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Zero Rei Maru

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  1. As a fellow Bat-Mite, I'm always up to gushing about batman. How are you liking Grant Morrison's Batman epic he's been doing for the last few years? I liked it up until Final Crisis, which is when things started to get balls wild, and i started to love it. (also call them comics cause when you call something a graphic novel you sound like you're ashamed to read comics and you should never do that)
  2. Seems like sixto has been focusing on the DC side of comics, which is all well and good. But there are other companies and imprints out there, such as Marvel, and Vertigo. Vertigo, by the way, is usually described as "DC Comics, but for adults." Many of the well known, highly acclaimed comics, such as Transmetropolitan (future Hunter S. Thompson fighting against corruption and evil and being a huge douchebag the whole time), Preacher (a preacher's quest for god. So he can kill Him.) and Sandman (The epic story of the King of Dreams, Morpheus. Deals with a lot of mythology, the nature of stories and the like.) as well as a host of other just-as-good-but-not-as-well-known comics such as Hellblazer. Again, Sixto seems to be focusing on the DC Comics side, so i'll cover some of the great Marvel comics, regular marvel continuity as well as the Ultimate Universe. For the regular marvel universe, hereafter called 616 marvel, there's Captain America Volume 5 by Ed Brubaker, which is the current one. It covers Cap's discovery that his old WW2 sidekick, Bucky is alive and being used as a brainwashed assassin for old soviet remnants, and goes on from there. It's a spy thriller in comic form, definitely one you wouldn't want to miss. If you're more interested into good pulpy fun, there's Matt Fraction's Immortal Iron Fist, which is like a kung-fu action movie in comic form. Has fighting tournaments, has old 1930 style pulp stories, and it even has KUNG-FU TREACHERY! Over in the Ultimate Universe, there's Brian Bendis' Ultimate Spiderman, which is a retelling of Spiderman stories for a more current generation. Its got great dialogue, great villains, and less teenage angst than you can shake a stick at. Before I go, I'll leave you newbies, and those who are old hat at the whole comic thing, one last piece of advice, that should be followed. Avoid Jeph Loeb comics other than his Colors series (Hulk: grey, Daredevil: Yellow, Spiderman: blue, etc) and his old Batman stuff (The Long Halloween, etc). AVOID HIM, LEST YOU READ A COMIC WHERE THE RED HULK BEATS UP A CHARACTER OF COSMIC POWER THAT STANDS BESIDE GALACTUS THE DEVOURER OF WORLDS IN POWER LEVELS!
  3. Honestly, I'd move to pretty much anywhere as long as it has a nickserv.
  4. freenode sucks. How about rizon
  5. And to Ubernym. The true birthday boy. Cheers.
  6. Oh he robbed from poor maru and he gave to himself he stood up to the man and he got his butt beat our disgust for the man ain't hard to understand the punk of ocr the man they call arek
  7. Dude have you seen the size of atmuh's head? IT IS HUGE! also chobits is that anime where the aliens come, but they're all like female love slaves right. because that was a hot anime
  8. Nor does she care for The Author Formerly Known As Radical Dreamer!
  9. Happy Birthday mono, you precious little 10 year old girl you! And a very special message from the most rnd fgt i know, Prot: Happy Birthday Katie Kinkel and thank you so much for making me see the wrong in everything I've done. I wish you the best!
  10. Oh, YOU'RE Maru.....

    No wonder I've never seen you.

  11. Sorry but you didn't say Team Firefly you said Team Aquarius. It should have been "Team Firefly was the best." Just thought I should clear that up for you. Edit: total agreement best part imo was when ds explained the answer
  12. So, Azrael did a tolerable job for its first issue. I knew it was going to be the third Batman. Wonder if the Suit of Sorrows will turn him into the Batman we see in issue 666?
  13. They kind of messed up on Damien in my opinion. Yeah they got the whiney entitled little brat part right, but they forgot the arrogance that makes Damien tolerable.
  14. Look, I'm just saying that Tim x Squire is a one true pairing. Also, according to Grant Morrison himself, we're gonna have a grim and gritty robin, and a more lighthearted Batman. This is going to end well methinks...
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