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Posts posted by SilverStar

  1. Nope, no real clear answers about the timeline. However, there is a couple things that make me think there will be a direct sequel based on this one.

    The cutscene after the 3rd temple, yadda yadda, when it shows the unified Fused Shadow, it shows 3 Dark Link, but it never brings them up again, anywhere in the game.

    And at the end, Link survives and everything. Which makes me think there will be a sequel that takes place in the same timeline, with the same Link, where he will have to face off against the 3 Dark Link. If so, I just hope they don't do the whole Mario Sunshine thing, with them being "clones" out to discredit his name or anything.

  2. ...except when you load from the HD. I know I jacked you, but I'm wondering what people think the HD will be used for? I mean, even with a virtual arcade and a few PS1 games that won't mean more than a gig or two of space. That leaves many gigs just sitting there. The whole point of the HD is that you can load whole games onto it for zippy loading times.

    Personally, I'd use the HDD to run a properly functional and enhanced PS2 emulator, through Linux, with the images stored on the drive. That's about the only thing it'd be really handy for. :P

  3. Alright then. My information was wrong in a lot of places there. But, it's still slower overall.

    2x BluRay(PS3)=9MB/sec(72mbit)

    4x DVD(PS2)=5.28MB/sec(~44.3mbit)

    Sure, it looks faster. But then you have anywhere from 2x to 8x the data in texture sizes, unless you're happy with SD textures expanded or tiled to be artificial HD textures, along with all the audio and everything else that have to be loaded into a scene, including additional textures to prevent too much cloning within a given scene.

    It's about 2/3 faster than the PS2 drive, but has to load more than double the data. It WILL mean higher loading times.

  4. Namco Bandai's Takasu Says PS3 Game Titles Must Sell 500,000 to make profit.

    With the low shipment of consoles, and this requirement to actually turn a profit, this will probably chase away game makers or maybe it won't. They may just wait longer until there are more people to own a PS3 that can actually buy these games.

    PS3 has sold about 300,000 units so far, by the way.

    No... PS3 has shipped 300 000 units. Slight difference.

    I think they were talking about gametitles, not the console itself. uhh... I don't know.


    I think everyone is slightly confused, so let me clarify.

    A publisher has to sell 500K units of a title to make a profit.

    There are only about 330K PS3 hardware units on the market.

    No publisher can even hope to turn a profit on the PS3 until sometime next year, when there will be over 500K PS3 hardware units available.

  5. Alright, need a small bit of non-essential help near the end of the game.
    Back courtyard of Hyrule Castle, there's an extra room/chamber that I can't seem to access. I believe it has the key needed to unlock the room just before the castle boss chamber, which has the 3 extra treasures in it. Anyone know how I get to this room?


    A-ha! Found it. Wasn't anywhere I'd expect the entrance to be.

    I had this same problem... I saw the locked room with 3 treasures, but had no key. But since the boss room was right there I just ignored it.

    So how do you get into the back courtyard, anyway?

    Is that the area with the Wind things? I could not figure out how the hell to get that.


    You see six little Spinners in a triangle. Imagine these as a triforce in your mind. Go to the gate that's locked and look to the floor. You see a bit of at trifoce emblem, but it's all covered in leaves. Either blow the leaves away with your boomerang, or dig at them as a wolf until they're gone. Note the yellow line that traces the outline of the Triforce emblem. It should resemble a lightning bolt.

    Now you know which fans to hit.

    Nope, that's not the room they're talking about.

    To the north/left of the gate, there's a pile of leaves near the wall. Go into wolf form and use your senses. There's a place you can dig, that will take you over to the graveyard, which is behind the castle, and has a little puzzle in itself. In the treasure room before the boss room, you can find a rupee of every color, including silver, plus bombs, arrows, even seeds for your slingshot, and if you destroy the armor you can get a faerie to help you in your battle against Ganon.
  6. Whew. Just beat it. 73 hours. I have to say, it's finally a real climactic battle at the end. Though, the ending does leave me a bit confused.

    And it is indeed my opinion that this is the single best Zelda game ever. But that doesn't mean there isn't lots of room for improvement.

    So, at the end.. WTF Zant? Where'd he come from?

    Anyway, I was really disappointed by how much they nerfed the hookshot. The clawshot was alright, and dual clawshot was a blast.. when you could use it. What I'd like to see, is for them to bring back the hookshot and even do the same thing for dual hookshot with some really funky layouts.

    Another thing that disappointed me, was the lack of real use for bombs. I mean, there weren't even any bombable walls or anything. Nowhere you needed to bomb a crack in a wall to find something hidden. It was all just obvious boulders. And did anyone even have a use for the walking bombs, after the first dungeon? Bombchus were far superior, IMO.

    And what was the point of keeping the slingshot, after you get the bow and arrow? And why no magic fire/water/light arrows? Hell, why can't you get special upgrades or make any real use of the great fairy? I didn't even have to use the tears. Be nice if maybe they worked like a fairy and auto-healed when you died, to full plus the attack boost, or something..

    And then there's the boomerang. You have almost literally no use for it, once you beat the forest temple. It was a mainstay of the Zelda series and was one of the most useful items in the game, and now you might as well forget about it.

    At least they have the Cave of Ordeals. That place was a pain in the ass for the first few times. Especially the final battle against the 3 armored knights.

    Anyone else think the whole howling thing sounded horrible and was ultimately pointless? Just 7 times in the entire game, unless you want to call the hawk or Epona to get a hint/talk for no reason. I'd much rather have a musical instrument that lets me do various things, instead of just getting the horsewhistle. Or at least give me the option to learn new songs to howl when I choose. At that point, you just warp around everywhere you need to go.

    So, yeah. While it's the best Zelda game overall, there's a lot of things they left out that could be improved in a big way. And maybe figure out why the motion detection will kick out every now and then. It can mean the difference between getting nailed, or pulling off a circle slash.

  7. Alright, need a small bit of non-essential help near the end of the game.

    Back courtyard of Hyrule Castle, there's an extra room/chamber that I can't seem to access. I believe it has the key needed to unlock the room just before the castle boss chamber, which has the 3 extra treasures in it. Anyone know how I get to this room?


    A-ha! Found it. Wasn't anywhere I'd expect the entrance to be.

  8. So. Just hit 71 hours and the last dungeon. I have to say, the game is damn worth the cost. In my books, it's easily the best Zelda game ever. Including beyond OoT and LttP.

    Just something I'm wondering about, from the timeline gurus..

    Where in the hell in the timeline did they find the time to relocate the temple of time from the Hyrule castle city, to the lost woods/Kokiri forest? Is there some big, important game between OoT and TP that will perhaps explain how the original Temple was perhaps destroyed and they had to rebuild it in the lost woods/Kokiri forest? And more importantly.. what happened to Kokiri village? Was it clearcut to make room for Ordon village?
  9. So, there's a chest I can't figure out how to get at. Anyone able to help?

    In the castle in Snowpeak Mountains, there's a chest in the room just to the right of the main entry way, but a huge gap in the floor and nothing to latch onto, and Midna isn't being any help. Anyone know how I get across there?

    I've already made it to the city in the sky. Think I burned out because I couldn't find where to go in there, to even reach the first chest. Gonna give it another go now, since I needed a break after a marathon session of nearly 18 hours solid. x.x

  10. Lets not generalize particulars too much. I visited a store in my area with two Wiis for sale and not a single PS3. Markets are uneven, burps happen, and E-bay oftentimes sells to the people in the worst local markets (i.e., no systems free till March).

    Watch out. If you sell your PS3 to those markets, Sony will come by and shut you down! Even if it isn't Europe you're selling it to!

    And most places don't have a single PS3 for sale, and it'd be natural that in some markets there might be a Wii or 2 available. That's just how the numbers work. But that there would still be a launch unit, unopened, sitting and not even being asked for, without an additional shipment, is just silly for such a high demand system.

  11. I do have one, but it's still in the box waiting to be sold at 2 times the price.

    Considering the prices on eBay have been dropping lately, you may want to settle for only one and a half times the price.

    Considering some auctions I saw yesterday, he might have to sell at a loss. I saw 60GB PS3s with less than an hour left, going for about 600CAD. They hadn't even hit their reserve price yet.

    There's also a Walmart in/near Granite City, that has had a 60GB PS3 since the day after launch and it hasn't even been asked after yet. They can't keep the Wii on the shelves, of course.

  12. You know, press may be press, but when Time is heckling you, you know something went wrong.


    Without rumble, it just ain't a jungle.

    I don't think many people will take this article seriously, at all.

    That isn't Times, like the New York Times( Though they really didn't like the PS3 either. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/20/arts/20game.html?_r=3&oref=slogin&oref=slogin&oref=slogin ). That's TIME, as in TIME Magazine. One of the biggest publications in the world.

  13. I need a real TV to play on, or something. Playing on my computer monitor at such distances, isn't very.. well, fun. Things get a bit too touchy.

    But, I did figure out a way to counteract that some. Just set the width of the bar to be full screen and it tones down the sensitivity to the point I can actually use it! yay!

    Too bad the Wii doesn't have an internal configuration that useful. Configure it once, it's great for all games. :/

    Fishing is a pain in the ass. But, at least I finally figured it out.

    And one thing is for sure.. playing a lot of Wii will really put a lot of strain on your arm. Can't wait until they come out with some heavy duty games to go with the potential.

    So.. think they'll come out with a 2nd Zelda game, this generation?

  14. Went to Target today and got to play the PS3. No line to play. Then again, it was NBA 07.

    The thing has amazing graphics. Slightly better than the 360. The downside is, everything felt like I was playing a PS2. I didn't get to check out the menu screen, so I was missing out on that. But the gameplay was almost too similar to PS2. Although, since there was next to no change in the controller shape or button layout, it was easy to just grab it and play.

    My Target had 8 PS3's in stock, and there were only about 10 in line. I went there at 9:30, about 10 hours and 30 minutes before the release.

    My Best Buy and Walmart both had lines of about 40 or 50.

    You mean you played a game that was killed? :P

  15. According to Sony, there is -no- such thing as a free market, people. You're not even allowed to sell what you yourself PURCHASED, now.


    That's right.. even selling your PS3 on eBay to the UK will get you personally shot down and shut down.

    You can get arrested for scalping tickets for sports games, so I guess this is the same logic? I'm not sure if there's a difference. Probably.

    This isn't even really in the same league as scalping, though. Scalping would be trying to sell them at the door, minutes before the game. This is more like buying advance Superbowl tickets and selling them.. well, 4 months before the game.

    They're, quite literally, telling you that you're not allowed to sell what you already own and have in your hands.

  16. SONY LOL!!!

    Sorry. Had to. Sony's become an even bigger joke than Thompson.

    (Dates may be slightly off, but it's close to correct)

    E3: 2 million units, global launch.

    August: Euro dropped until next year, 2 million units.

    Sept: 1 Million..

    Oct: 500K

    Nov: 200K, "globally".

    And to think.. of those 200K total units, there won't even be 200K PS3 games sold for at least another few weeks, because a good 60% of those units will end up on ebay or something, to turn a huge buck.

    And the people who still say Sony will have close to a million units by the end of the year? Sony's been producing for 3 months to get THIS many units. 750K by Dec 31 just isn't going to happen.

  17. Here's what would really be the make or break deal with the PS3.. could you swap out the Blu-Ray drive with a faster model, at a later date?

    If so, then with being able to replace the hard drive with a much larger, faster laptop SATA drive, and being able to upgrade the BD drive with something much faster, as well as being able to install the inevitable custom created Gentoo and use it as a real, very powerful computer WITH heavy gaming performance.. then yeah, it might be worth it. At 450 bucks, for the premium one, even. Reason for that price, is just because of the cost of the upgrades.

    But right now, just as a gaming machine, it doesn't really interest me. As a computer, if I had a board with a PCI-E slot, it'd be a toss up between that and a GeForce 8800 GTX.

  18. What the FUCK?! It's over 9000?!! Not being funny, I'm being serious. What the fuck

    Considering there's a good chance now that the US launch shipment will be cut in half to around 200K, 9 grand may well turn out to be a good deal, for a guaranteed system.

    Here, link.


    Granted, it's from one source and whatnot, but I can really see it happening. Guess we'll have to wait until monday and see if other game news outlets report on it.

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