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Everything posted by halc

  1. halc

    hey man. yeah, sorry for the delay, been somewhat busy; I'll try to get you some feedback soon. :)

  2. big improvements on the leads. some of the articulations are still a little funny, but overall sounding much more realistic. love this mix. your style is extremely accessible (and somewhat addicting). best of luck with the panel!
  3. why do i bother making my tracks so long? I could have made twice as many remixes by now. nah, I'd never do such a mean thing to the judges. glad to see that super-short, yet awesome mixes like this (that manage to get the 'point' across in such a short timespan) can still make the cut. you definitely got a knack for that. speaking of which, what ever happened to that little chippy 'town guide' or whatnot mix? that shoulda been on the album. excellent track bro.
  4. listened to this (for the first time in quite a long while) in the car with Souliarc on the way to VGL.. though it's one of those mixes I listened to all the time back in the day, regardless of having not played the game nor heard it's music; I just thought it was an all-around bitchin' track (and it still is!).
  5. glad to see this in the initial flood! I believe this was the very last track accepted on the album, and rightfully so. love it when the main bassline finally comes in. just one question.. what on earth does 'Argent Vexemon' mean?
  6. that would be one of mine! ('My Friend Mudkip', it's the only R/S/E mix on the album. )
  7. i ripped off will's limerick so bad. honored to be part of the debut post, with two of mah best english remixin' buds.
  8. bawww consider this one on the eventual-to-do-list. just for you, kb.
  9. i love this. good on ya for throwing in-game sounds in there.. that's my ultimate remixing vice. this actually would of fit in pretty well with the TSOS lineup. it makes me happy to see Sonic 1 getting some love outside of the project as well. great debut. please submit more.
  10. thirding the issue with the high bell frequencies. I don't think that bell sample itself fits into the rest of the soundscape as well as it could, but it still works. the ending is a bit of a let-down too but otherwise, damn. this is really awesome! you should submit this (maybe tweak those bells first), it is definitely OCR-quality work imo.
  11. I use pattern blocks for instruments/percussion, and clips for automation (and of course audio clips, when applicable). I abuse the clone pattern and split by channel options. I will usually go though and label all of my patterns, instruments and mixer channels once I've got a good foundation for a mix, but I usually don't keep up with it after that. my projects end up pretty disorganized, usually at least 100 patterns. and I never use channel grouping beyond the basic 'unsorted', 'audio clips' and 'automation clips'.
  12. what are you getting at, salluz? that the song isn't perfect? obviously it's not, no song is, but those votes both got big yes's underneath 'em. I'm not a judge, but I'm not afraid to say for myself with confidence that this song is above OCR's bar. it wouldn't be posted if it wasn't. anyway, I had a lot of fun making this, and I'm glad there are so many of you enjoying it. I could give less of a shit about the rest.
  13. awesome stuff, justin. i guess i'm a little partial to electronica (lol) so I was happy to hear those synths and beatz kick in. great blend of synth and orchestra, love the vocals too. really ambitious stuff, can't wait to hear the finished cut, man.
  14. of course not! i've done a few pokemixes myself, yknow.
  15. protodome mk 2 seriously have you ever remixed anything besides pokemon?
  16. Rozo's right about it sounding 'dark', that's a good word for it actually. considering all the square and pulsewaves in here, i'm not getting any scratchy-ear high frequencies. I want more highs! the arrangement is good, always evolving, good subtle additions and changes as it goes. the main motif does get a bit repetitive though. the heavier sections are kinda muddy too, there's just so much going on with your chiptune leads and harmonies, piano, bass, strings, etc etc. check out your EQ's on every instrument and cut any frequencies you don't need. the drums kinda weak, could use more punch and variation in the rhythms. a little drowned in reverb and delay too. i know its a stylistic thing here, especially with the kick- it might not be so much of an issue if you can clean up the rest of the soundscape a bit. overall, a little rough production-wise, but the arrangement is pretty promising. keep it up!
  17. yup, no problem man. your inbox is full, btw. ;-)

  18. i love your chiptune and synth leads. sweet the arps at :40, but the melody at :58.. damn, so good. i think your main gated synth could use a little more prominent filter automation through the melody section to keep things flowing, felt a little raw/static sometimes to me compared to all the surrounding elements. 3:15=sex i love this. do note that I have listened to this over (fairly decent) laptop speakers, but everything sounded crisp and clear to me. good production, great arrangement.. sub this thing, man.
  19. 1. Please do not make multiple threads for the same mix. If you have updated your track, please find your original thread and bump it. 2. Do not post multiple songs in the same thread. If you have more than one remix to post, make a separate thread for each (within reason.. please don't post 15 threads at once; yes, it has happened ), and always state the game in the thread title. *Album/multiple track releases using the 'Album/Other' prefix are the only exception to this rule.
  20. i don't like the fade-in intro, the filter is really heavy and it just sounds muddy. the sfx and drop are great though. this is a pretty awesome housey arrangement, with some cool glitching. I really liked the 'stretchy' part around 2:00. the production is not quite there yet though. just feels a little unprocessed to me... some of your synths feel raw (though generally I liked the sound choices) and that clap is really dry. i thought all of the drum samples were pretty vanilla. 3:05-end wasn't as climactic as I'd like it to be. seemed like some of the earlier sections had more energy going. i'd give this just a little more time, to collect a few more comments, and continue tweaking the track just a bit. TLC. the arrangment is great, but this would be a close call because of the production.
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