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Level 99

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Posts posted by Level 99

  1. Alright, Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a few things to announce:

    1) We have finally received the MAGFest 9 schedule and have all the vitals for the OverClocked After Dark panel there. Here it be:

    OverClocked After Dark LIVE MAGFest Panel Spectacular!

    Saturday, January 15th. 2 AM until 3:30 AM

    Panels Room 1

    All the magfest scheduling stuff is available here: http://courtwright.org/magfest/schedule/

    2) This is, as our show always is, an 18+ show. Don't bring your kids even if they're still awake at 2 AM.

    3) There WILL be contests, there WILL be prizes, and there WILL be awesome stuff. Here are your hints for the four contests:

    Take a Sabbatical from your razor, men, and work on your photobombing.

    Learn a lesson from Crono and increase your soda chugability.

    Like the taste of pickles.

    Brush up on your game skillz.

    4) Stuff will be videotaped and recorded to the best of our ability, so we need your help. Anyone additional people who have camcorders and can do alternate angle videotaping would be greatly appreciated.

    This is going to be an assload of fun. We'll see you all there!

  2. All of the straggler tracks besides one have been completed and taken care of. Holy shhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Artwork is coming along, I think we have about three done pieces, nine pieces in progress, and the rest are getting sketched out as we speak.

    Thanks again to Fishy and pu_freak for finalizing, looking forward to the last one by Willrock shortly!

  3. You only sleep at MAGFest if you're:

    A) Sick

    B) Too drunk to walk

    C) Hungover/Passed out

    D) Can't handle the awesomeness

    E) Are lame.

    Well, maybe there's like one or two more reasons but those are the only excuses for missing ANYTHING.

    Looking at the Panel Descriptions:

    "OC ReMix: Video Game Music Community

    Fresh off the Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix soundtrack, it's OC ReMix! OCR's presentation includes their year in review, exclusive clips of upcoming ReMixes, tips on ReMixing, an in-depth Q&A and prizes. Meet OCR crew like founder David Lloyd (djpretzel), Andrew Aversa (zircon), Jill Goldin (pixietricks), Larry Oji (Liontamer), and a bunch more ReMixers and folks from the forums!"

    *snicker* how does one define fresh here? :nicework:

    Also, here's my reactions to the tentative schedule pointed out:

    Gamer Iron Chef (Thursday, 4:30 PM) - Okay, even if there was any chance the team remix from last year would participate again, most if not all of the team wouldn't be there until late Thursday night. BOO!

    7 Sega Saturn Games You Should Have Played (Thursday, 4 PM) - If I can go to this, I will, because it is one of the few excuses I have for being a gaming snob. <3 Saturn.

    ThaSauce Meetup (Thursday, 7 PM) - This...could pose a problem.

    House of the Dead with Spoony (Thursday, 11:45 PM) - Oh boy, this is gonna be awesome. I wish I could go for the whole thing, but the next entry takes priority.

    DoD Listening Party (Friday, 12:30 AM) - YES! And it is slated to go until 6 AM. Bring on the beer and loud music!

    OCR panel (Friday, 4 PM) - wtf is ocr remix?

    will edit more later.

  4. shut up proto everyone knows you're a robot

    you're not fooling anyone


    That's Proto on the left, I'm on the right. You found us both out.

    Back on topic, I have this really ugly sofa from when I had an apartment in College. It is ugly and big but comfy as anything and you just kinda sink in it. I did buy a new Sofa recently, from Ikea. It is awesome because it turns into a Double-sized Bed when you use a pullout section.

    My computer rocks.

  5. You all suck, this thread is, like, halfway dead of activity. Come on, PICK UP THE PACE!

    What? What's that? You say you need some more horrific fanfic to get you in the mood to talk/hate life? Well, your wish is granted.


    Fanfic Reading - Roots of Life + Bonus!

    Two Bonus readings, one from squirrelking and the other from Peter Chimaera. Links to all text in there, along with the reading mp3.

    It was...pretty horrible. I'll never look at toothbrushes, houseplants, or ticks ever the same way again. That's all I'm gonna say.

  6. I'm not going to be too picky when it comes to quality on this, i'm not looking for a masterpiece, this is a fan based project for people who love the franchise and are reasonably talented who can make great sounding music.

    This along with the fact that you seem to have started your recruiting before coming on OCR suggests to me that having this be an official OC ReMix album isn't a main goal. If that is the case, I see no reason why this couldn't be done by your intended guideline (throwing quality standards somewhat to the wind has the ability to negate some of the time restrictions in some cases). If you are considering this to become an official OC ReMix album, there are quite a few things that need to be taken into account. Regardless, I wish you the best of luck and look forward to seeing what you can pull out in your intended timeline.

    I actually do not like OCRemix because in my opinion the judgement of new remixes (by users and staff) seems to me arrogant, nitpicker-ish and ONLY focused on the sound quality not on the arrangement itself - which only lets remixers access their stuff who already got far more equipment than just REASON

    AFAIK there are quite a few mixes that have been made primarily or entirely in REASON, but I guess that's besides the point. However, considering that you've already made up your opinion about things, no point in trying to point out things like how arrangement and production are both evaluated and that being picky is just another way of saying "standards of quality.

  7. Very soothing, some cool stereo-play going on as well. Music for a day relaxing at a spa with a massage in a bathtub full of natural mud or something. Production is...really really good, actually. Lots of cool and intricate chippy effects going on too. Yeah, I would write more but I'm having too much fun with my head in the clouds listening to this track. Great choice of samples and a really good attention to detail.

    Very chill and enjoyable.

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