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Everything posted by halc

  1. there are 3 special stage mixes, all littered with cameos of other themes. tracks 4, 7 and 10. edit: DAMN. ninja'd
  2. i'll probably go to this, as long as we get the cheap tickets.
  3. halc

    just a reminder.. not to worry about the FF9 track. I still don't have progress *that I can show yet* but it's gonna get done.

  4. only one un-wip'd track (in reliable hands, though). the other remaining wips are on the right path. we're very close now, so let's push to have this baby done in april!
  5. i'm so excited for this! Jose's trailer is amazing. for anyone wondering, 'Insert Rupee' is the collab work of chthonic and I.
  6. emphasis mine, we've been putting this off for far too long. it still depresses me that we no longer have kh-SERIOUS.flp.
  7. lol. the tricky part is trying to make time for everything else! (yknow, sleep, work, sex, ect.) really though, I just like to have a lot of stuff in progress all at once so I have options as to what to work on, because I tend to knock out a good minute or two of a mix all at once and then get burned out on it. i also tend to finish lots of stuff all at once.
  8. yup, that's me! that was the first song i submitted to OCR (rejected, obviously), but I've always liked the title so it carried over when i made this. i'll upload a zip of my old pre-ocr mixes soon. glad you enjoyed the mix, and thanks everyone else for all the comments as well! <3 edit: http://halc9bit.com/private/oldstuff.zip pfff really, thank you man, that means so much to me.. you are a powerful musical inspiration in my life
  9. haha, no worries man, happens to all of us. your interest and support is appreciated nonetheless
  10. awesome low-bit stuff! i love the way it blends with the guitars. crazy visionary arrangement as usual too.. you're an inspiration. keep churning out amazing remixes please.
  11. i love the highpassed intro.. nice lead synth modulation too. and is that a peach i'm hearing at the 50% mark? nice work, and congrats on the debut mix!
  12. really enjoyed it! that major-key bit was brilliantly executed. fine work, sir.
  13. he was just trying to get nerdy band chicks to play with his picross
  14. ha! fun/depressing post there, I love m8bp.. but he does it better than me. D:

  15. as it stands, mid/late march. no guarantees, though.
  16. awesome! i love this source too, so it's nice to see it get any coverage, let alone by you. can't wait to hear the finished version, dude. that chorus at 1:43 was epic.
  17. ditto. here's hoping it shows up on the OCR youtube before too long..
  18. good! i feel the exact same way! (..of course having compulsively listened to the thing hundreds of times by now, I may be excited for slightly different reasons ) Sonic 2 was technically the first game I owned but Sonic 1 was the first game I ever played, and the music obviously left a huge impact on me.. i hope everyone's amazing work on this album blows your mind as it did mine!
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