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Everything posted by JadeAuto

  1. 4 'Movies', with 5 sections each. Each movie takes about 1-2 hours to complete, depending on difficulty level and your team. Replayability: Astronomical.
  2. One thing struck me as I played a normal match this morning before work (or tried to) - How your success rate goes dosen't depend on difficulty level. It's 80% teamwork. On No Mercy, I had a guy this morning sit outside the safe room on the subway level and pick off boss infected for 10 minutes at 1% health before continuing the campaign, even with 3 other people telling him to get a move on. On the other hand, same team ran into a tank in the Sewers and was cremated within 10 seconds, leaving me to stumble around trying to pump enough lead into it to save the game... and I failed, as it's tough on any difficulty to solo a tank in the Sewers. Too narrow and not well enough lit to run. I'm only playing No Mercy until I can succeed at it. Overall, this game is going to keep me occupied for a very long time. Feel free to friends list me on Steam if you want a game. I promise not to friendly fire you!
  3. Just finished my first runthrough of No Mercy on Advanced. I thought I was prepared to run with n00bs on that... holy cow. We did allright until the middle of the sewers, then we got creamed. Must have seen 5-6 tanks during the campaign. At the finale (awesome btw), only our 'Zoey' made it on the copter, with the other guy getting pwn'd as he tried to get on... Best game ever. Seriously. Buy it now if you haven't yet. And play with me.
  4. congrats, you two!
  5. JadeAuto = JadeAuto I should go make me a sig. And a sandwich. Was anyone else having server issues tonight? Plastik and I got one game in, then when Damned and Mattoco tried joining up, we had massive dedicated server issues.
  6. Plastik and I need two more if anyone's perusing and wants a quick advanced/expert game.
  7. anyone playing tonight? I'd love to play with anyone from OCR.
  8. go go preloading. Having a blast with this game.
  9. Yeah, that's true. And realistically, the only time you might need the reflector is the ... you know, bit where you're given it right before that other bit... Not to spoil the fun or anything.
  10. The problem with the reflector (and I'm sure why it has such a large reload time) is that if you could use it any quicker, it would make so much of the game trivial to blitz through that there would be no skill required. It's a balance thing. Sure, it'd be nice to use it more often, but the timer on it is fair enough - If there was more to be blocked than one or two shots, you need to be thinking about the situation tactically.
  11. This game is one of the best games I've played in years. Style, music, story, simple gameplay... I'd *almost* compare this in enjoyment the first go-around to my very first playthrough of super metroid when I was younger. That's high praise! Seriously, the song in the credits really hit it home that this was an incredible game. Can't wait to see the next game from these guys, that's for sure.
  12. I have died and gone to heaven. The BEST GAME EVAR, now to be replayed on one of the most unique game systems out there. I can't wait!
  13. Like others have said, 1:26-1:27, where Crazy Motorcycle kicks in is just pure bliss. One of the most rockin' kick-butt songs I've ever heard posted here, and definitely in my top 10.
  14. Woah. Definitely a good take on the Ocean Palace theme. I get this song stuck in my head alot playing through my mp3's (from other remixes), however, this version definitely grooves. Listening with my headphones at work, I can hear no major flaws. Nicely done, Audix.
  15. I have had this remix on various CD's to relax to. I even took part of it, and hacked my Razr phone (via hex editor) to be able to have my own mp3's on it; just so I could use this song from 2:56 onward as my ringtone. This remix has always jived with me. And it inspires me to someday ReMix. 9.9 of 10 anxious hearts. (Nothing's perfect)
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