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Everything posted by anosou

  1. Not to hijack my own review-thread but it seems the source isn't noted on the remix page or at the game index. The sourcetune is 'Legend of Arcana ~ Main Theme'. That's all.
  2. Big thanks to Aubrey, torrents has been my main way of getting OCRemixes since they first came up. I owe you a lot in other words. Thanks.
  3. Then go play this game some more Thank you, as always it makes me happy seeing your comments.
  4. It's the same Mellotron the beatles used recorded with the same microphones in the same studio (Abbey Road) so it's not that strange you all think that: http://www.propellerheads.se/products/refills/ark/ No, I don't work for props. I just like props. :3
  5. Probably the best thing I've heard in a while. I can't believe how good the bassnotes sound! Between this and ICO 'The Crystalized Castle' I hate myself for being a judge. Not for OCR but damnit that was one hell of an achievement. +1 nice work points. NO
  6. Right off the bat it's too quiet compared to the hiss. The piano tone is okay but could be processed to sound fuller. Also going easy on the bass notes (especially 1:04->) would help this sound less muddy. EQ is also your friend but with piano you have to be careful about the playing too, maybe arrange it with less octave bass and instead more melodic basslines? Some of the playing seemed a bit rushed, make sure your triplets are even. I enjoyed some of your phrasing like at 0:44-0:53 during, really gave the impression that you were into the piece. The arrangement during the first minute is really cool. I, like Vinnie, love the triplet feel you gave Mute City. It gets less interpretive during the second part and the transition between the two themes could have been handled better. The other substantial interpretation appeared at 2:25, very cool ideas. I think this one needs some more work before it's passed. First work out the arrangement, try to be a bit more interpretive with the sources. Especially the bass figures could be altered to sound less like the source and maybe don't take up as much space at the same time. Production needs another go too. You have good ideas and your playing is good but you're not quite there yet, keep submitting though because it's obvious you've got talent. NO(resubmit)
  7. Just chiming in to mention that erasing history would probably be a bad thing for the site. Looking back it's interesting to see just how far the the site has come since start. Direct violations with standards (we're talking MIDI-rips or mainly sampled sourcetune) gets removed with lockdowns.. Can't see what there is to whine about. Instead; compare your music with what's getting passed TODAY and see if you think it's still up to par with that. Standards ain't gonna get lower but on the other hand most musicians will always get better. and #1 I did, obviously. I prefer #ocrwip because of direct feedback of many experienced remixers. I recommend the submission standards and #ocrwip for anyone serious about getting accurate feedback. #2 Feedback based on the standards instead of personal opinion, then again I think this can be achieved by just reading the standards. Another thing is opinions from experienced remixers, they often know what they are talking about. #3 I don't really. I'm far to busy nowadays. When I DID review I did it in #ocrwip because you could give the artist direct feedback and discuss issues in a more personal way while listening. Others could chime in directly and it turned into a discussion with advice. If you want written feedback, just copy+paste #4 I think there are many here who aren't really aware of the current level of the standards. Take some time to listen to the newer remixes (mid-2007 - today is my advice) to get an idea. Read the standards. And most important: PRACTICE!, don't just dismiss all criticism and take the "wow, nice" comments to heart. Be realistic and constantly aim to improve your craft. there, hope it helps on some level. I appreciate what you're trying to do Rozovian, let's hope the WIP-feedback will improve.
  8. Totally bumping this to pimp track 14 - Halcyon. Fantastic. When's the next EP/Album thingy coming? Tomorrow? Glad to hear that! Terrific. See you then.
  9. I'm horrible like that, glad it's finally up Also, Way to use words right there!
  10. One of the best goddamn remixes I've heard. Fantastic processing of instruments and a lot of creativity. Clean production and an appealing arrangement. The issue here is that the major source connection is directly sampled. This conflicts with "Taking the original game audio and simply adding drum loops or using an existing MIDI file and assigning new instruments does not qualify as substantial or original arrangement." from the standards. Considering how liberal the arrangement of "Continue" was I just can't pass this as a ReMix. However I encourage you to keep remixing. Read through the standards, adapt a bit and you'll be ready to have your epic masterpiece posted on the front-page in no time. This is really fantastic stuff so I'd love it if you kept submitting. Sorry about the NO man. NO
  11. Reminds me of Soul Calibur. Lovely. I for one didn't think the drums were too loud, instead I thought the rest was too quiet. The timing is off in places, when the flute takes the lead at 0:42 it sounds sloppy in terms of timing. Quantizing is your friends but don't quantize the whole track, just the problem areas. Really work with the timing in detail, in a piece such as this it's needed. ROFL, did NOT see 2:04 coming. Very fresh but mixing-wise it needs some work. It sounds weak and most sounds bleed into each other. Work with EQ and compression to really make that work. The beat seems a bit out of place together with the orchestra and jazzy piano, again mostly a timing and mixing issue. The piano was however great by itself. An example of a mixing issue would be the lead at 3:35 being WAY back. The arrangement is interesting and imo it's as good as done. If you feel like polishing some stuff up, that's fine with me, but the issue here is with the timing and mixing. Fix that with some skill and this should be on the front-page in no time. Solid first sub! NO(resubmit)
  12. the issue is that most of the "frowned upon" genres doesn't arrange video game music either substantially enough for it to be considered a video game arrangement or (in the case of 8-bit) that it conflicts with our standards. you should check 'em out sometime, a good read
  13. You tackled one of my favorite sources ever, and damn you tackled it well! Anticitizen eh? Good man, good man. So first off, the lush synths you've used works really well with the source. Although they are a bit similar to the source's timbre I think that's a good thing. I was a bit dissapointed when the melody entered because of the root chord being the same and the melody lost some of it's melodic appeal. As soon as the additional percussion and guitar kicked in it was all good though. The subtle arrangement of the source melody and other elements really clicked with me. Took a turn at about 2:08 like you said. Interesting processing but the off-key stuttering kinda put me off. Reeks of Live beat repeat-preset But it kinda grows on you, I'll admit that. Clever progression in the piece though. 3:12 was terrific, the very saturated bass/guitar in the left ear worked well as a change from the otherwise lush soundscape. In other words, I don't agree with Larry regarding that one The production is quite good. The only thing I feel I can complain about is that, like Larry said, the source-tune sometimes get losts in the mud so to speak. Try to bring it a bit more to the front while making the whole track a tiny, oh so tiny bit louder. The ending cuts off with a click, fix it with a fade-out. Fantastic little piece this one. Morphing, bubbling and slowly moving forwards without ever getting boring. I say fix the volume, ending and minor balance issues and this will be even more epic. Way to make a first impression :3 YES(conditional on production touch-up)
  14. I wouldn't wanna play something like Darwinia during class though class is for shmups and civilization I don't like computer gaming that much :/ been a videogamer (and mac user) since I was very little and well, yeah, you get my point. There is nothing like a good JRPG or beat 'em up to make me happy. And Live Arcade. and stuff.. so yeah, buy darwinia+ all of ya!
  15. Good news, I have an Xbox 360 :/ I'm a videogamer, remember? and Darwinia was ported to mac ages ago. you make me sad
  16. Dare I say one of the best indie video games ever!? Bedroom developers ftw.
  17. Cool to see you taking this approach as well. I for one really enjoyed TimeShock btw, nice work expanding your musical palette right there. Now let's hope other remixers-to-be are as intelligent as you guys
  18. I'm glad you've had a change of heart. Even though your thread was hijacked
  19. no no no, he stole his protools and sold a cracked copy of it with home built interfaces :3 joke aside, album is good.
  20. I know A man can dream, right? ...or remix, a man can remix, right? anyway, thanks Coop, the only one who had a decent answer It's a hassle getting a PC only to play shmups. I'm pretty much satisfied with every other aspect of my computer and that's why I asked specifically for games avaliable on mac. It's as easy as that Schwaltzvald. Now, back to class.
  21. Be open-minded, we can both be timbales! (if not, I'm a hurdy-gurdy)
  22. What the title says! I'm on the lookout for shmups and bullet hells (curtain fire, manic shooter, whatever you wanna call it) for Mac OS X. I need something to play during boring classes and such. So far I've found a couple of Kenta Cho ports at http://shinh.skr.jp/osxbin/ but I'm looking for more touhou-style or something like Cave's Guwange. Now, if you reply something stupid like "use Wine", "MAME SUCKAH!" "BOOTCAAAAMP!!!" or "get a PC" I will cry :'( I'm specifically asking for ports or games created for Mac OS X, not workarounds. so.. let's share
  23. Hej Rozovian :3 kul att äntligen få höra någon av dina arrangemang! Putting Swedish aside, let's get on with the judging! One of the first things I notice is how overpowered the bass seems. Even on a pair of "flat" studio headphones (beyerdynamic if anyone asks) the bass is just really loud'n'low. Try either toning it down a bit or pullig off some resonance on the low-pass filter. Another loudness issue with the intro strings, very piercing like Vinnie said. Otherwise the intro was a well made build-up that really worked. The lead at 1:10 is indeed competing with the the synth texture on the right side of the stereospectrum. I suggest toning down the right hand synth to give the lead a bit more room instead of just pumping the volume up. EQing away some clashing frequencies is probably a good idea. Arrangement-wise this is some nice work ! Subtle variation is always good. The guitar-sounding synth is well-handled although the short phrases could be more varied in terms of how they're played, toy with the note-length, legato and staccato. That was pretty minor though. Some rather drastic changes during the last minute would keep this from feeling repetitive. Otherwise the source was handled well and the ending was good. I think the main issue is the production. The bass frequencies needs to go down, try an EQ on the master channel. Pulling back some of the "less important" instruments in terms of frequencies or volume would also help to make this less cluttered and muddy. Arrangement could use additional variation but is still strong. Try to fix as many of the production issues as you can, tinker a bit with the final minute and I think this will be on the front page soon. NO(resubmit)
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