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Posts posted by SilverStar

  1. Loser, who uses guides???
    I was thinking about stopping. I bet that would make them a lot more fun, wouldn't it...

    I always figured it was like paying someone to play the game for you... unless you use the internet.... do they still make guides?

    So I've been playing the Goron mine fire temple thing without the guide and it has been going quite smoothly. Maybe I'll use it later when I want to go back to collect heart pieces or something, but the lack of guide makes it waayyyyy more fun.

    The game is far too linear and simple to require a guide.

    it is not my fault i'm bad at video games

    Don't worry about using a guide to get the heart pieces. There's a character you can talk to who will show you where the piece is.. you just need to figure out how to get it.

  2. Phft, I doubt Microsoft can legally disable hardware that someone owns. Imagine if government computers are running on old hardware that gets disabled. Microsoft would find themselves in a rather bad place, as it sounds to me like they're taking the law into their own hands.

    Think for a moment about what you just said..

    Running -VISTA- on -OLD HARDWARE-? That just.. doesn't work! o.o

  3. Anyone else wondering how long until Nintendo consolidates their handheld and console lines into a single line of portable consoles?

    I mean.. some sort of fairly high-end handheld(maybe GC quality, given the generation gap and technological advancement..), that has composite outputs to display on a TV.. but could do just as well as a portable/handheld, with wireless single-cart multiplayer through wifi/bluetooth and whatever else they can fucking cram in there.

  4. Zelda.


    I'm not saying anything bad about Zelda games in general, this actually applies to all games, but how often can you sit back and say "wow this is FUN."

    More like, wow this is cool, wow that is pretty, wow this is epic, wow midna is HOT.

    You know.. for how many people love to say Midna is hot...

    Just which Midna are you talking about? The little imp Midna who rides around on Link's back and bosses him around(eventually resorting to begging..), for 30-70 hours of the game, or the more human Midna you see for maybe 3 minutes in a cutscene at the end of the game?

    Because, you know, if it's the first one, I can think of a couple signature memes that would fit, to describe it.

  5. So.. Depending on which one you want to believe..

    VG Charts is saying Wii has broke 3 million.

    NexGenWars is saying 2 million.

    I say.. wait until Nintendo announces the end of year numbers. Or at least announces some sort of milestone.

  6. Haha.. poor bastard he is, indeed. The following was posted by him, in immediate sequence.


    And then immediately follows it up with..


    Seriously.. how old is he? 8? Maybe he doesn't even realize that he ended up calling himself a "nintendo lover" and that he "takes it in the butt". Because, rather than trying to target it at the article, he targeted it at the person who made the previous -comment-.. which was himself. :P

  7. Well, I finally picked up an el cheapo GC accessory pack this morning (controller, memory card and carrying case for a bunch of discs), but I'm lacking in funds to obtain any games as of right now. Is there some way to download & burn GC ISO's and play them on my Wii?

    I -think- you might be able to use the SD loader method. Because there's no mod chips for it yet, PSO is literally disabled so you can't stream it, and the freeloader doesn't work on backups. ;)

    SD loader? Explain thyself further.

    It involves the use of the Action Replay Pro, an SD card, the GC memory card that uses SD cards, and a hand-made program.

    And even then, you might be SOL, because in gamecubes you often had to tweak the laser to be able to read the GC discs.

    That and you had to burn them just right, on mini-DVD, and in general it was a big ol' pain in the ass.

    Go hit up the AfterDawn.com forums and look in the Nintendo Gamecube or Nintendo Wii sections and ask around there. They'd know better.

  8. *clears his throat*


    I'm sorry.. that's the only way to respond to anything coming from any Sony rep these days. They've become the lead-in, the body AND the punchline to just about any possible joke, no matter how innocent, or how bawdy it might be.

  9. HOORAY! I got all the poes! :DWent to gamefaqs for the last four. Oh well...

    I found an awesome small detail: When the orcs shoot arrows at you, you can pick up ones that hit the ground and add them to your quiver. :lol:

    Snowboard mini-game is the best sidequest in the game imo. Great atmosphere and music. Makes me yearn for Snowboard kids. That game should really get on the virtual console.

    Crusing Hyrule Field is easily the best part of this game, and will keep me coming back to play for a good while yet.

    You can also attack the arrows and knock them out. Time your strikes right and they won't even touch you or your shield.

  10. I don't like shooters, fighters, or sports games. Clearly the PSP isn't for me.

    ...I want Loco Roco. :(

    Don't forget the Megaman games, and maybe E^3. Aside from that.. nope, nothing on that list I'm interested in, either.

  11. Well, I finally picked up an el cheapo GC accessory pack this morning (controller, memory card and carrying case for a bunch of discs), but I'm lacking in funds to obtain any games as of right now. Is there some way to download & burn GC ISO's and play them on my Wii?

    I -think- you might be able to use the SD loader method. Because there's no mod chips for it yet, PSO is literally disabled so you can't stream it, and the freeloader doesn't work on backups. ;)

  12. On the topic of emulation...

    Rather than using a cheap ripoff of a cheap PC game controller, just go get an X360 pad. Plugs right in, the drivers are available on winupdate(or through the XBCD 3rd party drivers, so you can get rumble..), and it's a REAL system gamepad. :)

  13. If you are indeed, as you claim, a "full-time Information Security Analyst," then you know that 99.995% of all security holes are due to the direct actions of the end user, including inaction for simple preventative measures. Your job is safe because of the sheer number of stupid people out there, to whom even Vista will fall open and become a mindless zombie on a spam network.

    And MS did indeed claim Aero Glass as being a 3D Accelerated interface. And I have no use for it.

    And it's not "Moore's Law" that I blame Vista's performance on. MS could, very simply, take the entire interface of XP and slap it on the underlying code of Vista and they'd have a system that has all the "security features" of Vista, without the 700MB memory footprint.

    And no, Vista could not do everything I do with XP. I micromanage my system with external tools. The way Vista is designed, a majority of those very things that I customize, are impossible to even touch.

    To me, the entire Vista experience is like having WindowsBlinds installed over an incompatible video card with a heavy transcoding job running in the background. It's painful to even browse my computer, for how slow the interface makes it, and everything -lags-.

    If they didn't screw Vista up so badly and try to put more shit in there than is wanted or needed, I'd even have been willing to go for the Ultimate package. But, since I'd have to invest close to 3 grand into a new computer to be able to run it even as fast as I can run XP on my current machine, I'm not going to bother.

  14. I tried Vista. I was part of the public beta. I didn't keep it installed more than 2 days(rarely more than 6 hours), because it just wouldn't do anything I normally do with my computer.

    It really does have driver issues, which caused my sound AND video cards to shit all over the system(Radeon X1600 Pro AGP 512MB video card and a Creative Soundblaster Audigy 4 soundcard). it hated the drivers, to the point that my video was reduced to alternating vertical black and white lines, with just my mouse being visible(it was suspended "above" the rest of the image), and Windows constantly losing the audio drivers(it'd start off by saying there was a problem.. then fix it a couple minutes later, then forget the drivers another couple minutes later...).

    And you know what? XP is just FINE for security, if you know what the hell you're doing. On my system, I run without a software firewall OR AV program(though I do have an AV installed for the occasional system scan, just to be safe), including the built-in Windows firewall(XP SP2), with the Administrative account.

    I burn through 50-100GB a month, mostly in downloading, and I haven't had a virus on my system in over 3 years.

    My entire security consists of 2 things: 1) My router, which acts as my firewall through NAT. 2) My knowledge, which stops me from doing stupid things like sitting in the DMZ or installing whatever BS scripts a website feels like trying to install, if I don't trust it.

    With those two things, even Win95 would be plenty secure. Control the packets that get to your internal network, then control the data that makes it to your computer. And a cheap, 40 buck router is a hell of a lot more cost-effective than going for a whole new system just to run Vista(Sempron 3000+, 1GB DDR, felt like I was running XP with everything enabled, on my old P3 800 with 192MB SDRAM), then still needing to go for a "real" antivirus program(I use AVG, with the autoruns disabled until I need to use it), and then investing in a commercial firewall(as I said, I just use my router).

    If you know how to use your computer, rather than simply being a user of it, then there's nothing Vista offers that's worth it. A 3D desktop interface.. that doesn't even make use of the 3D features? No thanks. "Enhanced security" that stops me from being able to update my drivers.. and tells me that it's "too soon" to uninstall them? No thanks. An OS that eats up 16GB just to install? No thanks.

  15. Gametrailers has a habit of making me want a game. It even made DOAX2 look like a pretty fun game. And Viva Pinata actually looks a lot more fun than it sounds. I hope Rareware keeps making original, new games instead of trying to live up to its former hype.

    I hope the 3rd Banjo-Kazooie game is as good as the last 2.

  16. Well, the hardware sales has been erratic due to the extreme shortage, so we'll see what happens to software sales after. That software library of exclusives may look low now, but remember that the smaller Japanese developers in general will probably still stick with Sony. In any case, this spring should bring us some more news about the future of the console.

    Aye. While I'd like to see Sony knocked down hard, I don't quite want them to end up like Nintendo was with the Gamecube. If that's the case, Sony simply wouldn't be able to stay afloat, simply from the huge hit they take per unit.

    I want Sony to stick around for a PS4, as unlikely as it may seem right now, and let them finally do it all right.

    Right now it seems like it's a major shift in the entire electronic entertainment industry. MS is starting to pull ahead in the games division, actually making a profit, while their PC/OS market looks highly uncertain(Most people simply see no reason to upgrade to Vista.. even if their machines could support it properly). Sony has been kicked squarely in the teeth and needs to clear their head before they're knocked clear out of the race, and Nintendo has shown that, finally, it's the gameplay that truly matters. Even if Nintendo doesn't actually take any marketshare from MS or Sony among the "hardcore" crowd, they're growing the fanbase faster than anyone anticipated, simply by appealing to the former and non-gamers.

    And then there's the entire modder community that's going totally batshit over the Wii, trying to re-engineer the remote to be used for absolutely anything they can think of, in any number of tinkering ways. That alone is threatening to push the Wii from being a "fringe" element, to turning it into a primary source of use, for a device that could see wide use in the mainstream PC industry.

    No matter how things shake up in the next year, by the end of this cycle things should be in ways no one can really expect right now. Macs could overtake the Windows-based PCs(with Linux picking up the slack), Nintendo could be the dominant force in an industry that tops even Hollywood, and MS could find that it has a real hit wonder on its hands, by marketing a console to the rabid MMO fanbase, who are willing to shell out hundreds of dollars in pure profit every year, just to play the same couple of games, as long as they're kept fresh and up to date(Too bad Sega hasn't learned it's lesson until -maybe- with PSU). And Sony, the once-tyrant of the industry, who towered above even the mighty and ancient Nintendo empire, could be reduced to little more than a footnote.

    But, yeah. Good luck Sony. You honestly do need it.

  17. You have too much time on your hands SilverStar.

    Would you rather I call you a fgtmod, just to make you feel like a welcome mod? Because, you know, you can't be a good mod if you don't have a lot of time to hang around the forums and, well.. moderate. :P

    (I'm just joking, of course. Now, if Evilhead had been made a mod in gendesc, you'd have the OCR Troll King, out to ban everyone who says anything positive about Nintendo :P)

    Evilhead is fairly mature about things, even if he does troll a bit.

    But the point there was that these politics really don't mean much to gamers - it's only the games themselves that matter, and gamers have shown that they're quite willing to take crap up the ass for the games (PS2's PR lies and hyperbole). I wouldn't worry too much except about the game selection. If blu-ray does take off I will most certainly buy a PS3 though, despite my reservations about giving Sony control of a format, as a DVD player for my parents.

    And at this point, Sony is constantly losing more and more exclusive titles. They really only have a small handful of exclusive IP that can make them money. One in.. what? 8 reviews, makes the PS3 version of a port seem like it's as good, or better, than the existing 360 version, even among games that have been built from the ground up, to take advantage of the PS3.

    I'm afraid that, even purely from the perspective of the games, the PS3 just isn't offering what the competition is. According to the NDP, only 80K copies of Resistance was sold in the US, in November. Through the month, it barely hit a 1:1 ratio of games to hardware. The software just isn't there yet.

    But, granted, it did take MS about 6 months to really get the 360 off the ground with appealing games. Sony needs to put some heavy, american-style focus on the network features, or the entire Playstation Network idea might not turn out much better than what it appears the Wii is going to have(just with a lot less paranoia).

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