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Everything posted by halc

  1. halc is a super-ever-loving dude, that was just drew's venting after a few shots of gin. we have a sorta schizophrenic relationship.
  2. no drama, just a dude that needs to keep his preemptive hate to himself and let the artists do what they enjoy. we're not asking anyone to like every genre and/or song on the album, and a little bit of dubstep certainly isn't going to 'ruin' the album, and hopefully we'll still be able to provide a good 30+ tracks that he will enjoy. excuse me for getting a little worked up, but that post was basically a slap to Rockos' face (who IMO, happens to produce some pretty enjoyable, eclectic electro/dubstep). feel free to voice your opinions in the review thread when the album is out, but don't talk shit about songs that literally have not even been created yet.
  3. just wanted to drop in and mention that I'd potentially be interested in picking up a track if someone drops, although it looks like everyone's got a handle on their wips so far. this is a project I've thought about starting at least 20 times in the past, heh.. so I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how it all comes together. Best of luck to everyone.
  4. damn, this song is old as dirt by now, haha. so awesome to see this project finally pan out. hope you guys enjoy!
  5. yeah. there is a very particular scent that reminds me of playing pokemon blue for the first time, but I have not a clue how to describe it
  6. hHey guys! I just released my newest album, "Pixel Perfect Micro," as a reward for reaching 700 likes on my facebook page (THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO HELPED OUT <333), it is my first fully tracked chiptune album, written with LSDJ and recorded from a classic DMG Game Boy. We will be having an impromptu listening party tonight on Benjamin Briggs' livestream! It starts at 9:00pm EST, and I'll be in the chat to shoot the shit/answer questions/whatever, so come join us! Tune in at http://www.twitch.tv/benjamin_briggs As usual the album is available on my bandcamp for free or name your price. Hope you guys enjoy! http://halc.bandcamp.com/album/pixel-perfect-micro
  7. so true, even coming from a sega kid. i always thought it was so stupid that the GUI was all crammed into some black bar that took up 25% of the screen. also i don't remember the music, but it was probably awful compared to the SNES version, which is a fucking masterpiece
  8. this stuff is pro. t'was an honor to make an album cover for such a good album.
  9. wow, the atmosphere in this track is fucking awesome. never listened to the original submission, but I'm absolutely loving the experimental vibe. kinda reminds me of some of the stuff Sir Jordanius has been sending in. such crazy, intricate, interesting processing during the last quarter of the track, I can't get enough of it. real nice mix, I'm all over this. YES
  10. this track does a great job of using simple waves and samples to good effect. there's a certain spareseness to the soundscape at times, but it's not really a bother to me. surprising how chilled out this song makes me feel despite the high tempo and guitar stylings later in the track. awesome solo sequencing, your stuff definitely has a noticeable WillRock influence. pretty solid on both the arrangement and production fronts. good stuff. YES
  11. on the issue of the mixing, I definitely agree with Larry. I'm still gonna fall on the YES side of this vote, but I'd definitely prefer if the mixing were cleaned up just a bit more, with some of those louder sections and hits being toned back a bit (while still in keeping the excellent dynamics). absolutely great piece otherwise; lovely samples and performances, powerful arrangement. awesome work. YES
  12. Well the sad thing is that he already did that, I'm the reason 98% of the music exists, I recruited the artists, I kept on them to get shit done, and well I wrote like a third of the songs myself. the album musically has been 100% finished for over a year, maybe two by now. I know i havent been the most forthwright in pushing this thing towards an actual release but I honestly thought Arek (and co?) were still legitimately working towards an end on the whole art side of things this whole time. I don't really have anything useful to add here, just my disappointment of waking up to this without even a word to me, after yknow, making the album and all. Apologies for the drama, rest assured the music is finished and will see a respectable release thanks to the tireless efforts of Stevo and djp. Please look forward to it.
  13. I might perhaps maybe kinda be interested in something similar to or comparable to this
  14. Glad you're enjoying it! As for scrap brain, that would be track 11, "Clockwork Criminal"- its a bit of a liberal approach, but peep that melody again and you should hear it.
  15. Love the chiptune approach, very 9-bit. I think there are a lot of thing you're doing wright with this track, and some not so much. The track has an excellent groove but as big mentioned the drums are a bit weakly mixed, needs a little more snap. Also regarding some of those long notes on your chip leads- they can start sounding pretty monotonous pretty fast- chiptunes thrive on variation, so maybe tweaking the ASDR envelope on certain notes, adding some automation or even just some light side chaining can really give some more life to those longer notes and get them not sounding so much like a flatline. Digging the track a lot in a vacuum, but the mixing needs a lil more work before I can slap my stamp of approval on it. Really hoping to hear a resub of this if it doesn't pass this time around. NO(resub)
  16. Like Fishy I gotta agree, this is much, much stronger than the first act in every way, even though its a completely different style. Good variations and change ups, and a really interesting approach to the theme, some unique harmonic changes particularly with the melody. Really solid stuff here, a definite yes from me if you're willing to let us post it sans-act 1. YES
  17. Yeah, there's a definite lack of clarity, and those string sounds are really hurting this mix.. I'm liking the overall approach to the arrangement, but the sample quality and mixing alone are holding this one back for me. Revisit your individual sounds, eleminate some of the unneeded EQ's, should help clean up the mix a bit, you might need to find some different samples for some of those strings, or at least trying to tweak the articulation a a bit to get them sounding more natural NO(resub)
  18. definitely some quality or file compression issues here, apparent right off the bat with the resonance on those high piano notes. the sequencing is also pretty rigid, as well as the articulation on those string stabs. the arrangement was pretty solid although some more rhythmic and timberal variation would've kept things a bit more interesting, as the soundscape and groove are pretty static and doesn't evolve a whole lot over the course of the piece. A good start to be sure, but it needs a little more work before we can take it on as an OCR - hope you find these critiques helpful. I'd love to hear a resubmission sometime! NO(resub)
  19. Gotta cosign on vig's vote, Im really liking the arrangement and there's some great build ups and drops, but the mixing needs polish. It's also a bit over compressed which might be causing some of the balance issues with the leads. ease up on the master a bit, clean up the unneeded EQ's on your individual sounds and make sure everything has its proper place in the mix. Close call, and it's a great arrangement. Just give it another pass at the mixing and send it back! NO(resub)
  20. Wow, really loved the uplifting feel parts of this had compared to the moody original. Awesome harmonic modifications. Production was solidly above the bar with some nice samples. I was getting a little tired of that oboe or whatever it is lead, like palp I think introducing something with a little more oomph would've livened up the later half of the track. overall though I am in love with this arrangement, great collab, fellas. YES
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