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Level 99

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Posts posted by Level 99

  1. Hiya! Welcome to OC ReMix! It seems to be that you're pretty new hear, so I'll explain a little about why nobody's responded yet.

    1) It usually takes a while for remix projects to get ramped up. Some go months without getting much activity, and that's just the nature of things. You made your original post, and waited maybe four hours, which is an unrealistic time to expect people to respond.

    2) You've just registered and you want to start a remix project. Good intentions, but it'll be very difficult. People don't usually hop onto projects of people they don't know, because they haven't established any kind of reliability yet. Not saying new members aren't reliable, but the fact that projects take months, and even years, of hard work on everyone's part, people conserve their resources for what they know, or feel reasonably sure, will reach fruition. That's just kinda the way it is.

    I would highly encourage you to feel around the site a bit more, talk to people and have yourself become more known. Say what kind of music skills you have, or if you want to lead a project, how you would organize it. Ask other project directors what they have to do, and see if directing a project is for you. Furthermore, if you plan to have this on OCR, there is an approval process.

    Also you say you started remixing songs about a month ago. Have you visited the other workshop forums yet? If not, I would also highly encourage that. I'm sure you can learn a lot if you post some of your work there and get criticism.

    Either way, best of luck and welcome to the site!

  2. O_O I've spent the whole day getting Final WAVs for the NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming project, and I just happen to get lucky enough to get another NiGHTS mix as a regular mixpost for Ice Level day? KICKASS!

    DCT, this is smooth. I mean real smooth. This is finger-snapping, chilling by the fire on a frosty night smooth. And you took great care with the source, leaving the majority of it intact and just taking the elements and expanding on them. It is indeed a very warm and welcoming mix, as DJP stated. This is something that will melt your cares away this winter.

    Awesome mix, and any NiGHTS love is good loving. Thoroughly enjoyed!


    One track has been cut and replaced. Three others are being dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Today has been a ridiculously awesome day, thanks to everyone for all your hard work. I encourage everyone who finished a track to talk to me if they plan on submitting to the panel as I will be doing some mastering work and you have the option to submit your render or my mastered version.

    Can't believe a year and a half has already gone by. The rest of the project stuff has to deal with the artwork, and July 5th will be here before you know it!

  4. Regardless as to whether or not there's another preview, I can tell you that progress has been ample in the last few weeks. The WIPs I've been reviewing just keep getting better and better. Even if the project doesn't scope every track in the end, this is definitely something special. Keep up the good work, folks! Next due date is coming up shortly, less than 3 weeks away!

  5. I'm pretty sure Will already has the same level of decision-making power on this project, plus he might be equally busy with uni work right now.

    Juan had a string of badluck with his computer recently, so he may need some time to get back up and running before he can resume his duties.

    Last time I checked, he was determined to get this album done, so just give the man a break. After all, he's not a Bionic ...none of us are. :-D

    Even MORE bad luck with his computer? That's not good. He was having computer issues over the Summer as well.

    I mean, as long as he's determined to get the project done, great. It'd be cool if he bumped Willrock up to acting director until his computer problems and school are finished.

  6. I listen to these episodes in the morning at work now. You guys are my wacky morning radio personalities.

    If you count the VGDJ censorship, you even had sound effects.

    Oh man, we've become the wacky radio dj's to somebody. Time to retire and let the DJ 3000 take over our jobs.


    Episode 43 - The Next Thong

    Less Ashamed of Self comes on and comes within inches of sabotaging the podcast. Lots of men in thongs in the links, you've been warned. It is NSFW.

  7. is it even ok to doublepost with little changes like this?

    Yes, yes it is.

    Listening to this again, man. Good fix for those hihats from what I can hear. You cleaned this up a bit in certain places, definitely an improvement. Loving the Yellow Submarine idle chatter now that I can hear it (I probably could before but wasn't trying to make it out). Honestly, I can't think of any other feedback to give at the moment besides try to do a little less copy-paste with that one section. Its around 1:25 that the section starts again, try to variate just a little bit more, and I would say this is ready for mod review. Maybe add a few new instruments or something.

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