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Level 99

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Posts posted by Level 99

  1. oop, forgot to update that.


    I reserve the right to lie about any and all tracks on this project. It's even possible that this whole thing is an elaborate prank, and nothing exists at all. :-D

    Shh wait for A1 next year, damnit. YOU ARE RUINING THE RUSE.

  2. Thanks a lot!Does lack of layering mean there could be more happening at once (more sounds/bigger sounds/fuller production etc.)?

    TLC - Tender, Love, Care? :)

    Again, thanks!

    Yes, exactly that. If a song sounds too simple unnecessarily, it feels empty and uncompelling. Layering sounds and adding additional harmonies/arps/melody lines will make it fuller, and thickening out the production would help as well.

    TLC indeed means Tender Love and Care. Spends some intimate time with your mix. You know, take it out to dinner, get to know it, take a look at the insides and figure out how things tick. ;)


    Second, I highly approve of you doing a remix of the, albeit limited, music present in this extremely atmospheric game. And also thank you for being so patient as we mods get back to our backlog of things. Three weeks is a long time to wait and your patience is greatly appreciated.

    The problem with this is how minimalist the original theme is to begin with. I'm not the kind of person that's currently able to evaluate CotMM-style remixes (which this is heavily reminiscent of in parts), but I'll do my best.

    Production is... quite slick actually. The drawback is that the Main Theme is hard enough to pick out as it is because of how it is written, but you've done a good job of making it pretty apparent what's what.

    Oh god some of the things you've done with the voices are supremely creepy. Some of it is a bit over the top where it feels almost like a gimmick, but it is seriously just on that line between "brilliantly used narrative" and "overuse". I wouldn't recommend changing it at this point, as it stands about the same chance with the judge's panel right now.

    I'm finding it very hard to find criticisms here, as I really am highly enjoying what you've done in this track.

    I'm giving you a good-to-go for submitting this, and I am also eager to see what the judges say as this is the first mix of this kind that I've encountered. Best of luck, and know I'm keeping this on my "creeped the fuck out" playlist for a very long time.

  4. But all the tracks are finished. No reason why it shouldnt be out soon...

    Currently fixes are being applied. We are on hold from pushing for a release until these fixes are made. There is no estimated release even WHEN the fixes are in, other than ASAP. Alan and Kyle are both aware of where things are and are working hard at getting this wrapped.

    Just FYI.

  5. The moment I heard him start fake crying I just heard the FF Fanfare in my head, and all was right in the world.

    Challenge: Someone remix his rant, and get it posted on OCR/OLR/thasauce.

    Edit: On a serious note, any person who submits a mix knows that there is a high probability of it getting NO'd, unless they're really young or stupid or just don't read. World is harsh for anyone who WOULD respond to getting rejected like this has no one to blame but themselves. I am fairly certain at least one person in the history of OCR has cried when getting rejected.

    The Judges feast on your tears. They are....delicious.

  6. Man, not to sound crass, but "this is some fucked up shit":


    Apparently the escapist wanted a fuckton of the rockethub money used for Allison's surgery (75%) and also felt they were owed nearly 10k on top of that. Show is going to youtube until another site picks it up.

    Dan, James, Allison, it breaks my heart that this past month has been so hard on you all. Please never stop doing what you're doing right now, keep your chins up, and keep your fanbase in the loop. You know them peeps watch out for you. :)

  7. Hey everyone!

    I'm not able to spend much time to check everything out so far as my liberty is almost up and I'm still here at Parris Island, but I'm finally a Marine after almost 5 months! I've gotten a bunch of updates from Amy during my stay here and relished hearing about stuff, although I've probably missed a crapton of stuff everyone has been doing during that time. The journey to becoming a Marine was long and at some times arduous. Pain was a regular tool of discipline, and discipline is a big part of the Marine Corps, moreso than any other military branch.

    I didn't get a letter from Will (Dyne) for some strange reason, but I got Jade's letter - it's silly for me to respond to it in writing though seeing as I'm going to be back so soon and in my current platoon we never really got much free time to write letters anyway. I'll probably give some more thorough updates, including some tales of boot camp this weekend when I finally will get to use my own laptop on my own time again. For now, take this as a confirmation that all is well and I'll be back to tell more soon enough! (and check up on project statuses :) )

    HE'S ALIVE! Awesome! Great to hear you're a marine. go you!

  8. Talked with you about this last night over AIM, but yes, this version is much improved. Those little changes can make a big difference, and the EQ scoops + slight reduction in reverb have cleared up a majority of the mud that was present in the mix. The piano sounds brighter and less drowned out while still being dreamy, and the winds dance above that melody while the strings support from below. It all sounds a lot crisper. This, IMHO, is the definitive version of the mix you've made thus far.

    Only problem is tindeck isn't giving me an option to download the mix. I have, however, passed the link to latest mix version on to Larry.

  9. Okay, first issue I'm noticing here is that the piano, while very well written, is pretty mechanical. It's right in the middle of the spectrum between realistically performed, and treated so that it's not even MEANT to sound realistic. You could either try and ramp up the effects on it and maybe achieve some success getting it to sound super-dreamy, OR you could try and give your velocities and sequencing a complete overhaul in an attempt to get your piano sounding a bit more realistic. I think the latter route, while it would take a lot of work, would yield some great results and make this sound a lot better.

    The production overall is really wet and causing a lot of muddiness throughout the whole song. Not to discourage you, but if you're looking to pass the panel this will need a major overhaul on the mixing. Tone down on the reverb, and tone down that really high, piercing whistle sound and that should get you started down the right path.

    I love the feel of this arrangement but the production and sequencing is definitely holding it back. Definitely salvageable but it'll take a lot of hard work if you're up for it :-)

    Quoted for truth. I couldn't have said the issues better myself, actually.

  10. Organ is definitely a little too hardpanned to the left at the beginning, I would definitely place it only 20-25% leftpanned. Maybe give it a little less chorus effect as it sounds almost waivery, borderline out of tune sometimes. Guitar also sounds a little too loose around the drums, either that or the delay is really throwing me for a loop being off-time.

    Fix the timing because this is pretty relaxing and a really nice take on the SF64 menu theme.

  11. Guys, stay with me on this one.

    You ready?

    an AR- and pedometer-enabled Katamari Damacy.

    If you're aware of the absolutely godawful I Love Katamari on the iOS, then you'll hopefully agree with me that anything like that is going to 99% be absolutely shitty, .5% be satisfactory, or .5% be phenomenal. I Love Katamari uses the accelerometer built into ipod touch/iphone for movement, which is a lot less complicated than using an AR camera and/or pedometer input. And I still can't beat the second level in I Love Katamari because the controls are absolute shyte. I'd rather leave Katamari where it is, since the games that all came out after the creator left have been lackluster improvements (bar the final Katamari Forever, which was a pretty neat concept and gave the game the visual boost it needed while still retaining the art style). I don't trust Namco to do anything good with Katamari at this point, let alone a gimicky game.

    However, on the topic of gimicks, I'm kind of stunned that the 3DS didn't have a Warioware game launched tied in with the 3D and AR capabilities. Usually, Warioware is a game that's used to show off and benchmark a new Nintendo system's capabilities (Twisted = accelerometer controls for GBA, Touched = DS touch screen, Smooth Moves = motion controls and party modes, Snapped = DSI-ware debut and camera controlled games, DIY = DSI features showcase, sharing games, user-created games). Why they haven't done one for the 3DS is beyond me, as that would seem like a goldmine of hardware to make games for. I may have slammed Namco's use of the gimicks in the previous paragraph, but I'm completely confident in Intelligent Systems using any and all Nintendo hardware to the fullest potential within the confines of games that last 4 seconds or less. THAT would be a game that would help me feel better about being a 3DS purchaser.

    Going back a few pages, I'm still surprised at how much the dynamic has shifted from pre-2000 console launches. Before the PS2, nearly all systems launched with at least one killer app either bundled with the system or available on/shortly after release. See here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_video_game_console_launch_games. Between the end of the 90's and the early years of the 2000's, there suddenly becomes a lack of powerful launch titles. Maybe this is due to the extended development cycle of making a current gen quality game. Games cost more and take longer to make now on-average. Maybe its due to the console developers making consoles that are more difficult to program for. Maybe its due to console makers not giving the game developers adequate time to work with the system before launch. No idea, but definitely food for though.


    Besides leaving behind a copious amount of recycling, some earbuds, a capo, and a random sweatshirt, the people who shared my homestead for Otakon 2011 left some of the most fantastic memories. BBQ was absolutely off the hook, Distant Worlds was awesome, the Nobuo interview was pretty unreal, the panel absolutely rocked (despite some sound issues), I had $44 dollars shoved down my shirt by the audience, hibachi was hilarious, and just playing games and hanging out in-general made the weekend a complete success.

    Looking forward to having the same experience next year. Only better. Times 10.

    And to those who were at the panel, thanks for being an amazing audience!

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