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Level 99

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Posts posted by Level 99

  1. Brushfire, Stevo, anyone on OCAD.. I have been trying to get hold of Stevo about making you guys a promo video. He asked me to do it a while back and I've started on it but I can't get hold of him.

    If you still want it, get a hold of me. If not, please let me know so I can move on to my next project. Thanks.

    OH CRAP! I knew I forgot something. ARGH sorry, my email's been a mess with the NiGHTS release. I'll get back to you this evening. So so so so sorry.

  2. Would this be a bad time to adopt the Duke Nukem Forever sentiment of "It'll be released when its ready"? Yes? Oh, well, then let me say that it will be out SOMETIME today. (Most Likely)

    We're operating on EST trying to coordinate everything but, as far as I am aware, we are as set as we can possibly be at this point. Just sit tight, enjoy the day, drink some purple DRANK, and celebrate NiGHTS' birthday in other ways until the release.

  3. The majority of the music from this uses themes from the movie, which unfortunately do not qualify as being remixable in the OCR sense (since they were originally composed by John Williams). There's a few tunes that are original to the game, so there could technically be something allowed.

    As of right now, though, there isn't one.

  4. Listening party is planned for a week from today.

    Time: Sunday, July 10th. 6 PM EST.

    Place: OCR listening party IRC, irc.esper.net (room #OCRListeningParty)

    Have the album downloaded beforehand, I'll queue it up and we'll all stay in sync. Whole album is going to be played with a short intermission between discs. I'll let y'all know if the plans change.

  5. I can chime in on this one, it's actually a TON of work. Hope I'm not stepping on any judge's toes here, but since I'm staff and a project director/coordinator/assistant multiple times over, I think I can speak to this a bit.

    Once all of the music for a project is completed, the whole album needs to go through the whole evaluation phase first, where it's basically looked at by a panel of staff to see if it's up to the OCR quality bar. Nothing really can move forward officially without passing eval. Also, staff needs to ensure that every artist on the album contributes a content policy agreement or else their songs can't be released on the album.

    Once it's approved, some things involved in the release process include creating a fully-functional website with mirrors and a torrent for all artwork and music. The music all needs to be tagged and properly encoded to Larry's stringent standards in FLAC and MP3 formats. This is super in-depth.

    Someone also needs to create an associated Facebook page for everybody to like. There's also the trailer and, eventually, uploading all of the individual tracks to Youtube and sometimes other sites like last.fm.

    Somebody's also got to draft up a press release as well as arranging any promotional pimpage to other websites as far as interviews or pre-release reviews go.

    Also, prepping any mixflood posts to accompany the album launch must be done, which entails a writeup by djp and separate OCR-format tagging for each song.

    All of this needs to be pretty tightly coordinated on release day to make sure everything goes smoothly, i.e. the torrent is properly seeded, there's no typos on any of the release materials, tags, or the website, and that all of the songs are properly encoded and ready to be unleashed on the world.

    There's probably more that I'm forgetting but that's just a sampling of all the stuff that needs to happen for an album to release. It's a huge amount of effort; I think a lot of folks start up projects assuming that it's just a matter of finding some quality remixers and getting a tracklist down, but it goes beyond that. Bottom line is, if you're not willing to be an integral part in making a lot of this happen, don't start a project in the first place. Getting claims and nice-sounding songs is often the easy part, but all of the non-music stuff really piles up. Staff will usually do as much as possible to help facilitate this but it requires commitment and effort from the director first and foremost to get there. This goes especially for big projects, as I'm finding out myself while tackling administrative/last-leg work for DKC3 and Maverick Rising at the same time :-P It's totally doable and actually quite a bit of fun at times, but I don't think a lot of people are really aware of the time investment and effort required to do it right.

    Hope that answers your question to some extent!

    Yeah, this is but a small smattering of what goes on behind the scenes. With NiGHTS coming out imminently, I can tell you for a fact that there are so many things you have to think of and tackle ahead of time for a good and smooth release. I've been prepping for release for about three months, and even then I'm still finding things that need to be done. It is very easy for some things to slip through the cracks because of how much is going on at the same time, which is why we normally try to avoid specific release dates.

    But hey, for all that work, the results are worth it!

  6. As far as I know, this album hasn't yet been submitted for review by staff - so release is not imminent.

    As someone with a vested interest in seeing this one get released, I'm gonna start prodding Mr. Joker to get this moving :)

    I am currently working with Mr. Joker on getting the album into eval. It isn't an imminent release but it also definitely isn't far off in the horizon. We've got a few more albums in eval at the moment, this one will be added after a few things are taken care of.

  7. Lol, today we saw NiGHTS' actual concept creator and designer Mr. Naoto Ohshima 'LIKE' the Lucid Dreaming trailer that was posted on our FaceBook page! XD

    ...yes, it is the real Ohshima. What do you think this is? Twitter? D:

    Can't wait to send the next bunch of CD's out to Tomoko Sasaki and rest of the original composers, they're gonna loooove this. Iizuka emailed us today to remind us to send them over when we get some more in, lol.

    Mind = blown.

    w00t! Got teh album in the mail. Several copies. Stevo, is this a mistake or are you just that cool?

    Also, I listened to the first cd. Quality stuff, can't wait to see what ppl think of it. :D

    You donated twice the asking amount, so you got two copies. And then another one cause you contributed a song. By my math, you got the right amount. Glad you're liking it, mang!

  8. Another song I had the pleasure of hearing some bit ago! Jewb, you've been an astute student learning from your mentors, and those combined flavors show with a little spice added from your own. This is a fully-fleshed soundscape with some really cool melody arp bits. I agree, this source tune does need some more love, and you've given it plenty of justice here.

    Keep up the good stuff.

  9. No lie, definitely my favorite song on the album. This is an amazing source tune, and the sax playing gives this thing more love than I could have imagined. I can just imagine two pokemon in Sepia tone, dancing the night away to an old record player. Great production and attention to detail, smooth flow and a spectacular arrangement supported by a superb lead performance.

    Great work, man.

  10. I've been using MAME since I got the X-Arcade Tankstick. I absolutely adore this thing.

    As for running MAME, some games besides NeoGeo DO need bios, but they are found in separate zips/dirs I believe. Since the NeoGeo one is shared by numerous games, it is separated (and I'm fairly sure that's how it works for others).

    As for what MAME to use, I've found the best looking and most stable builds to be from MAMEMPlus! GUI. Although definitely questionable because they do some extra acceleration I think, it definitely has work the best consistently through my use. That goes without saying that it has a much easier config menu for a gui, and lots of things come preconfigured such as controller type.

    If you're looking to REALLY set up a cabinet, definitely look into frontends so that you don't need a keyboard tray out every time you want to switch games, pause, or mess with the controls. Since my stick has a trackball, I've been tinkering with Hyperspin from time to time. Only problem with these frontends is that some of them don't support more than the stock MAME flavor as a root program.

  11. If you look at what people usually get up in arms about, the general sentiment seems to be that you should not have any right at all if you become rich/successful.

    Kind of. It is somewhat expected of more sucessful people to show a certain degree of philanthropy. Even if he was just "making an example" out of Andy, the fact that one is super rich and the other is not does paint things a bit of a nasty color.

  12. I was lucky to listen to this during the Judge's evaluations. This track was very memorable, and definitely proves that Mystix got some skill with his arrangements.

    This feels more in line if Spaghetti Westerns had a baby with Beverly Hills Cop. And I love every second of this. Only qualm is that I really wish there were real guitars in. The fret noise is believable but it does sound very close a synth to me. If they WERE real, then kudos to him for confusing me!

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