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Level 99

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Posts posted by Level 99

  1. The con's a week away. I'd like to open the opportunity to any project director that wants to send a SHORT audio/art preview of their project that is coming up to be played during the presentation. It should be no longer than a minute (or two) at most. Must be PM'd to me or OA by next Wednesday.

    NiGHTS will have an exclusive teaser compilation there that will only be played during that presentation and not available anywhere else. LUCKY THOSE PEOPLE! :twisted:

  2. Last week was "pure music" week for me, and I've been progressing. I surprised myself with some interesting chord progressions, and I've found a good brush kit sound. I like where my track is going.

    :o Awesome. I'm excited for it.

    Also, I'm going to find an old Kung-Fu movie and autotune the dialog. Just for you, Josie. Just for you.

    Everyone else: GET BACK TO WORK ^_^

    Edit: AS YOU CAN SEE I MY SIG, we have a project sig banner now. Feel free to copy and use in your own sig. If you have any questions on HOW to do that, let me know! THANK YOU, JOF!

  3. My name is Stevo and I endorse this product and/or enterprise.

    Actually, it makes a lot of sense. What's better than an awesomely trippy game that uses music dynamically? Using free awesome music from the internet that's readily available and probably makes some kickass levels!

    I already have the surf. Go on about your ideas for a league.

    Edit: at the very least, people should post the songs from OCR that they've played and which ones make really good levels.

  4. And can someone PLEASE get Deven a better computer? This is, like, the third or fourth or 10th time his side of the recording has been mangled in some way. I'm sending him a message today hoping that he just forgot to send me half of the previous podcast, but...argh, this is actually quite frustrating.

    No site for a few days. One recording was bongled. I found a few gray hairs on my head. :x

  5. We're still alive and well. I think. We've reached the "quiet" stage of the project, where people are either busy working quietly, a-la standardized testing at public school, or hiding from me in caves, a-la standardized testing at public school.

    Oh well, guess I should enjoy the quiet while I have it.

  6. Please keep your filthy hands off of classic video game music. Wow, thanks for ruining my favorite song in the game, I could have gone my whole life without hearing rap lyrics over the crappiest beat I have ever heard. The chorus sounds like you are trying to make yourself sound gay. It doesn't sound remotely like the original track. Save crap like this for the mainstream.

    You know, I think we try to be as fair as possible to respective opinions on stuff around here. I don't believe we fall into that stigma of the "circle jerk" that some people associate with what we do. But if there ever is a time where we might come off as such, it's in response to comments like this. I don't mind people not liking songs, but I do mind when people assert that we shouldn't do something we enjoy doing that you aren't being forced to listen to or pay for.

    You could have said "This isn't my cup of tea. In terms of music, this DKC2 rap doesn't appeal to me." Saying you don't like something because of personal preferences or song quality is fine. Telling someone to keep their filthy hands off, however, is not.

    Thanks for the feedback! Glad the song is ruined for you. :nicework:

  7. Well let's see, they're both in this 16th and dotted 8th rhythm at different tempos. They're both in C major too, but that's actually to be expected. Also they're an octave apart.

    Kirby victory: G F E D E C C8

    LG Commercial: G E F D E C C8

    So it's basically the Kirby music slower and lower with two notes switched. I don't think this is on purpose though. There's only so much you can do with 5 notes in C major.

    Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure this wasn't a deliberate rip-off, and upon listening again, you're right about the switched notes. Just interesting.

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