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Posts posted by SilverStar

  1. Anyone want a significant discount on a PS3? No problem. Just trade in your PS2, your second controller and your memory card. Now you have a system that also plays PS2 games, and it only cost you $400 to $500!


    Who in their right mind would take this trade? Get rid of a system with shitloads of games for it, that only costs a little over a hundred bucks, and get rid of not only your extra controller, but your memory card as well? For a system that only has one controller (with no rumble and an unused tilt feature), no pack-in game, and you still have to pay three to four times as much for?

    Here's the real story..


    "...what we do pay attention to is that month in, month out, the PlayStation 2 continues to outsell Xbox 360. I think you see the consumers voting with their wallets on the PlayStation brand. But also, if people want to go out and buy a 360, their stacked pretty high at retail and yet, six-year-old technology is outselling it. I also think there's another trend going on. Every Sunday in the paper, there's a new deal with a free controller or a free game or $100 off all discounting the 360. I don't think you take those measures if you're selling as expected." Peter Dille - Senior VP of Marketing, SCEA

    That was posted on Wednesday. 3 days later, one of Sony's largest retail chains for the PS3, announce a sale for $100 off if you give up ~$150 worth of gear.

  2. So. Uh... about that Blu-Ray DVD format... I don't know if it's going to catch on now. The porn business isn't going to support it. The best part? It's not the porn companies that don't want to use Blu-Ray; it's Sony. Sony has allegedly threatened to take the licenses away of anyone who would publish porn on Blu-Ray. From the article:

    Porn is supposed to be the majority of DVD sales, and VHS porn must have been pretty big. Even with the internet supplying quicker and cheaper (even free) porn, there will still be people that buy DVDs. Or in this case, HD-DVDs.

    Looks like Sony's format took another hit. Anyone still want me to believe that the PS3 is a good value as a movie player? I see less and less of a chance that Blu-Ray will even be around in a few years. Only if all the major movie studios go with it, will we see it stick around. At that point, however, we'll have two different formats still fighting each other.

    Nice. Hybrid DVD porn! Regular DVD on one side, HD-DVD on the reverse! *yoink and wank!* :P

  3. Oh my god.. talk about sensationalistic journalism.

    Short story: some reporter is saying that kids will download porn on their Wii.

    I have to wonder how many of these sorts of stories are in some way started or backed by the target system's competition... Throw a few bucks towards a couple of PTAs or groups, and mention how easy it is for kids to do something "bad" on the other guys hardware.

    Considering some of the shit that went down in the last few year, I wouldn't be surprised if it were true.

    I freakin' LOL'd.

  4. Mario Kart 64 is completely awful if you go back and play it. I thought it was amazing when i tried it in like 97 or whenever. But then, years later I played the crap out of Double Dash then my friend pulled out MK64 and I gave it ago again... ughhhh. It's just doesn't control right. It almost feels like a mode 7 game where you just slide around on the flat picture.

    Actually, I did play it. Just last week, even. And that's why I remembered how much ass MK64 kicks.

  5. Soo, Who has their new wrist straps? I received mine monday and they do look a lot stronger.

    I got mine sometime early last week. Haven't bothered to give it a whirl yet. Though, I have my old one on my USB drive now. :)

  6. Actually, one of the words in GCN's name is all-caps, according to Nintendo. I admit that my corrections were not complete, but I was mainly focusing on the inclusion of Nintendo in the name. However, I don't wish to derail this topic any further, so let's drop it. I was in the wrong with my correction.


    Super Metroid was submitted for ESRB rating, as is Mario Kart 64 (which, agreed, is superior to Double Dash), so it shouldn't be too far down the road.

    Looks like EU is getting MK64, OoT and even SMW, all in the first quarter. :(

  7. I blame it on the deletion of unmod... and video game violence.

    Anyway, VC needs more Super Metroid and Mario Kart 64. Gradius is alright, but I liked Life Force a LOT more.

    IMO, Mario Kart 64 *0.5 > Mario Kart Double Dash * 2.0.. MKDD just didn't have enough to it, it felt like.

  8. I'm not suggesting that you compare the mythical "Future PS3" to the current Xbox 360. I also think that comparing the current Xbox 360 to the current PS3 is unfair. What I am suggesting people do is compare the current brand new PS3 to the 360 of 1 year ago, when it launched. THEN you get a fair comparison from a system launch perspective. And in that sort of comparison, PS3 does pretty well! Of COURSE Xbox 360 has more value to it right now - it's been out a full year and is just starting to have some solid AAA titles drop. Its library of next-gen games dwarfs the PS3's. That's what an extra year will get you. I don't have a problem seeing the distinction between current value and the strength of a system launch; I DO have a problem with those who resolutely refuse to acknowledge that the Xbox 360 had a pretty terrible launch and then proceded to get better, just as the PS3 undoubtedly will. Instead they just shout, "ZOMG PS3 SUX 360 FTW HALO3 & GEARS ARGHALSENV;AOIER;ASLKD" and expect people to take their opinion seriously.

    From a retail standpoint, I'm happy to have PS3s in stock at my store for about a week after we get them. It means I have guaranteed revenue walking out the door every day. :) Instead of one huge day from a revenue standpoint, I have many great days where I kill my budgets simply because I have a $600 trump card ready to be played.

    Something else you have to consider, is that the 360 has already been established, it already has the base, and it's already making money for developers. That will, naturally, make developers more likely in turn to develop games for it, because it shows there's money there. The market isn't just 10 million to 1 million, it's 10:1, meaning you have a chance of selling 10x the games, to make 10x the profit.

    The PS3 will have to actually get more units sold, to get on even footing and be a particularly valid development platform.. It's an edge that cuts both ways. Less hardware available means less software will be developed for it. Less software available will sell less hardware.

  9. To be fair, neither was the 100 Skulltula quest. Basically the same deal. It's more so you can show your friends "HAY GUYS, LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!"

    Side thing: What does the rare chu jelly DO anyways? Blue potion?

    Rare chu jelly is the same effect as the tears. full health plus damage increase.

    I think it'd be better if you kept the damage increase until you were hit, no matter how long it took. I miss firing off the sword at full power. :(

  10. Well, there are also the heavy rumors (supposedly leaked news) of a new version of the XBox 360. It looks like Microsoft is being quite aggressive this generation.

    You mean like this?


    Personally, I'd like it a touch more, if it had a built-in tuner device, so that you could record shows like an HTPC or DVR, instead of just downloading them in the background.

  11. I quoted you, to add an extra argument as to why Sony failed right out the gate.

    If, however, MS and Nintendo didn't come out with ANY new games for their systems.. then Sony might be able to catch up to sales and expectations. :P

  12. That's a completely illogical way to compare the consoles. It's impossible to compare the ethereal "future PS3" to the currently-1-year-old XB360. All we can do is compare two available products at present and examine which one holds more value. Right now, it's undeniably the 360.

    Besides, if we waited a year to compare them, then the arguement would be "Why are you comparing a 1-year-old system to a 2-year-old system?" Also, the Wii seems to have little problem selling despite the 360's lead. If one system released a year late can compete directly with the dug-in competition, why must we coddle and baby the other?

    Aside: My EBGames currently stocks about eight PS3's. We sell about one a week. We've recieved about three shipments of Wii's, with three systems per box. They sell as soon as they come in, and we get at least five to ten people a day calling/walking in and asking when our next shipment is.

    Here's the big thing you should be considering..

    If the PS3 will finally be "worth" buying in 1 year, why would the 360 suddenly not be? It'll have just that much more time to grow. With a few AAA titles hitting over the next 12 months, it's possible that MS will see another 10 million units sold(particularly with their new generation of 360 that has just been announced).

    Sony is late to the game for the same market MS is already catering to. If they didn't have their heads up their asses, they could have launched it in the spring and turned the 360 into a footnote. Instead, they just couldn't have the product ready.

    If you want a fair comparison, look at launch-period games instead.

  13. But if there's no reward for going through the Cave of Ordeals a second time through, then why bother? I mean, sure, some people get every single collectable in the game (I'm just missing six poes and that's it), thus giving them the right of going through the Cave of Ordeals again without looking obsessed.

    Not to be negative, but if I were the one playing the game and get everything, I wouldn't bother with that place anymore. Rather, I'd just put the game down, tell all of my friends how great it was, then continue life by starting/continuing a different game.

    I'm missing 6 poes, too. Have everything else. Since it's no easy feat to track down poes, I kinda gave up, especially since the reward isn't worth a kick in the pants.

    Also, I haven't picked the game up again in.. about 3 weeks now? Waiting for my canflix account to start sending me Wii games so I have something to play. :P

  14. Wiis are sold out because people keep buying them. Most stores get 15-20, and they're normally gone within the same day. Nintendo has hit the target with its number of titles and Sony hasn't. Combined with Sony's financial troubles, the lack of worthwhile exclusive titles for the PS3, the experience that Xbox 360 has gained throughout the market, and the gameplay delivered by the Wii - along with its semi-great number of exclusive titles - Sony will have to do more than just get more games out onto their console: they'll have to climb out of this financial pit of quicksand without the help of ex-loyal developers.

    Seriously, though, Capcom has basically switched over to Microsoft, Ubisoft is being split between Nintendo and Microsoft, Mistwalker (what could be considered the modern "Square" company) is with Microsoft, Assassin's Creed will be ported to Xbox 360 due to the fear of PS3 not selling well, and Metal Gear Solid 4: Gun of the Patriots could do the exact same thing, even though Hideo Kojima is/was loyal to Sony.

    PlayStation isn't looking too good, Nintendo Wii is selling like hot cakes, and Xbox 360's library of titles is absolutely amazing and would be over-looked by someone who has no reasoning (such person has no right to use "it doesn't have my kind of games on it" for the Xbox 360 because it has something that the original Xbox didn't: variety. The titles for Xbox 360 have opened to a wider audience now, thus giving no one the right not to want one. The same could be said about the PlayStation 3, only if it had games for it. :)). No one knows how this'll end, but if Sony doesn't get their act together then PS4 may be their last console (Sega Saturn;PS3/Dreamcast;PS4).

    I believe there was a mention on Kotaku about an interview with Kojima and he had nothing but gushing praise for the Wii, and bitched out both Sony and MS for trying to push the whole HD issue. He honestly doesn't like the idea of HD graphics being mandatory..

  15. Man! Everywhere I go I find PS3's sitting in the shelves. The dude at Gamestop said their few in stock have been sitting there a few days. And I just stopped in Wal-Mart; they had two. (Yet I can't find a singly Wii...)

    Are they making a ton now? Or is it just not as popular?

    If they've been sitting on shelves for days, that would indicate that they're not selling. If they're not selling, they're not as popular as they should be, less than 2 months after launch. If they had hit equilibrium, they'd be rotating through their stock so none would be able to be considered as "sitting there" for more than a day.

  16. Yup. The Ocarina should have been there, even if it was just for summoning Epona and changing day to night and vice-versa.

    That would make Poe hunting SO much easier.

    Something else they should have done, was have -some- sort of use for putting regular water in a bottle. No puzzles or anything for it, nothing special, you can't grow anything, there's no one who's thirsty for water.. it's all just a bunch of lame there.

  17. Sorry if this was already brought up, but did I miss the Opera trial version download? My Wii was without internet the week it was released, and I can't seem to find a way to get it now. What's the deal?

    You have to go into the Shop channel to download it.

  18. One can hope. It would take one of those few self-proclaimed "perfect" games and improve upon it.

    And a bit OT, but has anyone noticed that the boards seem.. a lot less active, since the upgrade? Or is that just in gendesc and it's a lot more active everywhere else?

  19. I've personally stared death down at least a half dozen times, since I was only a few months old, so I know what it's like to feel like a survivor.

    But, you have to look at your own spiritual beliefs. Do you feel that death is the final end, that there's nothing beyond it? If so, celebrate their life and mourn the loss of what could have been.

    Do you feel that when they die they go on to an afterlife, in heaven/hell? Celebrate their life and shed a tear for the loss of the life. If they were someone who you know wasn't a very good person, be glad they're not going to be around to cause further harm. If they were someone who lived a good life, be happy for them that they're having their own party in heaven.

    Do you believe in reincarnation? If so, just party hard at the good from their life and crack open a cold one for them. It's not a loss, it's just something that happens. Like having a cold. You're miserable for a bit, but then you get over it and you move on.

    In any case, death should be a celebration. Do not mourn the dead too much, instead celebrate their life. When I die, I want to be cremated on a funeral pyre, in the middle of a big party with friends and strangers alike. If it's the last thing I'm going to be at in the flesh, I damn well want it to be something fun! Let people at least have THAT much of a memory of me!

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