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Everything posted by hobostev3

  1. nutshell - Alice N Chains good song for a crappy day
  2. my brother went to full sail university and got a masters degree in graphic design for video games, but has nothing to show for it. he said that he didn't make enough connections while he was there because the masters coarse was too extensive and that there were a lot of uptight a-holes there, though my bro says that about everyone that doesn't agree with him on 100% about everything. anyways, my point is that is a pretty overcrowded business, so you better make sure that is what you eat sleep and breathe, because if not its gonna eat you up.
  3. so if you get a prince albert does that mean it goes mindblowingly fast?
  4. well that sucks guys, I have been listening to the remixes on the site for a long time now, and loving em. I had no idea that there were this many troubles :/. I would do remixes and stuff, but I have no idea how to make them. I can play a few instruments well,one very well(the guitar), but I'm also in the midst of getting my band together. anyways, as long as it has nothing to do with money I'll try to help contribute to the site best I can.
  5. Well hey we have to wait until Rehab Hero comes out, then like someone else said, we can have Guitar Hero Reunion to look forward to.
  6. Cardiff - Stone Sour, and wishing there was more good rock out there, because its either separated into metal or country these days what the heck happened.
  7. seriously though, is there a difference from playing guitar hero on Wii from say Xbox or PS? Oh and totally agreed on DragonForce sucking man. I hate them so much, and even before they were on guitar hero. I did like that they did 'One' from Metallica, but the solo isn't that hard either really, the solo for the most part is all just tapping. The bends that Kirk Hammett does on that solo are the hardest part, but to be fair they are some good ones .
  8. the first three guitar hero's were ok, but the third one pissed me off when they made through the fire and flames that hard to play, seriously its not that hard even on the real thing. not to mention when did synth count as a guitar too? they're not children of bodom after all.
  9. sick! I use to love that show. MMPR theme http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0KOfTV1dbc
  10. been listening to a lot of All That Remains and Amon Amarth lately, but more specifically. I die in degrees - ATR Under the Northern Star - Amon Amarth
  11. he's right this is an insult to real rapists everywhere, you know the people that actually put the time into it, you think they play mass effect to become better rapists, no they go out an rape people to be better rapists . I knew within the first 8 words that I possibly went to far with that :/
  12. so is getting a headshot in the game considered giving head.......wait I dunno if I wanna know the answer.
  13. well one theft, and a guy smashing it, and he stole it from walmart, so I don't feel as sorry for the guy that he stole if from, but then again the guy could have totally lied to me about it, it was what he was best at doing.
  14. news networks in general to me, at least in america just seem to want to start all kinds of crap with other media, even other news channels. honestly its all just ratings and money they are concerned with. im sure if they thought that reporting about a donkey sneezing gold that looked like jesus would get then ratings and sell their analist's books then they would run the hell outta that thing.
  15. even 300 had a rape scene in it, I don't have any idea why she deemed games more a danger. Maybe she thought because more younger people play games then are allowed to watch rated R movies, or the fact that you are performing an action with games rather than just watching. either way I would still put a sensor for movies before games, if they were to do such a thing. I kind of have the mindset that it's either all ok or none of it is ok. that doesn't mean I get the popcorn ready so I can sit down and watch rape after rape scenes in movies, but I would defend the right a person could put it in a movie.
  16. how many times is fox news going to ram it down their viewers mouth's that violent video games are bad. also how many games have anyone played with rape being glorified, I mean the only sex related acts in video games I have seen are from mass effect, which was really no different than say sex in a james bond movie. other than that I can only think of god of war being "bad". I mean what are kids going to do get a girl, then go in the next room, and ask her to yell out buttons he needs to press on his controller? other than that though, I think she is right that for younger people, by that I mean anywhere from 15 to 20, at least where I live about sex. It seems to have been overexposed a bit for say the young people. I mean what is the youngest person in the US to have gotten pregnant now?
  17. no im good as long as i stay on my meds *twitch twitch*, but I did bite a guy for calling me a potato *crazyface*. now to explain a bit more I did smash it with his ok, which also I didn't feel bad because he stole it anyways. also, I am not friends with the guy for many other reason besides him liking that movie, but it sounds so much more dramatic and cool if I tell it the way I told it
  18. I hated that movie so much I never even watched it all, pretty much as soon as they met master roshi I said "yep that's about enough of you". Then took the dvd out that I borrow from my friend and then smashed it and left it in the hallway of my college dorms. my friend was kinda mad at me, but honestly I felt bad I was friends with someone that liked that movie.
  19. The Xenogears OST and also Terminus by Dark Tranquillity
  20. I like Halo: Combat Evolved as is, it put a benchmark on PFS games bak when it first came out. I can't blame a company for leeching on its success if people are gonna buy it. Though, it would be cool if bungie remade their first game 'marathon'. I may actually get to play it for once. My brother use to always play it and never let me play , i guess thats the perks of being the oldest
  21. Hey that's harsh man, I really liked Home Improvement for Snes
  22. oh I remember going to see Final Fantasy: Spirits Within in theaters. I was so excited beforehand, but in the theater I was slumping down in my seat hoping it would end faster than it did :/. Isn't Uwe Boll also the guy that did DOA? i remember seeing parts of that movie and thinking of how bad it would be. did he also do Dragonball Evolution or was that some other dude's mistake? Also... so its good to masturbate to??
  23. I would have to agree with the other guitarists. I'm actually fairly good at guitar hero, but at least I knew when to stop playing it and picked up the real thing before I turned into one of those guys that goes to tournaments.
  24. heya what's up, im Steve ive posted on here a few times, but long long ago. i was going to be active on here back when I first started, but i was asked to mod another forum about snes emulation, but nintendo threatened to sue the guy running it and since then it went to shite. i thought that i could waste my life here get to know people that care about video games, video game music, and probably just music in general. other than that im just like every regular jack-off, like video games, guitar, music, movies, and anything that makes me laugh . oh yeah and your music is awesome!
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