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Level 99

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Posts posted by Level 99

  1. http://kotaku.com/5713693/sega-is-making-a-game-you-can-pee-on

    That's right, folks, you can now game while you pee and NOT get your DS all covered in urine! It's like a combination of peeing, crappy Wii-style minigames, and Japanese creepiness all rolled into one. I mean, who wouldn't want to blow wind up a woman's miniskirt with the power of piss? Or...you know what? I just can't even approach a game which kotaku quotes as being a "bukkake battle". I'm sorry, there's a line even I won't cross, and that's definitely it.

    So, basically, instead of designing more than one decent next-gen Sonic game in the last decade or conceptualizing a Dreamcast 2, they've decided to cater to drunks by making games to distract your from intentionally peeing on the floor.

    Nice, Sega. Really classy.


    Edit: Oh yeah, this is for urinals. Sorry, ladies, you'll have to get your piss-aiming gaming on somewhere else.

  2. I would like to encourage any of the project musicians who have their stuff done to submit the songs to OC ReMix. As with all projects, Lucid Dreaming will be allotted some songs for a mixflood, but obviously not all songs can be included in that.

    When you submit, please make sure to note that you're submitting a mix from the NiGHTS Lucid Dreaming project. This way they don't accidentally get posted, if accepted, before the project comes out. Furthermore, talk with me before you submit as I may have a mastered version of your track that you would want to submit rather to whatever final you have given me.

  3. Willrock is on this now. Here is what he had to say:

    "willrock: i've just joined another project as why but the sources are so facemelting, the director so awesome, and the deadlines so generous I couldn't say no"

    So yeah, welcome buddy. And thanks for helping a brother out. NiGHTS and Reala is going to have TWO beastly versions.

  4. Chill guys. Brandon, let us do our thing with this project and please don't make any comments like this, it's not helpful for anyone. And Stevo, just let it go, it's no use to get mad over these things

    My most sincere apologies to both you and Brandon. I did not mean to fly off the handle like that.

  5. it's to reach the 50% mark OR to satisfy me.

    Doesn't sound right. Not in the least. *snicker*

    From the progress I've been hearing this thing is coming along very well. Jade, talk to Emu and find a good time that we can all have a meeting. There's a few things I want to go over before the end of the month.

  6. I'm really looking forward to FF Tactics: War of the Lions, and fully expect Escher and maybe Eluca to show up as bonus characters.





    Oh man, I have a raging gameboner for FFT to be released now. Please come out before Christmas, oh please oh please oh please.

    Well, as of right now, I'm still playing Trenches, which is a really nifty strategy game that is not completely unlike Worms but also not like it at all. Very fun, featuring music by Abadoss as well.

    I still can't break myself away from Plants vs. Zombies or Peggle, they're just too addictive. Highly recommended as they can waste hours, days, and weeks of your time. Most fun to play on 3GS or above/iPad, because there's massive slowdown on the 3G version now.

    The two Secret of Monkey Island games for iOS aren't bad, but the touchscreen on the phones is just a little too small for it to not be frustrating. On the plus side, revamped visuals and musical score are enough to warrant a purchase.

    I just got Rage HD and, which the visuals and sound are absolutely stunning, the control is a little awkward. However, I did get used to it, and it's one of the most impressive apps on the iPad/iPhone3GS+ to date. At $2 it should be an absolutely no brainer.

    I'll have more later but I'll leave on this not-exactly-a-game-but-game-related app: Modizer. Pointed out to us by one intrepid forumer, this is the single best chiptunes app for the iOS platform. There are some others, like Mod Player, Sid Player, Pokey Player, and the Keygen Music app, but Modizer beats them all. Direct access for MODLAND's database, supports direct download from web, able to unzip, and even including an FTP server so you can transfer stuff from your computer over, this has been the most used app on my devices since I bought it.

  7. Take a look in the wip forum, and fall in love with a new mixer there (or break someone's heart, if that's your sort of thing), but stop jizzing on every page of this thread. PLEASE.

    THANK YOU! Quoted for truth, there are things you can definitely do while waiting for these projects to come out. That said *wipes the cream up with a towel*

  8. yeah, we're planning on doing it around 5pm on sunday. more details to come, but stevo's definitely hosting it so i can blab about behind-the-scenes stuff.

    also, chth, i was lying. i hate every track you've ever done. fyi.

    wtf are you smoking i aint hosting shit

    Now then, the listening party I will be hosting should be Sunday, as long as the album is released before then. I have established an IRC room on Esper just for things like this, and will give the room name as we get closer to the date and it all is ready to roll.

    Listening party will take place at 5 PM EST this Sunday unless otherwise noted.

    Now shut up, Brad, and get back to not listening to that NiGHTS stuff I sent ya.

  9. I think Brad's now just needlessly inflating his postcount because when they lock this his posts won't disappear. That, and he probably also wants the last word in the thread.

    For shame, Brad. I thought we got past the pettiness of numbers and last words. :lmassoff:

    Also, thanks for reminding me that I did put the rain in there. Getting to that point where I forget the specifics of a song that took over two years to finish, haha.

  10. Here's what I meant to say:

    I'm not counting on another Sonic project starting work any time soon. When we eventually do start one, it'll probably be based on Sonic CD or Sonic 4. I don't know what OverClocked thinks of Sonic 4, so I'm expecting to get flamed in the case that we don't like it. But most likely the next sonic project will be on Sonic CD.

    Eh, I wouldn't count out things like Sonic 3D Blast, or the Sonic Advance games, but Sonic CD does have a big following. I say enjoy this one before talking too much about the next one :nicework:

    And I wouldn't worry about game-flaming :)!!

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