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Level 99

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Posts posted by Level 99

  1. This didn't have anything to do with the fact that the man who created Mega Man left the company.


    Nothing at all.

    Yeah, I don't buy that either.

    Well, at least they have the again-declining Resident Evil series, and the constant mechanic-improved versions of Street Fighter 4. I'll be honest, I'm feeling kind-of spiteful here because getting a 3DS to share for me and the lady was also under the impression that, someday, I'd get to play MML3. I have 1 and 2 and I have replayed 1 numerous times. That final battle with Mega Man Juno always freaked me out with the crazy music.

  2. OCAD regular server back up and running, pregriefer by about 12 hours (sorry for any lost work). Also all plugins have been made up to date besides iconomy which was bitching at CB ver 1000. When I have the time to go through the logs to see WHICH person was the griefer, I will. Until then, please be vigilant and lock your shit.

  3. Half of the site staff are involved in this project one way or another. This thread gets a free ride because we say so. Besides the project's nearly finished so whinging about it now is going to amount to diddly squat.

    ...not really the best response to the situation. I have to agree that this doesn't help negating the appearance of a double standard, if one so exists (because if it does, I'm unaware of it, and I'm fucking site staff too)

    It's funny that OCR staff has been supporting this project, yet it's completely unofficial and the first post even trashes OCR by claiming they'll "take credit" for it if it's released as an official site project.

    I don't really care what happens to this thread or this project or not at this stage, since yes, it is almost complete, but this argument doesn't really help your case. Saying that this non-OCR affiliated project with no intent of being released as an official site project has been able stay here and use OCR resources while in production because OCR staff is involved (instead of being locked, moved to Site Projects or the WIP forum like other project recruitment threads in the past) just makes the double standard even more obvious and has fostered discriminatory and unfair treatment between projects that do have staff support and those projects that don't.

    I'm unaware of this project getting any special treatment. I was also unaware of any other threads getting locked for trying to organize things from here. Seriously, the ONLY OTHER lock I can find in this area of the forums for the last year is the Legend of Dragoon project and I have absolutely no idea why that was locked. This is also the first I've heard about someone having to beg to have their lock reopened (in Dj Mokram's case, because if that it is true then that is quite a shame).

    There should be absolutely no preconceptions on using this area as a method of recruitment. It is primarily FOR recruitment and doing very simple organization here I don't think infringed on recruiting and managing OCR-official projects. Obviously hosting and posting WIPS in a single thread here is not good because of the amount of stuff one would have to cull through, but we offer this area for people to get their shit in gear. Unless site mod staff has something otherwise to say about it, I'm in favor of keeping all these recruiting threads open even if they are halfway run out of the damn thread here. What is the harm?

    There is no double standard. This isn't a case of "this thread was left open but others were locked because we are playing favorites" here. And whatever interaction OCR Staff has with the project, or the possibility of it becoming official despite naysaying to the site by anyone anywhere possibly involved, is nobody' business but the sites.

    Some of y'all got your panties in a sheep shank knot. Loosen up. Its fucking music.

    Kyle, you made your point and can let it go now. Darren, there's no reason to pull a "go tell teacher" or to pull mob majority threats into it.

  4. While I'm at it...

    Is this supposed to be taken condescendingly or jokingly? I can't tell. I know a flake a lot on this but I can't help that.

    A gingerly goad because I REALLY want you to actually come one of these times because, I mean...jamspace. Last time we jammed was at Taucer's in '09! I'm crossing my fingers that you can coerce your friends this time.

  5. Oh hey, I'm being mentioned! :<



    At some point we'd love to get both you AND Tweex on the same show, so you can be goofy together. Tell us all about your early experiences as friends. Possibly expose some kind of homosexual scandal, iunno. Whatever you think works.

    That actually aint a bad idea.

    It is a terrible idea and you know it.

    Also with the Stevo bomb on the back.

    In similar news. White Ninja Comics is going to put this on a shirt.


    He's just missing the beard.


    Also, I propose that we make a smiley for the face of "Mystery of the Druids". That would help a lot in many situations.


  6. Plz do update your OP with the latest link of the mix. It makes it easier to find and MUCH easier to figure out. :D

    If you've got bass here, its focused entirely in the subbass area which is making it a little difficult to hear properly on my headphones. Not saying its bad but the mix sounds thin on anything but my car stereo in that case. Try adding some mid-eq tweaking to your bass (or copy the bass sequence and add a second bass sound that is narrowed into something like 200-ish hrz (lets see how that sounds.

    This sounds pretty damn sweet otherwise. I need to spend more time with source tune before I can comment on the arrangement. Would love a source breakdown ;)

  7. Sorry about the late reply, but the judge's official stance on changes to mixes after submitting it is that you can't change it. Some people use personal ftp's and dropbox, which allows link and file replacement on the fly, which is taking a chance if they upload a new version because you can never be 100% sure on if they judges have listened to the mix yet or not. The Judge's Queue thread isn't always completely accurate, so again, replace if you want to take your chances (in this case you can't because you're using tindeck which has no replace or hotlink method). However, if it gets rejected again, you should definitely be on hand with a resub ready. (that's my way of telling you to go make those fixes NOW, because if it gets rejected you're immediately able to resub, and if it gets posted you can request the improved version to be used instead if the changes are minimal enough and/or the staff allows it).

    Plus yeah, I really want to hear those fixes put into place.

  8. First thought: you should try using a better piano soundfont. In fact, you should probably try finding some better samples all around. For piano, there's plenty of good ones if you know how to google (NS Piano comes to mind, but I think splendid grand is also free). For orchestral, find squidfont if you're not already using it (and if you are, spend a bit more time humanizing and tweaking the sequencing so it sounds more realistic). And if you can't find a better trumpet sample, it might be wiser to drop it alltogether and go with something that's easier to sequence for. Brass in general, unless you're using some great sample libraries, is particularly difficult to process and sequence so it sounds good and is believable.

    Production-wise this could be tweaked more as well, as on the whole its unbalanced with the drums being very loud and a distinct lack of bass all around.

    But the biggest issue is the arrangement. It is still very repetitive, using only the one section of dedede's theme. Really should focus on changing up the melody and chord progressions more so it doesn't sound static, like it does now. The song is basically just two separate build sections based around dedede's theme. The middle section is okay but it still has the same base progression mostly, and the switch doesn't last long enough.

    I think that's plenty to go back to and work on for now.

  9. Hmm...is the high high HIGH shelf on the master track being reduced? Cause I'm not hearing anything above 12k.

    I can hear clipping on the piano section at 2:25. That section itself doesn't feel like it fits after what just came before it in the song, which makes that section kind of a jerk out of the flow. It might be because of the piano/bass pairing, so consider a smoother transition to the piano from the dropout. The section itself is great after it builds but then the song kind of just...stops. This song definitely needs a real ending.

    Production-wise this sounds okay besides that weird no-superhighs thing, and the source usage sounds up to par to me. Fine-tweaking aspects of the arrangement such as transitions and stereo interplay (some of those arps and lead patterns would sound great with panning and/or glitch effects) will tighten this up, along with making a real ending. Its close but you've still got a little work to do.

  10. Mixing could be beefed up quite a bit here. There's a lot of mud, as has been said. I would look up some guides on how to mix orchestras, as I'm sure they exist (google is your friend here, also will require some dedicated time to read). What you have is pretty good, but to really get those emotions you're seeking to evoke, you'll have to step up the game with mixing and processing. And I wish you luck because even I am still an amateur when it comes to orchestral mixing!

    That said, your low end is pretty hot, and should be brought back a bit. For orchestras, a powerful low rumble can compromise the integrity of the rest of the mix, because of the niche frequency positions of each set of instruments. Your high end is still easily audible, but as things start to get into the mids it becomes meshed with the lows and the impact of those instruments is reduced.

    As far as source tune usage, I THINK you're alright but a source breakdown would be a life-saver here.

    and sorry for the delay in mod response.

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