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Everything posted by extrakun

  1. A couple by some Japanese dudes, mainly strings and featuring Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy
  2. Just popping in to suggest the Age of Wonders 1 soundtrack. Some of its tracks, like Defenders, Battle Macabre, and are really good.The Heroes of Might and Magic series have really good music, but little love on OCRemix...
  3. Sweet, I didn't know that vgmix is back up. Now, if this song is played by something like a string ensemble...with guitar, violin, cello..
  4. I think this is one of the most beloved piece of music for fans of Quest of Glory; sadly, never saw it remixed much. Link to original:
  5. Great flute. It's fitting that in the entire game, "Reset" is the only theme that didn't get a full traditional treatment, and this one fits in nicely. Hope this will open the flood-gates of more Okami remixes in different styles!
  6. I'm here to nominate the Quest for Glory series, especially the the fifth installment, Dragon Fire. The tracks are done by Chance Thomas and never really got the recognition it deserves IMHO. But my favourite is still Quest for Glory 4: Shadows of Darkness. Rock and roll battle themes in Russian-style Mordavia! Themes like "Tanya and Toby" sometimes still bring a tear to my eyes. And I will pay good money for a remix of Erana's Peace from Quest for Glory I. (Hint: All the midi tracks are available from www.queststudios.com And oh yes. Divine Divinity.
  7. It's a great loss, to the remixing community and the local music scene of Singapore. Wish we had a chance to meet, as I am from Singapore too...oh well. RIP.
  8. Just curious - Have you played Chrono Trigger in the first place? Viewing the whole thing from context of the game, Chrono has to be 'reborn' to save the world from Lavaos. The "torn out from its pages" doesn't click well with me, as the first sentence was refering to home, not a book. But at least it tells me that the singer feels forcefully removed from his current, pleasant situation. Chrono and his gang are essentially embarking on a desperate, do-or-die, attempt to stop Lavaos. Hence maybe the allusion to last chances. "In rhythm" can be a metaphorical way of speaking in relation. Perhaps "The distance multiplies in relation with the debt" sounds too much like a science question which is why this is not chosen. Perhaps, IMHO, a better idea is "The debt multipies in rhythm with distance". In a sense, you can rack up debt as you travel. Imagine the singer leaving his friends and family behind, and as distance passes, you rake up debt in terms of emotional feelings. Your family feels your absence, and you long for them etc. etc. This is, of course, my subjective interpertation for the lyrics. At least one people out there doesn't think it's complete nonsense. For me the lyrics make sense if you see it from the context of the plot and story of Chrono Trigger. Just my 2 gil. EDIT: And oh, to stay on topic. I like the lyrics. It resonates with the plot of Chrono Trigger, and sounds like something Chrono himself will say, if he could speak, that is
  9. I did notice, but you have already stated that you recieved private PMs about it, so...
  10. Yes, it's from the SourceForge. I try uninstalling/reinstalling the codex and see if it changes anything.
  11. I know nothing about music, so I just try to explain what I think in what terms I could muster. Schala and the Queen Somehow I prefer the pre-mastered verison, but in particular I think it's the singing. It's...too "clean". Kudos to CompyFox for making the singing less washed out. But from 2:15 to 2:22, it gives me the feeling as if pixeltrick is singing karoke to the tune, as if she is just singing over the recording (I know that's the reality...) It could be just because I listened to the premastered verision too many times either (it had a permanent slot on my mp3 player) Denadoro Climb I love this song. I always dig the Wind Tune and this is great. "Great" is an understatement, believe me...But the from 1:00 the drums in the background are...annoying. It might be my subwoofer, but I am using Altec Lansing, and this particular model has no knob to turn the "bam-bam-bam" down. Those are the more jarring one so far.. Wasn't there a track which incoporates the Singing Mountain? I am getting this error while trying to play the .flac files: Chrono_Symphonic_01_Inciting_Incident.flac: ERROR while encoding metadata state = FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_ABORTED
  12. ...and if you lack the HD space, why not download one disc at a time, burn it, and then dispose of it? And maybe it's town to do some hard-disk cleanup anyway
  13. The Last Stand would be neat...
  14. This month is already good enough. The probability of it coming out tomorrow is 13/30, which is about 50%!! That's good, isn't it?
  15. I think it would only get ugly if everyone started questioning the worth of each team-mate. Take a deep breath, everyone...
  16. Couldn't find the lyrics for the song anywhere....where can I find it?
  17. The orchestration is a very good idea, sounds neat and adds an extra layer of feeling to the whole song. But - at times the singing and orchestration seems to be fighting each other for attention. On a speaker it is not that bad, but in headphones it pretty noticable. Don't get me wrong - the orchestration is neat. It is moving, but my ears just don't know which to focus on, the orchestration or the singing, 'cos they are darn good at the same time. It's pretty much the same problem when the vocals were first added it. Would it better to place the orchestration when there's no singing? I'm not musically talent, but just want to point out some segments where I find the orchestration and the singing clashing. 1:05 to 1:24 sounds bad on headphones. 2:20 (the really dramatic emotional part) overwhelms the singing in parts. The flute (or is that the flute?) is cool, but on headphones it's very disconcerting. The 'flute' seems to be playing on the right side whereas the singing is on the left, and they are of the same volume, and is very...strange. I won't say ditch the orchestration. I think there's some minor quirks to iron out, like when the vocals and the piano piece was first merged.
  18. Re: Liner Notes Er, I do not sure what's the rightful term, but I am refering to the piece of paper in the sleeve of the CD case, then there usually the composer or artist will say a thing or two, introduce the project and write some comments on each of the tracks.
  19. Maybe getting some bittorrent seeds in antipication of the massive traffic your srrver will be getting is a good idea? And would there be instructions for printing out the CD covers and labels for the disc? How about some liner notes?
  20. Just listened to the re-uploaded "To Far Away Times". Its absolutely grand (from my limited experiences, of course). Love it, i Do!
  21. Alas, poor Reu is indeed serving National Service. It sucketh. At times, you don't even get weekends off.
  22. Tried with both Firefox and IE. The song in question is "To Far Away Times". Edit: Other songs seem to be fine. Perhaps it is only that file is broken?
  23. Hmm there seem to be something wrong with the downloads. I keep downloading emtpy mp3 files...
  24. I guess you didn't read above. I'm going to fix the levels so you can hear the vocals better. Check back in a few days! Oops, yeah, I was doubly concerned. And so that what you meant by tweaking the levels. Don't really understand all the jargons Anyway, I have high hopes for this project! Keep up the good way! (And here's hoping my encouragement actually worths something!)
  25. I would have to second that sometimes the vocals in "To Far Away Times" clashes with the excellent piano. Without the lyrics, I have sometime guessing the exact word. Not that it sounds bad, just, er, quite hard to make out.
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