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  1. It's those books that are the problem. They've been infecting the movie industry since day one with all that hubbub about literary heritage. And the movies based off of plays? Terrible, terrible things. What we need are more movies based off of theme-park rides.
  2. I've got a question for anyone who has seen Elfen Lied: Is the sound supposed to be screwed up a little? I can hardly even hear the Japanese much of the time.
  3. You watched through 50 episodes of an anime and you hated it that much? I hope that you were at least getting something else out of the anime. I myself liked Code Geass, the first season more than the second. I like it when characters die and heroes do things they shouldn't--at least in an action anime. But I was wondering, does anyone else get sick of flying mechas? I don't mind when they fly for a little while, but I can't stand it when they spend most of a battle flying. It makes me wonder why they bothered putting legs on the things if they aren't going to use them.
  4. Gundam seed was good. But their habit of recycling footage drove me crazy at times. And the main two characters, after their initial period of development, became quite dull. The secondary characters were great all the way through though. I'm actually just starting to watch Destiny now. I'm not at a point where I can judge it. What about Gundam 00 though? How's that compared to Seed?
  5. This is the internet. Even if the letter is real, it would be no small feat to continue the project with a different name on a different site. It is like when a studio tries to take down a fansubbing group. When I was watching Death Note, four fansubbing groups got taken down by cease and desist letters but many of the members simply moved to another group and continued the work.
  6. Egads, he's a singer not a philosopher or a columnist. Why don't we crucify Sting next for writing "Every breath you take". Art is often about intoxication, which is why we often appreciate songs that go with a particular feeling. Billy Joel's "Honesty" and "She's Always a Woman" both portray similar feelings but different outlooks--and both are feelings that a person is likely to have at some point in a relationship. As to whether is is a dick though, it is probably better to look at his personal life than his songs. His behavior towards criticism is a good place to begin ripping into him.
  7. I've had one for a few months. Definitely a cool item. Perhaps it's because I've been in Japan, but unlike a regular DS you can use it very easily to flirt or do similar cool stuff.
  8. Credit Card companies make the bulk of their money on the semi-responsible and those who are irresponsible until they realize they can barely pay their bills. People who always pay everything immediately don't give them much money and people who are too irresponsible could lead to the credit card company losing money (things lose value after purchase). Credit allows you to spread a big cost out over time--that's its major advantage. I've been stubborn and paid everything with cash so far--but I am have not had to make any 5-digit purchases yet.
  9. There is nothing unrealistic about a gunblade. Gun-swords even existed for a time in history. They were seen as a solution to early guns taking so long to reload, so a sword was built around the gun. Before they invented bayonets, muskets were often spun around and used as clubs when things got close. Early bayonets were simply knives jammed down the muzzle of the gun. The only thing odd things about the gunblade are the level of refinement of the gun itself (a revolver) and the fact that the gun was used only to supplement the swinging of the sword. But I'm sure we would have developed them if people were durable enough to justify what would normally be overkill.
  10. I think that I may just wait for Super Street Fighter IV Omega Turbo Ultimate Championship edition deluxe.
  11. Villains can get away with being "Har Har Har, I'm Evil". The thing is, they have to do it right. Kefka in FFVI was a good example of a villain who enjoyed being evil and substituted craziness for depth. And they did it right. I think the major advantage of the 8bit and 16bit RPGs over the newer RPGs is that they often tell the same breadth of story in a lot less time. When Tales of Phantasia takes a LONG time to beat, it takes a long time to beat because you spend a long time actually playing the game. On the other hand, when FFVIII takes a long time it is for a very different reason. And the graphics were just bad enough for imagination to take over. Kind of like when you read a book.
  12. Sophitia and Mitsurugi in SC & SC2. I initially chose Sophitia because I figured not as many people would pick her and I was impressed by her jumps. And Mitsurugi, he simply flows in combat. One of the best parts though, was that I had a friend who also mastered Mitsurugi and we would constantly duel with the two. Sometimes we would practically mirror each other, but at other times it was as though we were playing two entirely different characters.
  13. I've decided to go more for a list of memorable moments than memorable games. Playing Mario Brothers when I was three/four and repeatedly being killed by the first goomba. Swinging over a pit of fire in Bionic Commando (before first grade). Mega Man 2: beating Wind Man; then beating the other Robot Masters; pounding my way through Wily's Fortress. (either this or Bionic Commando was the first game I ever beat). Going out to search for secrets in Zelda (throughout childhood). Figuring out the Forest of Illusion (Oh look, I found a secret exit...oh, it brings me back to where I started). In A Link to the Past, beating the first dark-world boss using bombs instead of the hammer because I was too stupid to try the hammer. Fighting Magus in Chrono Trigger for the first time. And then arriving at Zeal. Trying to make my way through the ghost floor in Lands of Lore. The song wasn't creepy at first, but after getting drubbed by enemies that sneak about, walk through walls, are highly resistant to most attacks and offer no chances of rest: it becomes very creepy. Discovering Warcraft and RTS. Playing the "Survive for 30 minutes" level in Starcraft, having my base get overrun in the last minute and the rescue come as my SCVs were starting to battle. Seeing the walls bleed in Eternal Darkness and fleeing the room in terror. Edit: Might not count because I almost forgot it. But spending an hour taking down Fafnir after getting thoroughly thrashed in the first minute of the fight in FFXII. And a similar battle against Zodiac where I had to shift to a two-person party to slow down how fast he killed me.
  14. Minesweeper
  15. Price. Systems with Windows tend to be far cheaper than their equivalent Apple systems. As to Vista, if the best that can be said about it is that it can be made to be like XP, I'll stick with XP.
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