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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. Until, I find some better sprites, how about an imp: KH:CoM shadow: LT: Just took the first shadow.
  2. I just ordered an X-Large hoodie. Wait, how big is that? Regardless, I am waiting exuberantly.
  3. Those are his hands FYI (suction cup hands). But, okay I'll try to find better sprites.
  4. Okay, I've been going through all of the old games on my hard drive but most of them won't give me good screenshots, Here's the best I could find: Major Stryker: Castle of the Winds: Two kinds of Bomberman bombs: Secret Agent 006: Raptor Call of the Shadows: Megaman shooting: Hocus Pocus: Gradius III: Clyde somthing-or-other: Abuse (I'm sorry, it's hard to get a good screencap, the guy has, like, 40 different frames just for breathing): Descent: These are from a couple of my old favorites, they are just a little over the limit but here they are any way (they are still smaller than fusion Samus): Cosmo: Duke Nukem II: LT: Man, most of these are just ugly, unphotogenic sprites. Hell, it looks like Cosmo is holding some sort of cone-shaped condom. Took Megaman shooting and that's it.
  5. Okay, I stretched the head phones so the the font would fit, and I redid the controller: or Thanks for the headphone base Bean. LT: Hey, very nice on that second one, thanks. That's good teamwork! I might be selfish and suggest that we use that as an OCR Judge badge, since it sums up what we do. Otherwise, we'll make it a general avatar. Anyone wanna make a bigger (roughly 50x37) transparent thing like the pretzel logo djp uses? No big deal if not. I was just floating an idea out there.
  6. Do you mind if I mess with it and try to put the Arkanoid font in it?
  7. ??? I had my old Mario Kart DS emblem lying around. They're supposed to be 32x32, right? Where was that? Well if you don't want them, fine. I didn't see that one so I wanted to try one myself.Here are some Tyrian ships: Talon/Fang Phoenix/Maelstrom: Stalker: Dragon Head: U-ship: A couple of sidekicks. Warfly: Gerund: These are from the 2-player game. They're at 47x32px so maybe not. Dragon Wing: Steel Dragon (1P and 2P combined): LT: Took the ones that looked the most obvious like ships (Phoenix, Stalker) or lil' badges (Warfly, Gerund). Gracias.
  8. I don't know if you really want this, but I was messing around with an icon editor last night and tried to recreate the OCR logo from memory: It didn't look quite right do I did a couple revisions: Is this worth pursuing? (I can mess with the colo(u)rs some more if you want.) Edit: Ignore these, look at my third post on the next page.
  9. Okay I'm trying this again. We haven't had any Metaknight yet so: If you take nothing else I'd really like this one: And a samurai Kirby: These two are kinda meh, but here they are anyway: I wanted to add one of him with wings and this is the only one that fits: Edit: if it hasn't been done already, here's the Zero avatar with added trasparency: OLD --> Edit 2: I only saw the Fusion Samus so I did a couple from the original: I also noticed we have this: which is over-sized So I'm not sure if you want this: LT: Nice, now you're getting the hang of it. Well, don't need any more Kirby, but the samurai and regular-looking Metaknight look good. Thanks a lot for the Zero transparency fix (the unfixed one annoys the shit of me). The standing NES-style Samus is good as well, so we'll just use those, but definitely hit up some other game sprites and post 'em up here, preferably from something less known if you're interested. Thanks for your effort here.
  10. Yeah, I got Gimp yesterday but I'm not used to it yet. Fine then, be that way. I thought the original sprite was hilarious though:LT: Anything that's not a 1:1 resize is likely a no-go anyway.
  11. I did one in BMP, but I can't figure out how to save it in GIF without it turning into crap. Edit: Meh, here's mine: LT: Um...
  12. Why hello, hello, hello new people. Tacticat, check out the Remixing forum for your questions.
  13. well dat aint nice Well, ya know, this is a noob thread... Anyway, just so you know: Read a lot. Read threads, read everything you can. In fact, you should only read stuff for the next couple of days. Get a good idea of how OCR forums work. And if you do chose to go to PPR, try to be intelligent and think before posting. Moreso if you go to unmod. We may act dumb, but most of us do so just for fun and we are in no way idiots. Well... most of them anyway.
  14. Just out of curiosity, and the two posters with a name in common, what is "unmei"?
  15. I have a question. Does the command line client run any faster than the graphical one? In terms of folding speed, anyway.
  16. I got it running on three of the school computers. I asked, and it's in a computer lab that no-one uses anyway. The one I'm posting on has 194/500 frames right now.
  17. Testing to see if I got this sig thing linked up right.
  18. This thing is pretty cool. My mom has this on her computer, but I didn't know that you could pick your team. I'm in. ...just as soon as my brother stops hogging our computer.
  19. Haha, you posted the 2300th post in your own thread, Coop. But anyway, I'm sure how you wanted this, but I always have trouble with Wily when I first played the MegaMan games. I'd do just fine on any of the regular levels and go through them in a day or two, then I get to Wily and *BOOM* I'm stuck on him for a week or so. e:typos
  20. Holy smokes! What's this thread doing in GenDisc? 141 Pages? And what is this retarded poll anyway?
  21. Could someone please seed the Sonic Hedgehog Heaven? I've been trying for days, but to no avail.
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