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Posts posted by SilverStar

  1. A double post, but I felt this was interesting enough - the PS3 plays those PS1/PS2 games so crappily only if you use HDMI it appears: http://www.gametab.com/news/766514/

    Unfortunatley that isn't quite correct, people have had issues using the same component cables they used for their PS2. Using HDMI may just cause more problems with more games than using components.

    I actually read further and saw that they found exactly what was the problem (I was too tired to edit it though, it was 5 am in the morning) - so now all it takes is Sony to acknowledge the problem and put out a firmware update.

    It's looking like the PS3's scaling issues will require a bit more than just a firmware update. Both for the BC and the other scaling problem.

  2. Ugh...
    Anybody beat the rollball game at the fishing hole? I'm stuck on level 1-8. It gets pretty hard, have any suggestions? I guess you just have to find the right motion to get past the red arches...
    My suggestion is to turn the camera left once, then use both hands on the wiimote. For everything except the arches, just nudge it along, then use a quick flick of the wrist(make sure not to let it go astray), to get it through the final arch and onto the little corner.
  3. I think one of the things that makes TP so damn easy, everywhere except the Cave of Ordeals, is that.. well, at every boss and miniboss, there's stuff to break and recover your health. Even the very last battle has it. You're never really left at a moment where you feel "OMG! One more hit and I'm dead!" unless it's during a regular fight, which tames things down.

    I think, outside of the Cave of Ordeals, I used.. maybe 2 fairies. And neither was during a boss fight.

  4. Although, the absence of VA in itself does hurt the game too. Perhaps if all the characters (but Link of course) spoke a sort expressive gibberish. I really liked the gibberish Midna spoke after all. Evolving that seems like the logical next step.

    No... Midna's made-up language enforced the idea that she is alien to the world of light. Her appearance, her origins, all that is held together by her strange language. To use that for everyone else would detract from Midna's character overall and lessen her appeal and impact.

    I think it'd have been better if they made Midna's language a bit more expressive. All the expression was in her body language(anyone else think the mocap for this game has to be some of the best, EVER? Seriously, no one really looks like they're walking stiff or unnaturally). If she had some actual growls when talking about how much she hates the guy, or have the tone lighten up when she's surprised or happy, it would have fleshed her out to an insane amount.

  5. I'm stuck in the
    Hyrule Castle dungeon. I just got the two small keys outside of the main castle tower and went in and killed everything. I went to the only room accessible on the second floor and killed the Iron Knuckle. Now I'm in the room where I'm supposed to light two torches on the other side of an oil bucket. Once I lit them, stairs form to the treasure chest that the Iron Knuckle was gaurding. The thing is, the stairs aren't complete. I can't find a third torch to light, I have an extra small key, and there are so other doors I can access. Where the hell do I go?
    Sometimes, it's not that you have to light a torch, but rather you have to put the fire out. Use the boomerang on the torch next to the oil bucket.
  6. Maybe it's just me but I've seen numerous responses that "OoT was a lot harder" and laugh at them. When did you first play OoT? Were you as good of a game player as you are now? I can go back and probably beat OoT with 3 hearts. Maybe we've all just become better players making each Zelda feel easier and easier?
    I'd guess the answer is.. Yes.

    Just like those who say OoT is a more epic, or generally better game. Or has a better ending.

    Sorry, but OoT was inferior. And at least TP has the Hyrule Overworld theme, damnit! And the ending was better too, because it wasn't just *gasp* you get sent back in time to try to stop it all from happening in the first place! And there's enough loose ends to allow for a direct sequel.

    And I don't care what people say, damnit! Those shadow links made me instantly think that you'd actually have to fight shadow link, or a direct, dark part of yourself, in order to complete the game. There'd be no reason why not. And trying to fight 3 shadow Link at once would be a fucking nightmare!
  7. Funny thing.. Hit the Home button and turn off the remote audio.

    Then go into the game menu and disable the cursor.

    There ya go, you have the GC version, only mirrored, and the only major difference is that you wiggle your wrist to attack.

    First off I LOVE the cursor. Second off I LOVE a lot of the sounds, just not the sword one. And wiggling my wrist to attack is SO ANNOYING.

    It's just like masturbation! How can it be annoying? :P

  8. Either way, I'm just looking forward to the next gen of systems.

    The generation when integrated HDDs are standard, HD is a given, wireless, motion-sensitive controllers are default, it's a seamless transition between offline and online, and it's once again brought to the point of being, "Who can innovate, and is it really needed anymore?" rather than all these gimmicks, which is quite honestly what both Nintendo and Sony are relying on.

    Sony's all about the BluRay, Nintendo's all about the Wiimote. Which one is superior for my uses? The wiimote. I have a PC I use for all my other multimedia needs. I don't even own my own TV, because I just use my computer monitor as needed. Do I think games will need so much bloody storage? Not for quite awhile. Will it become a limiting factor? Not so long as they don't need to put lots of pre-rendered CG on the disc to suck up room.

  9. How about the fact that they're titles that were already fully developed and that it shouldn't take more than a week of tweaking and the time needed to recompile, to get a product that would look exactly the same?

    That there's actually texture differences, means that they had to actually rebuild the entire resource base for textures, to get it on the PS3, and often had to tone them down to do so. Image formats aren't system exclusive, and that's all a texture is.

    The Ps3's hardware is actually quite different than the 360's though, so it's definitively harder for developers to take full advantage of it than the more standard designed 360. Even if they were more similar, there is no way a week is enough time to port a game efficiently over to a new console.

    Anyways, most of the criticisms of the images were just small nitpicks ("zomg not enuff of teh bloom!"). Judging games by screenshots is also a thing of the past, I bet if you saw them playing side by side you'd be harder pressed to judge the 'superior' version.

    Actually, to me, it looks like the PS3 can only do bloom and not full-on HDR lighting effects.

    I'm hoping that's not the case, and usually you need to see a game in action in person, or at least see a video of it, to know for sure.

    Or, at the worst case, let it be a matter of HDR OR AA, like it seems to be with Wii, or nVidia 7x line of cards.

    But, for a port, these are fairly standard graphics effects that are missing. For the most part, they're literally just switches that are put in for the graphics engine at compile time. Cutting the draw distance, to show less objects in the rear view mirror of Carbon? Having distinctly lower quality textures in most of the ports? The only reason to lower the texture size, is to make up for a sluggish GPU.

    But, yes. I'd like to see what the PS3 can manage for side-by-side developed ports, in a year. At the least, it should have some decent PS2 emulators for it, by then.

  10. How about the fact that they're titles that were already fully developed and that it shouldn't take more than a week of tweaking and the time needed to recompile, to get a product that would look exactly the same?

    That there's actually texture differences, means that they had to actually rebuild the entire resource base for textures, to get it on the PS3, and often had to tone them down to do so. Image formats aren't system exclusive, and that's all a texture is.

  11. I'm not going to browse through 52 pages' date=' but, for the FIRST TIME EVER...


    I really hope you're sitting down for this.....

    there are no Octoroks in this game!!!!



    (edit - i had to spell octorok right for fear of gannon-banning.)[/quote']

    Actually, there ARE Octoroks! But nowhere you'd actually run into them without seriously searching.

    In the Lake Hylia region, once you can transform into a wolf at will, there's a place you can dig on your way to the giant lookout tower, that contains 6 Octoroks!
  12. I don't see why they had to mirror the Wii version. Every time you use an aiming weapon, the camera moves to a closer third person view, instead of in their heads. It would work perfectly fine if he was left handed. The sword swinging wouldn't tick me off, neither.

    I'm not saying I don't like the mirror. It just seems unnecessary.

    Agreed. I'd rather have it all un-mirrored, so the map is proper and canon.

  13. Apparently on Monday the store I work at got a PS3 in. No one called about PS3s or even asked in the store about them. It wasn't until Thursday until someone asked and we said "FINALLY." I think it's rather comical.

    Damn. That sounds like a total backfire of everything Sony was trying to do by overhyping and under supplying the system. It got so bad that people who want one don't even try to ask for them, because they automatically assume if any have come in, they've sold out already.

  14. Stumped on a heart piece...

    Fortune teller shows me a room with about 16 of the small spiders with larger white abdomen (butt part) and about five spiders with one eye that walk about like tarantulas (red with blue abdomen). The room is roundish with yellow bricks, kind of castle/dungeon like. There are openings on the left and right side of the room I could hop up into, with torches above each. In center, theres a staircase with a divider. It looks like Arbiter's ground, but I know its not in there.

    Sorry for the excruciating detail, I'm just stumped as hell. =|

    It's in the Temple of Time. Was my last heart piece, too. What you need is the Rod of Dominion to move one of the statue pots at the back of the left ridge onto a button located at the bottom of the slope where it'll drop. Then you need to toss another statue pot to the ridge on the other side and do the same thing there, then the chest you need will show up.

    I thought it was the Arbiter's Grounds too, but then I looked around some more. :)

  15. I don't think it can happen yet with Polyphony since they're an internal development team of Sony. So unless they pull a Rareware, they are not going anywhere.

    I wonder if that even matters now that Microsoft has Project Gotham Racing and Forza Motorsport.

    Considering a launch-window game that was shown off at E3 and was "80% complete" at the time, ended up being scrapped, from an internal development team, it could be that things are going bad at Sony.

    Then again, now that someone with a focus on software is in charge, there could be a few more of these kind of cuts coming in, in the near future. Kaz might be the best thing to happen to the PS3, period. Let's hope he doesn't turn out to degrade into the PR puppet of Kutaragi.

    With Ken no longer having his hands in the cookie jar, Sony may pull through after all. But is it too little, too late? Maybe if Kaz had been in charge of development of the PS3, it would have turned out more like the Wii, instead of a system that tries too much and does too little.

  16. So Gran Turismo HD has been cancelled. They're going to focus on Gran Turismo 5 instead; although, they will release a "tech demo" of GTHD on Dec 24th in Japan that will be free to download. No worldwide release is known yet. I'd post the link, but it's all in Japanese.

    Well, some of you may be able to read it anyway(like Evilhead).



    A game that was said to be close to 80% complete during E3 and was supposed to hit the launch window, then pushed back to december of next year, being reduced to just a demo with 1 track and 10 cars.

    I almost feel sorry for Sony. GT HD was going to be the game that sold a PS3 to a friend of mine who isn't interested at all in the FF or MGS series.

    So he's not interested in GT5? How does this even make sense? Maybe Sony listened to all the people bitching about GT HD.

    Let me rephrase.. it would have sold a PS3 to him before 2008/2009, when GT5 might be ready. If lucky. If they haven't decided to move it to the 360 by then.

    OK you really have no clue what you're talking about there. There is NO WAY that would EVER be on 360. Admit you were wrong and that your friend just wants to wait until that specific game comes out, but is still interested in the console.

    No, if the PS3 doesn't have a suitable userbase, or if the PS3 is no longer financially viable, GT5 may either be scrapped, or the contract moved. It isn't the first time a game has been scrapped.

  17. So Gran Turismo HD has been cancelled. They're going to focus on Gran Turismo 5 instead; although, they will release a "tech demo" of GTHD on Dec 24th in Japan that will be free to download. No worldwide release is known yet. I'd post the link, but it's all in Japanese.

    Well, some of you may be able to read it anyway(like Evilhead).



    A game that was said to be close to 80% complete during E3 and was supposed to hit the launch window, then pushed back to december of next year, being reduced to just a demo with 1 track and 10 cars.

    I almost feel sorry for Sony. GT HD was going to be the game that sold a PS3 to a friend of mine who isn't interested at all in the FF or MGS series.

    So he's not interested in GT5? How does this even make sense? Maybe Sony listened to all the people bitching about GT HD.

    Let me rephrase.. it would have sold a PS3 to him before 2008/2009, when GT5 might be ready. If lucky. If they haven't decided to move it to the 360 by then.

  18. You need to talk to the Zora prince, who's located behind the graveyard in Kakariko village, where you got the Zora armor. He'll give you an earring which you use as a hook that allows you to catch Reekfish.

    From there, you go back to Zora's domain, at the bottom of the waterfall, and stand on the ground by the pair of rocks standing out of the water. To actually use the reekfish, you need to catch one, then shift into wolf form and sniff.

  19. All valid questions. Note the difference between TP's temple 4 cut scene and OoT's ending. At the end of OoT Ganon was banished in the sacred realm. He must have come back somehow and caused some trouble.

    As for the temple of time being relocated, note that the whole kingdom's layout was changed. For the Zora kingdom to be north, you would have to rotate OoT's map 90 degrees to the counterclockwise. That would put not Ordona province, but the first temple/6th temple over it. It would also make Karakiro no longer correspond to the island in WW and death mountain would be pretty far off from the WW location. Also, the temple of time was still in Hyrule/Castle City in WW. Do you remember opening the gate to the temple of time? You moved from the real world to somewhere else. What you had in the lost woods was a gate from the woods to the temple of time, which lacks a definite location as of TP. This is probably due to Ganon destroying it in the bridge between MM and TP.

    Since there was no reference and no legends about the hero of time, you can safely assume that another game takes place between TP and WW, and then a the failure that led to WW. So, after TP, Ganon should free himself twice. Once to continue the legend that Link became in TP, and one for Link to not return and for Ganon to destroy hyrule, but not the newly rebuilt temple of time.

    Ok, so I go to Digipen (Nintendo's college for gaming), and you could say a few of us have played TP quite a bit. The positions of some places in TP Hyrule have been kind of confusing for us, too, but there might be an explanation to it all without the addition of an extra game anywhere.

    First, let's get a few postulations down.

    A) We are over 100+ years after OoT, so geography is bound to change in subtle ways. Many differences don't really have earth-shattering reasons.

    B) Remember that Ganon apparently came back at some point before TP (thus needing to be banished again). This is going to inevitably be a possible explanation for anything.

    C) Technically, the game on Wii is running in Mirror Mode, so that has to be taken care of before any explanations are given.

    Ok, notice that after de-mirrored, with the exception of Zora's River/Domain, things match up a little better. But we're still off by a bit. Unless you take Ganon into account. At the end of Oot, Hyrule was left relatively untouched. Then, between MM and TP, Ganon returns and begins wreaking havok. Obviously, certain places were destroyed (i.e., Kakariko), but it is also a very real possibility that Ganon destroyed the place responsible for his capture and dethroning in the first place - Hyrule Castle and the surrounding Castle Town. This would explain the derelict condition of the Temple of Time (note: we know it is the same Temple because of the location of the Master Sword chamber. If the "past" temple and the ruins in the grove are placed on top of each other, this is evident.).

    Then, why is the current castle and surrounding town so far away, and what about the woods? Simple explanations, as always, yield the best answers. The castle and town are so far away because of migration. After all, if you had lived in the original Castle Town and watched it be decimated by Ganon, wouldn't you want to leave? As for the woods, there is no indication that those are the Lost Woods a la OoT at all. The Forest Temple is merely a happy coincidence; neither the placement nor the layout is in any way related to the original Forest Temple, so they cannot be the same. As for Ordon Village, who's to say a small group of townspeople refused to leave? The original castle town could have easily had forested area around it (remember the small area to the left of the Castle Town in OoT with the hole for a Piece of Heart) that was inaccessable in OoT that, given 100+ years, could have overgrown into the Faron Woods.

    The positioning of Kakariko and Death Mountain can be accounted by simple geography; after all, there is no way that Death Mountain was originally so close to Hyrule Castle anyway. The natural expansion of the overworld, therefore, accounts for this. As for Kakariko's appearence, it is possible that everyone just left, probably for the new Castle Town. Without enough villagers to keep the town afloat, it turns to the shambles we see today.

    It is also natural for the remaining relics of the Gerudo to be eradicated as well. After all, Ganon WAS a Gerudo. After his second coming (the Hylians wouldn't have remembered his first rule, and so wouldn't have iconoclast-ed the Gerudo then), the Hylians drove off/ killed off the remaning Gerudo (with the possible exception of Telma's family) and destroyed all evidence of their existance, with the exception of the un-destroyable Mirror Chamber/Mirror of Twilight.

    This, then, leaves Zora's Domain and Zora's River. Unfortunately, what is known about Hyrule's past does not account for the relocation of the Zoras, and it cannot simply be pawned off as caused by Ganon because even he cannot physically move an entire river system, nor would he need to. Thus, we are left with few possibilities, but possibilities none the less. Either, as with Death Mountain, Zora's River was longer and more winding than was geographically possible in OoT (a shaky and unlikely scenario, at very best), or simply Miyamoto ran out of room on Hyrule's right side and needed to move the Zora's for convenience sake (remember, this is a very likely possibility for ALL of TP Hyrule's differences).

    Unfortunately, due to the Zelda series' nature, we'll probably never know for certain, but at least we can still postulate.

    If the original Hyrule castle were destroyed and they relocated it further north, it could explain the theories for the first 2 Zelda games that Hyrule was basically picked up and moved north due to Ganon's attacks, but it wouldn't fit in with the timeline very well.

    And if you look at the maps, after de-mirroring, you'd see that the relative locations of the temple of time and Ordon village wouldn't allow for Ordon to simply be the remains of Hyrule Castle Town, because there's several miles between them. However, the forest does take on the whole maze-like feel of the Lost Woods and still has a Skullkid acting as the trickster guardian who leads you through it.

    You could use the entire region of Hyrule field south of the Castle Town as the Hyrule Field from OoT, with Lon Lon ranch being located around where the hill is located. But, if you did that, then the location of Hyrule Castle would be off to the west in the Wii TP map, which puts it wide opposite of where the Lost Woods were. The biggest thing that makes me think the temple has been relocated to the Lost Woods, is because of the mystery behind it and that it's being guarded by a skullkid, who guarded the Lost Woods.

    As for what happened to the fae village that was there, where you start out in OoT, with the death of the great deku tree it was obvious that the village had fallen into ruin just in the time it took you to go from child to adult, so with the additional hundred(s) or more years, it would have probably whithered and died away, leaving nothing behind.

    Though, I do find it to be a nice twist that Link makes his home in a hollowed out tree in TP. But I wonder what's in that other home that always seems to be locked, to the left as soon as you get into Ordon Village. o.o

  20. So Gran Turismo HD has been cancelled. They're going to focus on Gran Turismo 5 instead; although, they will release a "tech demo" of GTHD on Dec 24th in Japan that will be free to download. No worldwide release is known yet. I'd post the link, but it's all in Japanese.

    Well, some of you may be able to read it anyway(like Evilhead).



    A game that was said to be close to 80% complete during E3 and was supposed to hit the launch window, then pushed back to december of next year, being reduced to just a demo with 1 track and 10 cars.

    I almost feel sorry for Sony. GT HD was going to be the game that sold a PS3 to a friend of mine who isn't interested at all in the FF or MGS series.

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