? Damn.. Bold move to arrange this source. Though I must say you've done so rather well. The chords ARE present all the way through and what you've built around it is cool. Still this is quite borderline because the chords seem a bit altered, like you left out something from the second and last chord.. Then again, sometimes I hear it in the melody, but it wouldn't hurt to do the chords EXACTLY as they are at least once to show the listener that THIS is where it's at. The textures seem on the thin side. Especially for something this much hip-hop I expected some phatter synths if you know what I mean. Sounds very much like a backing track, not that strange given the source, but something could probably be added on top of this. A more prominent lead synth or vocals would be quite awesome. Arrangement goes a long way with a three chord source. Still this needs some beefing up production-wise and wouldn't suffer from a hook of some kind and maybe some straight source chord just to show the listener what it's about. Get in touch with a rapper right now btw! Anyway, just a bit more work and you've got it. NO(resubmit)
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