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Everything posted by halc

  1. indeed, not a lot more to add unfortunately. the arrangement is a fine start, a bit conservative, but you show some chops. ultimately, this is just suffering from amateur sound design/production, and there's not a lot of guidance to offer aside from keep writing music, and comparing the instrument quality/mixing/balance with other artists tracks. a penchant for good production just comes with practice. as far as some straightforward crits for this piece, the drums are definitely way too quiet and lack punch, as OA mentioned. you have several kinda similar synth timbres going on most of the time, they can tend to sound muddy or bleed into each other, try cutting out some of the frequencies on each instrument with an equalizer so that they all occupy their own space without stepping on each others toes. and in general the synth sounds were kinda generic sounding and static- adding some more sweeps/automations can help give a part more life. best of luck and keep at it. NO
  2. interesting expansion on a short tune, I like it. the piece is very dynamic which really plays to it's benefit a lot. definitely the most solid sub I've heard from you yet. incorporation of the guitar was really tightly executed. personal preference, wasn't loving the synth sound as much, would've went for a less.. typical techno-styled sound there for lack of better words, but it was well done none-the-less. really nice job here. YES
  3. jeez gario, going a little off the rails there. I think you need a bit of an attitude adjustment.
  4. I'd be interested. halcyonmix(a)gmail.com if you'd like to give me a shot.
  5. I feel as if there are small production things I want to critique, but I'm not sure exactly how to spit them out. for what it's worth I enjoyed this, that bassline was really slick and the mixing was solid overall despite me wanting to twiddle with it .. dug the slowed-down take on the theme too, definitely didn't have any trouble hearing the source throughout this. nice work once again, my friend. edit: not noticing the cutoff ending, seems to taper off that last note just fine, to me anyway. YES
  6. good comment by DragonAvenger- the overall soundscape clicks as a whole, but the sounds on their own are definitely kinda vanilla sounding (as well as stiffly sequenced and articulated) and not too far from their original genesis counterparts, just more hi-fidelity. I'll have to agree that the main issue here is the arrangement, which as far as I can tell is pretty much a straight cover outside of a few grace notes- you need to do more to make it your own.. changing the key, chords or tempo, adding your own harmonies/original melodies/solos, adapting it to a different style or set of instruments.. anything along those lines. as it is this is just too close to the original for us to consider as an ocremix. keep at it though, and hope to hear more from you in the future! NO
  7. I probably would've likef the source if like, ANYTHING else happened in it. struck an earthbound vibe with me at first, until I realized a minute later that nothing would. haha. either way, pretty solid mix you've got here, with a ton of great expansion on that 2 bar loop of a source. mixing could have been a little brighter in the high end imo, but overall things were pretty well-executed. keep up the good work. YES
  8. damn fine arrangement, with a lot of really great development and a pretty unique, introspective sound. easy pass for me; nice work here. YES
  9. agreed, this needs a little more on the arrangement end of things. production is pretty solid to be sure, and the gee-tar playin' is excellent, but the composition needs to spread it's wings a bit more. hope to hear a resub. NO(resub)
  10. I can hear where the other judges are coming from as far as the soundscape being sparse, and I'm inclined to agree, however the piece as it is has a really nice and interesting stereo spread/mic placement, and the whole recording just has this fantastic clarity to it. can't say the sparseness kept me from enjoying the track. really liked this one a lot, nice work! YES
  11. the drums felt pretty thin to me, and the sequencing a bit stiff, but overall the production was pretty serviceable and the arrangement was definitely rocking. agreed with OA's comment about the lack of a strong melody for a lot of the track, but like him I thought the variation in the rhythms and such kept it really fresh. have another YES
  12. thanks so much for the positive words, and to everyone else who's commented as well. the reception has been great so far, please keep spreading the word!
  13. I can't attend GenCon due to work, however I work in the Circle Center mall parking garages, which many of you will likely be parking in. definitely down for some quick on the clock meetups over the weekend.
  14. get the album! it's free (or if you want to help me buy a MASCHINE / pay off the engagement ring.. any price you want ;D)! please like, tweet, share, UPVOTE ON REDDIT, whatever you're into.. and most of all, enjoy!! <3 http://www.gamechops.com/halc-hydrocity/ http://halc.bandcamp.com/album/hydrocity-2
  15. EDIT: DOWNLOAD LINKS! http://halc.bandcamp.com/album/hydrocity-2 http://www.gamechops.com/halc-hydrocity/ Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you all know that my new full length album, Hydrocity, will be releasing tonight on GameChops netlabel! The gracious KyleJCrb is hosting a listening party tonight at 7:30pm EST on Arecibo Radio! The album will release immediately after the party, at which time I'll update this thread with a link to the album on bandcamp. If you're free tonight, please consider attending the listening party. It will be good music and good times. Hope to see you there! also, an afterthought for those who are curious- I will have the physicals for PPC tomorrow, and will be shipping them out ASAP. Expect them to arrive by the end of the week!
  16. these tracks have a super peppy, retro vibe that harkens back to the days of such mixes as 'Door Into Chaotix'; darn good stuff. check this out for (more than) your daily dose of synth wankery.
  17. I think it's a pretty solid package as it is and would probably be more inclined to go ahead and YES this now had I been the first vote, as I don't have much to offer aside from Larry's arrangement and OA's production advices. hit up those points they mentioned and send it back! you clearly got the chops for this arranging business, I'm just waiting to hear you nail the execution on one of these tracks. NO(resub)
  18. definitely agreeing with Larry re: vanilla synths, which I thought were kinda problematic throughout the track, not just particular to the intro. however, this was definitely a good step up from the last iteration of this track. still pretty close, but I'll take it. YES(borderline)
  19. really excellent sounds and production on this one! but yeah... too conservative, this one. I think people will definitely enjoy this one whenever the album goes public, but unfortunately I have to go with a NO here. great work though! NO
  20. ah okay. well, my previous vote still stands, except now I'm hearing the connections. the arrangement isn't interpretive enough for our bar as it stands. NO
  21. Deia laid down a solid vote on this one. definitely wasn't expecting it to break into electronica when the intro started, but I liked the song a lot better when it did. ;P as the other J's mentioned, brass sample at the beginning is super weak sounding, and while I thought the trance instrumentation was all pretty finely executed, the overall piece could just use a little more TLC, particularly spicing up the arrangement a bit more, and maybe layering in another layer or two of sounds as things sound a bit sparse at times, especially since there's not really a strong melodic presence, it's mostly just progression. gotta go with a resub on this one for now, but I hope we hear more from you! NO(resub)
  22. can say a lot of the same things about the samples and such as my fellow J's, but I was digging this quite a bit personally. I actually thought the synth bass kinda worked well- coulda gone for a more sophisticated sound, but I thought the mix of acoustic instrumentation with the electronic drums and bass worked really well. definitely one of my favorite soundscapes of yours, as generally in your past subs I've felt the mix of world/electronic stuff never felt entirely cohesive. this one hits the sweet spot for me. nice job on the composition as well; hadn't heard this source, but I was digging it, and wasn't sure what to expect when I started your mix. very interpretive, with some nice harmonic changes. no complaints really, I thought this was a solid package in most regards. definitely a yes from me! YES
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