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Everything posted by JadeAuto

  1. The more tournaments, the better.
  2. If you want to try hamachi later I'll be up for it. :D

    let me know.


  3. If I have to install on my laptop and play from a sekrit source, so be it. I *think* 1v1 will work on bnet, and i'll continue to test today any way you look at it, this'll be fun! *edit - if anyone wishes to help me test hamachi to make sure I have a viable way of not failing by default in this tournament, pm me or message me on steam: JadeAuto Second edit*: 1v1's on bnet work fine for me, so I'm good there. More than 1v1? I am le screwed. Play you all soon!
  4. No Resub! or, No, Resub!. Punctuation is everything here.
  5. Heh, Evolution vs. ID or Creation or whatever is an argument hotter than whether Peanut Butter or Jelly came first. It's also a topic that everyone has an opinion on, and right or wrong in it can't easily be determined yet. Also Faith comes into play for some. Oh wait, we're talking about a different usage of the word Evolution, when applied to structures in a smaller non-aeonic timeline. Nevermind.
  6. No ability to turn it off, either on the router or on the modem. /sigh Two to one I could get it working on Hamachi (fake networks ftw), but Bnet wants to spite me
  7. I'm almost positive it's a router issue, though it's weird. I have the proper ports for SC forwarded, and I've gone sofar as to turn my main computer into the DMZ zone with all firewalls off... yet I still get the worst lag ever as soon as I hop on B.Net. I've googled to try and solve the problem, but to no avail currently. Running a Linksys WRT54GS2 at the moment. WC3 and WoW work just fine, as do L4D, TF2, and any steam product I have. It's frustrating.
  8. JadeAuto: JadeAuto, Lurkin around the Zerg swarm. Going to try and fix my lag issue before the tourney, would love to play!
  9. Hell yes. I'd love to get in on this. If only we can run it over hamachi, I seem to have an unresolved latency problem on battle.net - I can connect, but my ping is retarded for some reason. Dosen't affect any other game I have. Just starcraft. I'm in anyways
  10. I think that's great and all, but I thought this thread was to discuss rationally why you like or dislike the new movie. In essence, everyone's opinion is valid, and to argue about right and wrong on a purely opinion matter just qualifies as mildly annoying entertainment for the rest of us. Having said that, I personally was quite impressed by the movie. I think the time-travel plot elements, though somewhat swiss-cheese like, were well done, and passable enough to qualify as a good start to a re-telling of Star Trek. p.s. the green chick was hot. Doesn't anyone else think so?
  11. Honestly, it's hard to track down a copy of the Phoenix Legacy. There's a new author's guild reprint on amazon, but it's $20 for each book. It was worth it for me, as I read the last set of them I had to death. If you can find copies at a used book store, leap on it. As for the Mistborn books... Amazon is your friend, and for $24 for all three.. can't be beat.
  12. The Mistborn Trilogy, by Brandon Sanderson (The Final Empire, The Well of Ascension, The Hero of Ages) This trilogy is the best fantasy story I've ever read. (Brandon's the one finishing the Wheel of Time series for Robert Jordan, r.i.p.) The Phoenix Legacy - by M. K. Wren (Martha Kay Renfoe) (The Sword of the Lamb, The Shadow of the Swan, and The House of the Wolf) Best Sci-fi trilogy ever. Look both these series up, you won't regret it. I'm reading both right now.
  13. Spock giggling beside himself with glee.
  14. That was awesome.
  15. gabbagabbahey bigred guile Name the game. It reset your score, which is why I eventually beat it without. But damn, in the day, it was fun. Cheats, imo, should be as described earlier - allowable, but they remove the ability to gain achievements/points/etc. People should be allowed to enjoy the game as they see fit. Some people play just for story. Others for acomplishment. I play to have fun. End of line.
  16. YAAAY! I remember seeing this on the wip forums, downloading it, and being blown away. It's about freaking time!!! Yes, Corridor of Time has been mixed to hell and back. But this mix... It's one of the best mixes of this theme out there. (There's only one other metal/guitar version of this theme (and schala's theme, part two of that set) that I would even say is close - and that version is too repetitive to qualify, i think, to be a ReMix - but I love it in it's own way). Anyhow, enough offtopic'ing. This mix rocks the house. If you love CT, and you hate Zeal, still... try this one on for size! The solo later on definitely has the metalica groove going on - a bit lighter, a bit fluffier, but still, good stuff. Excelent production work. Also sounds great on a pioneer car stereo at maximum volume - no distortion, so it was mixed fantastically. Great job, and an excelent ReMix. Gogo April 09!
  17. Quoted for truth. I haven't found a game delivery system better than Steam. I was skeptical at first, but seriously, it's worth it.
  18. Donated $15.00 - The device must always be modified!
  19. Sweet. I loved playing this when it came out. Then playing all the music on Audiosurf. Now I get another double dose. Fantastic!
  20. switched over. wheee?
  21. It's a shame it's not available commercially anymore. There are some of us who dislike pirating things that would love to spend cash to have legal versions of these things. Case in point, I learned my lesson on this the hard way last weekend - tried finding a serial key generator to crack an mp3 tagger, ended up downloading malware instead and having a nice 16-hour malware removal session, instead of a nice weekend. All would have been averted had I chosen to spend the $20 for a full version of that specific program. Same rule applies here - I'd rather spend the money on it than get tainted files.
  22. Same as Dhsu, lost outbreak, kept the rest. Not sure why Outbreak reset though. Or how Damned lost everything. Anyone have any additional clues?
  23. Interested, yes. Able to make it? No idea. Government audits at work have sapped my ability to know if I can get Friday off. I'll know by tommorrow night if I'm able to swing the day off. Would be enjoyable, definitely.
  24. Link on a Train is like Snakes on a Plane. "I'm tired of these M* Links on this M* train!" Both hilarious to watch, but not worth the money... (imo - the only Celda done right was Wind Waker, for size of game. PH felt like a milk-the-cow game).
  25. Here's an interesting situation I'd like all of your thoughts on. Say you purchase a CD. You rip the mp3's for personal use. Somewhere along the line, you lose both the CD and the mp3's from the CD. Do you view re-downloading the CD via torrent as acceptable? Or do you shell out more cash for yet another "legal" copy? The way I see this situation is like this: I've already supported X band or Y software company or Z retailer with my business. Through no fault of my own, my copy is damaged/destroyed/lost beyond my abilities to restore it. The only option left is to 1) repurchase the cd/dvd/software/etc, or 2) download it via torrent/etc. In my opinion, I don't see an issue with re-downloading a digital copy of said material, as long as you've purchased/supported the entity at least once. Hell, I've bought certain cd's two or three times, and each time I've had them stolen/etc. Rather than continue to spend more money on something I had already purchased the rights to, I see no reason to not re-download that item. Now, if there's software that I've never bought before (I'm looking at you, oh desirable music sequencing software), much as I would *love* to download it and get away with it, my conscience tells me that that's stealing; e.g. taking something I have not specifically purchased the rights to use. This is what some people forget when they talk of downloading. Company A has the right to decide how and where to sell their product. It's not up to Joe Hacker or Jill Downloader to decide they want to stick it to the man and rip them off. If they want something that has the same abilities, I'd love to see Joe and Jill go and start an OSS company and provide a program with the same capabilities for free. Then, Company A would have to be competitive with their product as you can get something similar for free, and thus have to either switch to offering their product for free, or go out of business. Or offer a technical support model or some other tangible benefit to the customer who decides to pay for their software. Going back to the previous candy bar analogy - If you buy a candy bar, you buy the rights to consume/eat/waste/destroy/whatnot that candy bar. Nobody can tell you what you can and can-not do with it. However, that candy bar is made up of physical matter that cannot currently be replicated, duplicated, or copied in any shape, way, or form. If you steal the candy bar, then you have not paid for the rights for that candy bar, and thus are stealing because the say of the manufacturer/seller are still in effect. It's hard to tie in a candybar to this analogy, because technology has made what is impossible with physical matter in a 'copying' sense possible.. Copying data still leaves the original material intact - If there was a way to copy a candy bar from a shelf at a store, and not have to pay for it, and leave the original intact and have no harm done, then the candy bar analogy would fit the bill here. In my mind, it all boils down to respect. If you respect a company for what they are trying to do, and you respect the law and the governmental authorities set in place at this point in time, then because of that respect you purchase what you want, or you follow the law and don't purchase it, don't download it, just do without. If you have no respect for a company/entity/government/artist, then of course your conscience is going to justify downloading an unlicensed, unauthorized copy of whatever music/video/program/insert copyable item here. Yes, I've pirated certain items in the past. Usually as trial methods on full software that does not have an applicable trial/demo period, to see if that software would fit my needs for a specific task or project. Once I locate said software that will do what I need it to, usually I follow up by uninstalling and deleting the illegal copy, and purchasing the full version from the company who creates the software, to support more quality programming from that entity. Hope I didn't ramble too much here. *edit - for clarity on a few ambiguous sentences, and spellcheck*
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