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Level 99

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Posts posted by Level 99

  1. Hmm, it's definitely good, however it feels like there might even be a tad too MUCH of the snap crackle popness going on here. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying it for sure, and the arrangement is quite good, but there's a few parts that make me wince a little bit because of the frequencies you're pushing hard on the high end. Besides that, really digging it, especially some of those C64/NES-style arp-chords.

  2. Listening & watching the teaser video. Haha I get the chills just listening to it.. wow.

    Can't wait to hear the full album. =D

    YAY! Enthusiasm!

    Also, just finished my last full track on the project. So, that's five final WAVs on the proper album, two on the bonus. The rest falls on everyone else :nicework:

  3. On my headphones, it's missing a good bit of the bass presence (but it could just be my headphones). Consider putting a bit of a hipass on the master track, give the track some shimmer. Drums are definitely a stiff, as was said previously. Other than that, I enjoyed the arrangement. Is there a particular reason you panned that lead synth so far to the right? And the lead guitar? Also, middle section could use some more layering to fill it up a bit.

  4. Good, any ideas what changes you're gonna make? Listening to your last version, definitely enjoyed it. The lead you used for the melody could use a little work, not sure I'm a fan of what you've got there currently. Percussion kicks ass, though. The synth strings don't really fit well. Pads you used are smooth and warm though. Needs moar ending.

  5. Awesome tone on the guitars. Pretty cool effects you used as well. Drums could use a bit of a boost, and probably some better samples if you can. Those drums need to push the power of the guitars you're slamming the listener with (I mean slamming in a good way here). Listen to mak and take a look at Addictive Drums if you can.

    Other than that, I enjoyed it.

  6. Can all y'all McRib aficionados do me a small favor? Weigh yourself on a scale daily, and post how many McRibs you be eating that day as well as any other "fast food". I'm quite interested in the results.

    And despite the grossness, Kidd Cabbage is indeed hardcore.

    The McRib reminds me of that device in Princess Bride that sucks years off your life.


  7. Yeah, not touching the McRib or any McDonald's food with a 10 foot pole. That sodium level is insane, a normal adult should eat 1500 mg of sodium per day.

    Throw in a couple of fries and boom, you are toast, one meal that will truly slowly kill you.

    Yeah, well, I believe the average America's daily sodium intake is at least 4000 mg's these days. Seriously, there's so much stuff here just LOADED with sodium! It costs so much money to eat healthily here. 8O

  8. I've updated mine while in the queue as well, with judges' permission. The long queue does present a bit of a problem in that if it takes so long, you might as well sub something inferior (that was perfect at the time), wait a while, and update when you've distanced yourself from it enough to hear the issues, or if you've just learned a lot in 6 months.

    Yes, you do make a valid point. I've also done something similar with Judge's permission as well. I believe the intention is that you submit a finished remix and it's up to you to leave it as-is, since you don't know when they draw your song out for listening. Vinnie's summary clears stuff up all around as well.

    To quote OA: I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'.

  9. Technically you could submit something and then work on it for like 6 months depending on the speed of the panel. :3

    That's not how it works. Sorry. You submit a FINISHED piece. You don't submit something that you then work on later in the process. You can't bank on the judge's panel taking months to get to your submission, because you don't know if they screen things first or not.

    Submit once every three weeks, submit it finished, end of discussion.

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