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Everything posted by JadeAuto

  1. i can haz cheezeburger?

  2. amazingly, quoted for truth. If people would think spatially instead of campalistically, this wouldn't be an issue. The spitter's pretty well balanced, I think - except in expert, there she just freaking owns.
  3. I play Male characters when I'm in an MMO - for my main character. This is what everyone gets to know me as, and everyone refers to me by this toon. Alts are free and open games for female characters. Single player games, i usually always play females. Why? I prefer looking at something pretty than looking at a male toon for hours and hours of playtime. (eg. I usually have Tifa and Yuffie in ff7, Terra/Celes in ff6, Rena in so2:2nd, amazon/sorc in d2) I also usually have set names for most of my characters. Main is always a variant of Melchior (Melichor). Alts usually go the Gandalaran route (Rikardon, Tarani) or the D'Arnath path (Seriana). Except on steam MMO games, and messageboards. Then it's simply JadeAuto, all the way.
  4. i smell bleck drama
  5. No offense JC, but If we had known some of the facts you just posted when you made your comment in the first place, some of the points we've been making would have been lessened or not made due to knowing your situation. I prefer spending money on a computer once every 4-5 years, and being able to cart along all my media, my games, my important things, and to not have to worry about hardware/etc for another 4-5 years. I haven't bought a console since I picked up my PS2Slim several years back. There's been no draw to the current gen for me. Sidepoint: If you have a computer (say for work) and it's a powerful beast of a machine, there's no reason at all not to have a video card installed on it for gaming in the off-hours (unless it's a server of some sort, or purpose critical).
  6. In the demo: The first long street (right after the cafe with the jukebox), it has around a 30% chance of replacing the handgun at the end of the street. I haven't seen it spawn anywhere else.
  7. Sent you a PM, need your email address to send the key...
  8. Yeah, I've been reading up on it. I think it'll take me a bit to learn to last hit/deny. Almost seems too 'twitchy'.
  9. Hehe, I was one of the first giving them away, I simply decided to uninstall and such since i couldn't get the hang of it. I'm willing to give it another shot now. BTW: If anyone wants, I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 17 available keys to toss out. PM me for one.
  10. Do you all teach portly n00bs in friendly games, or is this a "learn on your own, then come play" kinda game?
  11. Sword/Machette is good because it's thin and it's damage path is narrow and... sharp. Guitar/frying pan, while fun the first few times, just lacks... staying power. The Magnum is fairly balanced, for only having single-wield and 8 shots. The alternate shotguns are just like auto-shotty from L4D1. If anything at all, personally I think valve will modifiy the spitter - she's too quiet. She can seriously hit you hard before you even know she's there. Much more stealthy than any of the other infected - you can hear the jockey from a mile away.
  12. This and this. Magnum is amazing. And the AI was totally crushing us. You know how we'd make it through the L4D1 demo on expert repeatedly? This time, you get taken on hardcore.
  13. Good stuff for the drive in to work every morning. Thanks GT!
  14. It's a sign of the times. Everyone doesn't remember that just a short few years ago, people had this little thing called patience and were able to hold themselves without injury until something was released, or granted properly, or given when it was released. People whining about this are just another facet of the multi-marked sign of the times we live in. A world without patience, without honor.
  15. Selling: Game Cube (Black) + 2 controllers (black/purple) Metroid Prime (gc) [in players choice case, w/ manual and prime 2 demo disc] Metroid Prime 2 (gc) [in case, w/ manual] Super Smash Brothers Melee (gc) [in case w/ manual] 2 GC Memory Cards Rune Factory 2 (DS) w/ original box and instruction manual Guitar Hero On Tour Decades (DS) (no box, comes w/ instruction manual and grip and pick) Neon Genesis Evangelion (Platinum Condition, pdg condition) Grenadier (complelte, pdg condition) Thinking about selling but not really decided about (eg. make me a really good offer and I'll consider it): Chrono Cross (ps1) [original pressing, w/ manual. good to very good cond.]
  16. /feedback The darker main colors are nice. Especially when you can compare it to the unmodified toons in the corner - the colors "pop" out at you better. The sidebar being gone dosen't bother me at all - in fact, I like having more horizontal space devoted to... everything else. The mega drop-downs sometimes get hidden behind the site logo (especially if you're in a smaller resolution) but to be honest, if you aren't running at at least 1280x1024 these days, you may need to think of upgrading your monitor. **Edit: seems like this is only for the old avatars. the converted ones don't have this issue - when they're all converted, this will be a non-issue** Will leave more later. Initial reaction: I like it. /end feedback
  17. my god the default look is.... scary
  18. bump $26 at Costco isn't that bad, really. About to start playing it.
  19. Neko, this kicks all kinds of ass. Love it. This goes on my 'rock out' playlist instantly.
  20. Bought it this morning. There's lots of us who want to play. I'll be around when I get home from work today. "JadeAuto". Wait, that's familiar for some reason...
  21. I totally agree with this one. It's good music when it's snowing and you're watching it fall, as well. Personally, any time I listen to 311's From Chaos album, and Depeche Mode's Exciter, I'm reminded of playing Everquest, specifically the summer I spent playing it in 2001. Velious = Amber. Nuff said haha. Befallen = Dream On. Weird, I know...
  22. I agree here. There still is room for improvement.
  23. Indeed. Count me in. Chadly, Ferret and I tried to play last night but the servers were acting wonky.
  24. Rodrigo Y Gabriela - 11:11 Awesome CD. Been listening to it all week.
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