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Posts posted by SilverStar

  1. I'd love to at least be able to try, but my damn Wii seems to love chugging along at sub-dialup speeds when it comes to the wii shop.

    And here I thought it'd be at least decently fast, what with buying a whole, high quality router and everything. :P

  2. I know, but I don't like games being delayed for online play and I was really looking forward to this game. This was the first Mario Party game I was going to buy. I just hope it comes out soon. But whatever, I just hope Metroid Prime 3 stays multiplayer free.

    For how long they've had, for both games, there's no need to "delay" it. It should have been part of the design from the start.

  3. I don't see the point of Mario Party 8 online. Party games are just boring if you play online. Not that I'm against online, its just that when you play with people in the same room, the game gets so much better.

    Considering I don't have any friends locally who have a Wii, and at most only 1 plan on it(plus a few family members, who I don't see often at all), having an online mode for the game would be as good as an offline mode, for multiplayer.

    Online, I have dozens of friends who have a Wii, and more who plan on getting one.

    But, something for you to consider: Just because it -has- an online multiplayer mode, doesn't mean that's the -only- way to play it multiplayer, as your comment would suggest you would expect.

  4. Yeah, if you connect the Wii to your tv via component cables, even if your tv doesn't support progressive scan, it will still look sharper. I personally got the 1st party cables as at the time they were cheaper, but I wouldn't imagine there to be a huge difference between those and 3rd party cables.

    So, supposedly Mario Party 8 comes out in in just less than a month (March 5 US release date, according to IGN at least). I'm definitely thinking about purchasing it, anyone else?

    If Mario Party 8 is online, I'll buy it. If not, it's not worth the money.

  5. Sonic Wii's release date has been brought forward to late February. I think that's a good sign. <(^_^)>


    It's a good thing to know I'm not the only one who thinks Sega has run Sonic into the ground, with SA1 being their best 3D sonic game..

    I do have some hope for this one, but not much. The hope, is because it's nothing like their other failed attempts.

    Though, the whole constantly-moving thing about it, has me worried..

    I'd rather see them make a 3D sidescroller, in the vein of the originals. Give me a damned 2D platformer, with sweet 3D graphics!

  6. I dont think it was a love situation or at least on Link's end. Minda probably developed it at the end but the only love realtion that showed was with Link and Ilia.

    I think it's more about how Link is more of a player in this one, and for once didn't seem to have -any- sort of interest in Zelda, beyond her being in the way between him and Ganon(at least, as far as modern Zelda games go).

  7. To go a little more serious..

    One of the real problems about blurring video games and real life, involves the ever increasing level of realism in video games(physics, damage models, weapons, characters..), and what can happen when you suffer a momentary lapse in sane judgment, as seen in this thread.

    Ever suffer from deja vu? What if you ended up with a real event that closely resembled something from a video game, triggering a moment of deja vu and resulting in one of those lapses in judgment. What do you think would happen, then?

  8. I'm sorry, but that is a very silly thing to say. Super Mario Bros games, SMW games, PSOne and N64 games in their days were GORGEOUS, MODERN graphical masterpieces back then. Taking a look back on it with emulation is not a really valid point to make. Likewise, something that we might consider great with the Wii and the 360 and PC gaming today might seem primitive if we saw it from the future. There has to be that context of the age we're in.

    Hell, did you think Commodore games used to look awesome? Or Turbografix games? They were in my day. Don't tell me they look like pixelated shit /sarcasm.

    You, as much as many others, are among the "graphics whore" category. But, you still play old games on emulation, don't you? WHY do you continue to play these games, if their graphics aren't up to your current standards for what you expect from a game?

  9. What I meant was that with the way Sony talks about their hardware, pre-rendered cut scenes shouldn't even exist anymore. I guess the sarcasm was a little too light, there.

    Hey, remember! You can render Spider-Man 3 in real-time! I say it's time to take Sony to task on their BS.

    And in general, the only thing they need pre-rendered scenes for these days, are because they still suck at doing facial expressions in real-time, without making it look like shit.

  10. There's only so many ways you can change up the way things work, while still keeping a unified atmosphere. The ground can only be so many ways, brick walls only have so many textures, cave walls only come in so many colors..

  11. As for Oblivion, yeah the world is large, but that size comes at the expense of variety. A lot of the content is reused throughout the whole game, especially for the landscape and monsters (I was hoping Oblivion would have a more interesting landscape, ALA Gothic 2, rather than the boring old sole heightmap based implementation, but it was not to be.)

    You mean like.. almost every game? Look at any actual, large game, and see how many of the textures get reused. Unless the game itself goes between a half dozen worlds, chances are it reuses 90% of the textures in every level.

  12. Graphics, honestly, can only go so far. When everyone has ultra high resolution, super sharp, near photo-realistic graphics, how will one big name game be able to make itself known over the competition?

    Look at how the fighting genre has gone. How long until DoA, Tekken and Soul Caliber look exactly the same, to the point where if you hide the UI elements(health, timer, etc..), one game can't be told from another, without knowledge of the cast included in the game? It's already getting there.

    For graphics, it only has to be as good as the style dictates. Would Okami be any better in HD? Does HD make Alien Hominid look/play/feel any more next gen? No.

    Think back.. a lot of us here use emulation to play our favorite games of old.. how many of those games are held in high esteem as having ground breaking graphics? Who plays Super Mario World, or PS1 games, or N64 games in an emulator? If you're so intent on high resolution graphics, why do you play them?

    Now, that isn't to say graphics aren't needed.. There are some games that are just outright painful to try playing, due to horrible graphics. Like Aidyn Chronicles for N64. But, there's always games with really low quality graphics, that still work wonderfully, such as Tetris, or Chu Chu Rocket.

    The graphics should always, and in fact should -only-, work to match the game environment. To be a part of the game, and not to -be- the game itself. Unless it's a painting game or something.

  13. Only if it's like the N64 games and pretends the recent DS one never happened.

    Haven't seen the DS one, didn't know it even existed. Doubt it'd be much fun.

    However, the idea of using the Wiimote to control stunts and being able to do all sorts of cool stuff and whatnot, like unlocking/purchasing upgrades and new boards and new courses.

    For some reason, I just like the more.. platformer-style racing games, where you have various tasks to do, instead of just trying to win each race. Probably one of the reasons why I rank Diddy Kong Racing above MK64.

  14. Oddly enough, I haven't played -any- of the SSX games, so I guess even if it is a virtual clone of a previous one, it won't be such a big deal to me. :P

    But, I'd still like to see more original content, even in the form of original sequels, made for the Wii. I wanna see Snowboard Kids 3, for instance.

  15. I have heard and read that the Cell processor is only good for linear processing (straight number crunching, like physics), and is terrible for anything non-linear (like AI, something that a lot of games use).


    Can only handle floating point numbers to 3 decimal places. Which means the CPU cannot handle doing any sort of 3D graphics rendering, and generally fails at physics processing.

    AI processing however, is based on pure integers and boolean logic. So at least the potential is there for someone to program a game with a million potential AI calls per second, if someone wanted to spend a decade calculating all the possible issues that would come up with it.

  16. I've never heard them say that, and while I'm more interested in how much the new discs can hold for personal reasons (backups, etc.), it is true that the more spacious BR discs do help more than regular DVDs when it comes to the more demanding space requirements of today's games. Sure, BR isn't an absolute neccessity at the moment, but at least when developers start to really take advantage of the PS3, they won't have to worry about space constraints.

    It's too bad the read speed of the drive is so slow though.

    BluRay offers -nothing- for gameplay, that DVD doesn't already more than accomplish. If they really want to make something special, they should work on making the in-game graphics, with all their ultra high resolution textures, as clean and crisp as the pre-rendered cinematics.

    The only thing eating up all that disc space now, is still the same thing that's been eating it up for years. In-game movies, pre-rendered using something completely unrelated to the in-game engine.

    Then again, I see people complaining that Oblivion requires a -10- gig install on the PC.. the game doesn't even fill an entire single-layer DVD. And it is, by far, the largest game out there. Go straight for just the ultra high resolution textures and none of the low res ones, and the game wouldn't be any larger. They could double EVERYTHING in the game and still only fill a single DVD fully, so no.. BluRay isn't needed and won't be for a VERY long time, unless developers want to use all of the PS3's power to render low quality graphics and bluray quality pre-rendered cutscenes. :P

  17. I think you guys are too caught up in the numbers. Why do they matter?

    Ask Sony? They're the ones saying you can't make fun games without having access to 50GB worth of storage. :P



    This is ouch for both camps.. but especially for Sony.

    According to the latest numbers from Media-Create, only 25,531 PS3s were sold during the week that ended on January 14.

    That's 25K PS3 sold in Japan, in a 1-week period.. Compared to 93K units for the Wii. Both are low numbers, but seeing the PS3 sales that low actually hurts me. o.o

  18. My opinion is that Sonic Adventure 1 was the best 3D sonic game made yet. Since then, each attempt to create a halfway decent 3D sonic game has resulted in a horrible mess, filled too far with truly pointless story elements in a series that doesn't really need it, and too much rapid change in gameplay mechanics(particularly Sonic Adventure 2.. I'd have loved to be able to just, you know.. do all the Sonic levels, naturally, without having to jump around to all the other characters like they force you to do).

    I loved the virtual simplicity of the original SA, because it felt more like they put in a few different games, based on the same levels. All of Sonic's levels were the same methods and followed his own story, all of Tails' levels were the same method, all of Big's levels were focused on fishing.. no jumping around and doing things you really don't want to do.

    Now, if they had taken SA2 and done something like that.. maybe made the game that much larger.. or at least let you play any level as any character at the end, for unlocking bonus stuff, that'd have been a lot better.

    As for Shadow..? Well, the idea of trying to do some sort of cyberjacking on a level, literally inserting yourself into the computer to do the level? WTF?

  19. Wow. Using any third-party cables or accessories? Say good-bye to your warranty.


    And to those that are thinking "bullshit", from the Sony PS3 manual:

    Nice. Sony can get out of their warranty agreement because you used an identical HDMI cable to theirs, except it didn't have a Sony logo on it.

    I LOL at Sony.

    Then again, this is almost getting as old as mocking Jack Thompson is. And even more predictable.

  20. Sony. Insert foot directly to mouth.

    Sony reminds me of the ever-tarded "Stop hitting yourself!" type of bullying.. Only no one is holding their arm as they keep punching themselves increasingly hard in the face, along with a few swift kicks to their own nuts.

    Sony: "You're not laughing -AT- us, you're laughing -WITH- us! ...Right? Heheh...?"

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