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Everything posted by anosou

  1. So THAT's why my pic isn't up TRUE / FALSE?
  2. sent mine a few days ago, holler at me if you didn't get it
  3. nice one cotmm. I have a 99% done Kalé remix btw Expect to be dazzled by the shear genius of it.. kinda.
  4. I didn't even know GW2 was out gotta get me some of that action! ..just one more SC4 match.
  5. 66A, B ~ 28B+G 22/88B, 4 ~ 28B+G that's my main uses for it anyway. Didn't think about 63214B+G so thanks for that one. Don't forget you can also use standard A+B airgrab from all of these set-ups to vary stuff up. A+B gives more options after use too.
  6. What he said but with floor 58/59 :'( I've been playing like a fat man eats cake lately and well, I like it. I still have to get back in the SC-groove and start making guard-impacts without thinking but I'm getting there. Online mode is.. meh.. but hopefully some updates will make it better in the future. oh, Astaroth kicks even more ass since he got his stomp-the-ground-throws :3
  7. I'm totally up for drums, something I feel I'm getting quite good at. If I'm coming ofc.
  8. lol. that is all. EDIT: oh, and I know who my main is going to be.. you just can't deny this:
  9. Pretty much exactly what I said yes I checked out some trailers and yeah, I'm looking forward to getting my copy tomorrow. I've always been a creat-a-char freak, even in crappy games like dynasty warriors 5: empires, so this will probably be heaven for me. If I go to magfest I'll kick your ass in this game.
  10. Hmm, never heard this one before. Well doug, right off the bat you got me. The intro is epic. Not really feeling the drums, they sound a bit too large and more aimed to be a jazz-kit. Loved the synth arpeggios in the back although everything's in general very dry as Larry pointed out. Some reverb and delay could've been used to much success. The dissonance works the more I listen to it. It did throw me off at first though. Very interesting harmonic work throughout with jazzy chord-changes that sometimes feel a little forced but for the most time work. The drum sequencing is at times incredible and at times a tad generic. Luckily it's more of the former. The lead synth is a bit too squelchy for my taste but that's highly personal. Sweet ending too, very climatic as zyko said. The production works. Most of the instruments are balanced there is not much sound-bleeding going on. I still would've liked an improvement to the drum sound and maybe the "guitar" but it's not holding the mix back that much. The arrangement is in general tops, very creative and smart usage of multiple sources. I can tell you lurrrv your Chrono. I can't see me going anywhere else than YES
  11. Wow, I thought I listened to the source there for a moment. Your instrumentation is very close to the source and the arrangement is not much to talk about. You've basically just adopted the original song an added some really minor changes. The fake-guitar lead did come off as robotic and well.. fake The backing guitar sounded surprsisingly real, even though I can hear it's not. I agree with most of larry's point about the arrangement, cut-and-paste doesn't help an arrangement this conservative. The production was decent but some balance and fleshed out textures would've helped a lot. The lead sounds and drums all have a low-quality feel to them, balancing on the edge to bad GM. This probably would have made a good in-game BGM though. I can basically just echo Larry here; Decent cover, but clearly not interpretive enough. NO
  12. Can't do anything else than agree with the rest. Even though I heard some India it was not enough. Even WHEN I heard it it was WAY back in the mix. Sadly, that isn't enough to meet our arrangement criteria. Too bad on a mix so strong on character and musicality, wonderful textures Kunal! Hopefully the next submission will be less liberal. Then I will smile while writing my YES. NO
  13. Very long intro indeed, works in the clubs but not-so-much with our standards. Try adding some hints too the original melody, little electronic chirps or whatnot, to help the intro sound relevant. When it gets going it sounds pretty cool. However I think the piano might not be the best lead. It's a bit muffled too, try brightening it up a bit. After the piano I expected more energy and was quite dissapointed. You need more energy in the kick/bass to make it really go wild. Using some chords or chord-arpeggios would also help create a fuller sound that doesn't rely too hard on the lead saws. 3:37 was a better lead than the piano imo but still not quite there, it sounds too flat and doesn't catch your attention. Sounds somewhat in the background. I liked the drop-off though, some more punch in the bass wouldn't have hurt here either. Some more sophisticated drum textures too. The ending cold've been better, a grande finale would've been better suited imo instead of just end it. What's here is decent and not a bad mix but it really needs to go that extra mile before we can accept it. Gold in the old days, old in the golden days. NO
  14. The snare is too muffled, but you know that already The song sounds a little bit over compressed, the orchestra turns into this wall of sound instead of something dynamic. It was probably to make it cut through the electronica and metal but you shouldn't force it like that. I like how you coupled it with electronic elements though, I'm all for genre-blends :3. Fishy's obviously the hook, but it's a good hook so I won't complain about that. The guitar is a bit too loud though, it really just kicks the other instruments in the balls (in a bad way). It seems very stereo-widened in some way (chorus?) too, and it interfears with the rest of the piece. I also have to agree with larry about the low brass and exposed strings, didn't sound very natural. The arrangement is over the bar though, absolutely, even though the sources didn't have that much to work with. I'm with Vinnie on this one, I'd love to go conditional but I think it's a lot of work balancing all these different sounds so.. NO(resubmit) Edit: Vote changed, see below.
  15. Cool, someone other than me remembers flute boy! Pretty cool arrangement right of the bat. The bass suffered from poor sound quality when being exposed so much in the left ear at 0:19, I would've prefered a centered bass since it attracts less attention and makes the sound seem more focused. And yes, the drums up until 0:44 is a bit too soft. Even though most of the instruments (especially the guitar and some of the strings) lack realism, the arrangement is tops. This piece could still use some more mixing though. When overworld enters at 2:22 the string lead is incredibly loud compared to the rest of the piece. Fix this! Some other minor production issues is that it's sometimes very muddy, try adding a TINY bit of high EQ on the master channel to make it brighter. 1:52 also has a fairly loud lead compared to the drums, a little bit of careful balancing of instrument would help. If you avoid panning the bass and maybe pan some other instruments while you're at it I'd be eternally grateful, but it's minor. While the arrangement is strong, I feel these issues are small but important enough to make this vote conditional. Great piece though, if you work a bit more on your production you will have tons of remixes here in no time YES(conditional on production touch-ups)
  16. Hi tharr Dustin! Right from the intro you realize that this doesn't have the most sophisticated synthetic textures. While they work somewhat they sound thin and leaves a lot to be desired. I agree with Palp and Larry that the mallet percussion and organ is played too fast to sound human at all, if you tried some interesting synths you might achieve better results. The main problem here is how thin and "flat" your sounds sound. The fact that it's so obviously sequenced also keeps real instruments from working in this setting. The key change works and makes the listener go 'oh! change!' which is always good. The quiet piano section was cool but I would've appreciated something other than a fade-out of the rest of the song. It's a minor complaint though. While the arrangement is cool you should really try to adapt the instrumentation to the arrangement and then make sure the production up to par. I still think this is awesome so if you fix this it's bound to be YES'd. NO(resubmit)
  17. They should add a VS. mode without perks like Special VS. that doesn't add Weapon Bonuses (and in this case, not stats) so you can play your Creates like there's no tomorrow!
  18. I really need to check my budget first, maybe I can force some relatives to sponsor this trip. Setting that aside, me and AeroZ has been talking about m7 since he got home from m6 so we do NOT want to miss this. I'll get back when we have some tickets ready. I'll probably be looking for a ride from Dulles (it's the cheapest) to mag for me and AeroZ. Hopefully also a ride back ..YOU CAN ALSO DONATE MONEY FOR MY TICKET! Just PM me and you'll get a paypal adress :3 ..it was worth a try?
  19. It's late, but I got here. Happy birthday Dave, hope you enjoyed it
  20. Let's start at the intro shall we? The reverb on the filtered kickdrum muddies everything up, I realize it's supposed to be a cool effect but I'm just not feeling it. The opening-filter synth at 0:09 is awesome and what follows is cool writing for sure! The string sound sounds a bit off tho, doesn't mesh all that well with the rest of the instruments. Good transition into the 0:42 part. I agree with larry that the woodwinds sounded a bit off in this section. I didn't think they took away very much from the piece though. BTW, this section (0:43-1:11) is not original but arranged material from 'Succession of Witches'. And the arrangement is pretty cool too. I thought the jazzy lead was well-written even though the sound in itself was pretty weak. 1:30-1:40 could use some separation as Larry said, just some panning and a bit of EQing would help. Maybe even some fine-tuning of volumes. Not a huge problem to me though. Nice transition back to Magic House as Larry also said and a good enough ending. I did think the ending synth is a bit too reverbed though, don't have to overdo it I think this is solid enough in the production area. The arrangement's very cool and outweighs the minor balance issues. It is short but everything that's there is relevant. I see no reason for me to NO this. Cool. YES
  21. This was pretty cool actually, interesting take on.. well obviously quite a few themes. :3 The intro percussion is very loud. Tone it down a bit and it'll be more friendly to the ears. Didn't like the woodwind that took the lead in the intro, not a very pleasing texture and also very bright/loud. A bit awkward move between the Blue Fields theme and the FFIX theme at 0:25. Something could probably have been used to connect them a bit more, especially when they're that exposed. Loving the bass that enters around 0:27 however. Works well with the percussion writing, very dynamic and interesting. Pretty interesting writing at 1:17-1:20, that's how you connect two parts in an interesting way! Very musical. However, as Larry pointed out, the sounds do bleed into eachother. God I love 1:56->. It's just a fantastic texture with that slight overdrive! Sadly the woodwind is very much alike in timbre and only adds to the bleeding. In my (highly personal) opinion, you should try varying up your lead sound or changing it altogether. The strings also seems to sound very much like all the other instruments.. EQ away some frequencies or use some sounds with different timbres. Again, a nice move into the new part at 2:55->. There is some awkward writing in this new section. Sounds like you're using both minor and major sevens at parts. Check that out. Especially the counter-melodies might've some out-of-scale notes. Arranging the source melodies slightly would probably help them fit together with the new chords, try it! Otherwise, I liked the general feeling here. I could've done without the backing piano from blue fields though and adding some edgier sounds like synths would make it less droning. And yes, awkward automation reset at 4:44. This is overall very promising, I love the general vibe of it. Sadly it has too many issues to pass it in it's current state. Sort out some of the mixing, maybe change a sound or two and double-check your arrangement and you may very well have a winner. NO(resubmit)
  22. I laughed more than one time :3
  23. As Vinnie said, pretty cool concept. I do think the "underwater" Electric Piano is a little TOO muffled. Especially when you put it together with these really piercing isntruments Work with the EQ and listen on a few different headphones/monitors to really get the right feel for the frequencies. Loving the groove anyway. Nice take on the source melody with the lead synth. The trip-hop drums work well although they get a tiny bit repetitive as the song goes on. I'm going to echo some of larry's concern about the arrangement though, especially about the 2.07 and 3.43 part. Vary stuff up more, I know it's hard but it's worth it. You should look through your instrument and either fix some up or change them completely. Then look into how you can improve the arrangement. A resubmission that adressed those issues in a good way would definitely get a YES from me, because this is hella groovy /groovebias. NO(resubmit)
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