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Posts posted by SilverStar

  1. So, for those of you who have a Wii, now that you've had time with the controls, even without the motion controls, how do you find the controller to be?

    I find it to be one of the most comfortable designs ever, just because of the whole split design. Being able to move my arms around naturally while playing, even without it being to control the game, just makes it feel so much easier for endurance gaming sessions, since my arms and wrists don't start to cramp up so much.

  2. OoT was also something of a shorter/smaller game than TP. TP just FEELS too huge to replay from my standpoint, though I do intend on playing it once more for a speed run.

    Quite true, there's that as well.. It's much easier to play through a 15-20 hour(first run) game that's made fairly solid, than it is a game like FFT or TP, that can -start- at 30 hours, even after playing through it a few times, for completion sake.

    There's as much room for games that you can pick up and play, as there are games you have to devote days, weeks, or even months to.

  3. Has anyone else noticed something? Even some of the most insane, hardcore Wii/Nintendo fans.. are praising at least one other, non-Nintendo system this generation. Hell, I think I've seen a certain holograph fetishist posting positively in the 360 thread. ;)

    Naturally, it IS the 360 that most of the Wii owners who are considering another system, are looking at, since the 360 didn't make moves to rip off Nintendo in.. well, every area. But still, that any other company would actually be getting love from a seemingly growing portion of Nintendo's fanbase seems almost ludicrous, compared to how things have been in previous wars. o.o

  4. My opinon of Twilight Princess is that overall it was a pretty good game, but overall OoT was much better. However I can't wait for more installments to the series

    My opinion is.. TP is a great game. But it just doesn't have the replay value that OoT had. It's great for a one-time playthrough, with an engaging story, but it just doesn't feel like it has the kind of random playability that OoT did.

    In OoT, I'd spend hours at a time in Kakariko village, just messing around and doing random things. Or on Death Mountain, leading up to the Big Goron(for some reason, I loved using the levitation boots there to run off the cliff and then do The Biggest Slash In the Game, which took a few hearts off.. even made the occasional kill by hitting an enemy down below with it).

  5. Looks like DJP made some updates, anyway THAT is fixed, but...

    I have absolutely NO CLUE what's causing that. It doesn't happen for me and SHOUOLD'NT be happening at ALL.

    The banner is ONLY the background image for the BODY tag and the BODY tag online. In fact stuff in the INPUT boxes are styled something completely different. Since I'm not seeing it, it's gonna be pretty hard for me to get to the bottom of, but I've added a few things that MIGHT work.

    Edit: Looks like userStyles is broken right now, in the meantime manually update using this:


    Error in parsing value for property 'background-image'. Declaration dropped.

    And it's still giving me the image in the edit box. :/

    I manually updated the style by overwriting the old one with that one.

    And.. yes. Using standard clears up the background image issue. Also makes the text look better. And it doesn't seem to have an issue with there being extra, phantom lines in the edit box.

  6. 1. I really couldn't care less about TP connecting to the other games. In fact, I'm hoping that the next Zelda game actually takes place in more modern or futuristic times. After all, Nintendo did say TP would be the last game we see in Zelda form as we know it.

    They said that when the game was being developed just for the GC. The introduction of the Wii controls makes it as much an evolution in gameplay(albeit tacked on and half-assed) as the introduction of the analog stick and 3D environments made OoT for the series.

    In the next Wii Zelda game, we'll see it designed from the ground up with Wii controls in mind, to make the whole thing a bit more fluid, I'm sure. Or at the least, more interactive and easier to handle at any range(am I the only one tempted to make a -smaller- sensor bar, maybe 4 inches wide?).

  7. Quick question: Will the fortunate teller show locations where you've already collected a heart piece? I've combed over the same area about 50 times and I already got a heart piece there, but she keeps telling me that one is there.

    Nope, she won't tell you there's one if you've already grabbed it.

    When you ge them all, she'll just say something like, "You have all the love there is for you in this world. Take care of the hearts granted to you" or something like that.

  8. I agree, we really could've used another side-quest laden village. We only had Odron Ranch and Castle Town really. I remember that, for example, there was no breathing space in between the third to last and penultimate dungeon. A full repopulation of Kakariko was probably another thing they didn't have time for.

    I think what they should have done, was have Kakariko village begin to repopulate with people who would have you do sidequests, once you clear the twilight from it.

    Overall, with the exception of Castle Town, it just feels like hyrule is falling into utter decay. I mean, you have all the ruins laying around in the west(Wii) region of the overworld, but there's just nothing really there and no one who mentions anything about what -was- there.

    Great detail in the story, as far as the story itself goes.. not so much for covering anything else. For a game that's set a few generations after OoT, I'd want there to be something that explains the history and covers the gaps, explaining how things went.

  9. I'd rather just get rid of the quick reply box altogether, since it's generally useless. A regular reply usually works just fine, or just click on the Quote button if you want to quote what someone said, very similar to the behavior of the old board.

    I dunno.. just because there's a feature that's included, doesn't mean it needs to be put in place. Especially when it tries to limit itself like it does.

    Or maybe turn it into a javascript button, so it'll just pop open when you push the button and you can type your reply, rather than have it sit there and eat up half a screen?

  10. I only remember there being, like... 3 purple rupees in OoT. TP definately had a rupee overload. Also, there WERE a lot of places to bomb stuff, but almost all of them were just rocks that gave rupees... Maybe one of the main reasons for the rupee overload was so Zelda's Wii launch wasn't too overbearing or difficult for newcomers? The Wii is probably attracting a bunch of new people after all.

    On completely different note.

    Are there any plans on adding new content to TP later? I know Probably not, but theres a handful of places that bug the hell out of me because they look like there should be something, such as the round "well" in the Kakariko Graveyard with metal plates on top (which is theoretically near where hookshot cave was in OoT), unattainable areas in Death Mountain that look like structured paths, and Fado's House. This could also be explained as removed beta stuff, which makes me just as sad.

    The well is where you come out in the Twilight infected Kakariko.

    But, I find it almost.. disturbing, that the OoT temples are.. well, gone. Like after you were there in OoT, they just didn't need to be bothered with, so they were bombed out and filled in or something. Seriously, am I the only one who finds it almost freaky that the Zora graveyard would be where it is, compared to the same area in OoT?

  11. Any hope for doing something about the smacktarded behavior of the "quick reply" window? Or maybe just get rid of it entirely? I can't seem to find an option for it..

    A good way to have it work, would be so you could just quickly post a reply to the thread(default at the OP, if needed), so you can actually make use of it to quickly reply to a rapidly moving topic. Otherwise, it's just sorta sitting there, taking up room, being ugly.

    And aside from that.. maybe do something about the edit text boxes in general, for posting? They don't seem to want to behave nicely with cursor positioning. If you click too low in the edit box, it refuses to accept that you've clicked in it, and otherwise it wants to add extra lines, which can make working with tabs to get links and stuff a touch annoying.

  12. Definatly. They overloaded the chests in templs it's quite ridicoulous. I've probably missed out on a few heart pieces now cause the map was full of chests that I couldn't take any rupees.

    Sadly.. you're really not missing out on much. I I -think- each temple may have 1 heart piece in it, in a chest. The rest is money. And most of the chests that do give you heart pieces, you need to solve a small puzzle for.

    I'd much rather have -no- chests with money in it, anywhere in the dungeons. They're all an annoyance and not worth picking up, at any point in the game. Since the start I found myself having more money than I knew what to do with, even after getting the magic armor.

    Sure, this game is great and all.. but after beating it, I haven't picked it up since. OoT I played through about 8 times in a row, but this one just.. it's a great story, but the gameplay feels nerfed. Hunting for poes just isn't anywhere near as entertaining as hunting for skulltulas was.

    And then there's the whole thing where there's almost NOWHERE that you might need to bomb, to unlock a secret room or anything. That's been a staple since the original Zelda, and now it just.. isn't there. Same kinda problem I have about the Metroid Prime series.. there's just nowhere worthwhile that's off the grid and hidden away. FAR too linear and a minimum of real exploration is needed, since anywhere interesting you are pretty much led right to as part of the story.

    Am I the only one who misses the more open-ended exploration of past entries(of both series, at that)? Sure, there was usually a fixed place you had to go to, but there were always extra bits that you could go and try to explore out of curiosity, with whatever new gear you might have obtained.

  13. Well, what I MEANT was the FORUMS looks OK as is, the rest of the site is completely unaltered. Which basically means as a legitamate forum theme it's OK. Of course it's best used with the maintheme as well.

    Also: I don't quite understand your question about the banner and the reply field. Got a screen?

    How's this for a screen of what I mean? Kinda hard to miss the banner now, isn't it? :P


  14. I wonder what'd be involved in making gamecube games work with the wii controller? I'm thinking some sort of expansion download with modifications for the existing game. Once you pop in the gamecube game, the modifications kick in, allowing you to use the wii controller (and motion sensing, etc) for games like Mario Golf and F-Zero GX.

    Of course, Nintendo would much rather make and sell an all new game that's designed to make the most of the controller (and your wallet), but wouldn't an alternate control scheme be along the same lines as, say, downloading new maps for an fps?

    Although I think most games that have downloadable content are designed to include these options for modification from the start, not have them forced in - several years down the road, no less.

    It would require each developer to issue a patch to make use of the controls, plus options for configuring.. and some sort of injection system, similar to an Action Replay, to arbitrarily replace code during runtime.

    And then Nintendo would have to issue a heavy firmware update that doesn't disable certain hardware elements during the reboot to GC mode.

    Something I'd like to see, is an update that would let you boot straight into a game, GC or Wii, without having to go through the channels menu first.

  15. Alright, that did indeed seem to fix it up. Unfortunately, you do need to have both scripts running if you don't want everything outside the forum region of the page itself, turn out white and ugly and stuff.

    Fortunately, AFAIK, it doesn't matter, because it doesn't seem to slow anything down.

    Any chance of removing the banner from the reply field, or maybe move it down, or something? Makes it kinda hard to read what I'm typing, when I have that in the way. :)

    Either way, good work. :)

  16. I love how one of the first comments there suggests that Sony's fortune will improve next year, stating they'll sell 4-6 million units.

    On average, if you accept the "units shipped" as "units sold", then both the PS1 and PS2 averaged close to 20 MILLION units per year. For the PS3 to maybe sell 6 million next year, would mean they're only doing 1/4 as well as the previous 2.

    It'd put them in about the same situation for potential units, as Nintendo was for the Gamecube. o.o

  17. Well, clicking on your link solved the problem, but anytime I type into OCR and go into the forums any other way, other than using your link, it doesn't keep the skin.

    Never mind about the other part. I've got it working. Looks great. Thanks for your help, guys.

    Try clearing your cache with ctrl-F5.

    Also, are you installing both of the scripts? Everywhere from the front page to the forums are showing up with the style installed, for me.

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