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Everything posted by SilverStar
Anyone else who beat the game, get a mysterious picture delivered to your system, that's a screenshot of the Mission Complete screen.. Like, 3 days AFTER you beat the game? Without the screenshot tool? Because I just did. o.o
This was the first game in quite awhile that I actually sat through and listened to the music, instead of playing something through winamp. I don't think the graphics were "too much".. I just think they could have done more for preloading areas. When you enter a room, it should start loading stuff for each of the rooms around you, so that you don't have to wait more than 2 or 3 seconds for the next room to finish loading. The game itself wasn't too easy.. it certainly had difficult moments. But the control method made it feel like it was far easier than it really was. In a way, it shows the actual power of the controls when they're near their peak. And I wholly fucking agree with the hint system. Especially with audible hints that take forever to pass by, and no way to cancel the hint. Makes it horribly annoying when it comes to trying to scan, because it won't let you run the scan while the hint blurb is on the screen. And when you just want to quickly check out the map at the time, it forces you to sit through the whole damn map zooming thing.. Which is something else I think they should have made more instantaneous. The Observatory item finding bit was alright for what it could do, but it leaves 2 areas untouched for scans, one of which can only actually be looked at by teleporting to it. I think they could have made some of the item backtracking a little nicer.. I'd rather have more than 1 or 2 rooms opened up in a previous area, when I get a new upgrade. Super Metroid was good for that, because the upgrades could be used all over the place and actually helped you get along to other areas, instead of being tacked on.. Hyper grapple? Fucking WASTE of an upgrade, damnit. You use it.. what? 4 times, maximum, before ever hitting the last boss? Should have given us something useful.. super bombs would have been a fairly decent upgrade for hyper mode. Or even speedbooster. One area in particular, makes me hesitate in even trying for a second run through the game, because of how many times you have to backtrack through it, and how utterly annoying they make it. What's with all those damned drones on the ziplines in SkyTown? Without those, the level would be just fine. I hate having to redo a zipline attempt a dozen times, because I keep getting knocked off by one stupid automated drone. Shouldn't the AU have been able to disable that kind of automated defense BS? So, yeah.. a few nags I have with the game. Well worth a purchase, but still annoying as hell in parts. A Boss Mode or Turbo Play type thing would make the game great.. unfortunately, I don't even see a lot of room for sequence breaking, due to how strict and how segmented they designed the game. I hope to be wrong, though.. I love watching crazy speedrun sequence breaking in the metroid games. Graphics are top notch, controls are mostly spot-on(I had some severe trouble actually being able to lockon to some enemies, especially bosses, which made it difficult to deal with because you can't dash to the sides without an actual lockon), the audio is actually good enough to listen to, and the game itself, overall, is very fun.. but doesn't have any really memorable areas that stand out as being worth playing the game -just- to play. Would it have hurt to just put something completely unrelated, into the game? Even as an endgame bonus or something? Something that otherwise wouldn't belong, just to have fun and play with the game engine some? Ah well.. Because I had to struggle with some of the design/execution flaws in the game, I have to knock it down some.. 89-92% overall. I think that if they dealt with the targeting issue and that one level, it would have been able to earn an easy 96%.
I think speedrunners don't shoot the door at the last second. But yeah, way too much load lag with doors in this game. I blame it on the larger textures being used, along with the rest of the dynamic bits that cause it to load a bit longer, compared to the GC games.
6 hours late and you couldn't even get it right? Just kidding.. having 4 games released must have thrown you off the mark. Edit, many hours later.. (geeze, this board has become dead, with everyone playing Corruption..) Anyone know if you can pull images off your Wii and to an SD card, to transfer to a PC? Corruption just posted an image of my mission complete screen to the message board, and I'd rather like to be able to pull it over to my computer for work on it.
The reason why Samus looks so messed up without her helmet on, is because of the uncanny valley. It's easy to do up something that only looks vaguely human, but yet distinctly not. It's when they try to make something look very much human, that it falls short. For example.. did you notice the commander's hand? Fingers were far too short, like he was missing the entire last knuckle, and the spacing between his fingers made them look excessively bony. Yet, things like the space pirates, or the other hunters, because they're not actually trying to be human, come across as real enough because we don't look at them every day and are able to see things that aren't quite right.
So, just beat the game. 100% on easy mode. Anyone else who beat the game notice how it gives you a mark next to your save file? One of the 3 dots is filled in for me now. The top one, which I'm guessing is easy mode. Anyone manage to beat it on 2 difficulties yet, and can say if it fills in more than one dot, for beating it on different difficulties? If so, I wonder if you unlock anything extra special for clearing it on each difficulty, on the same save file.. The last round of boss fights was a little too easy. I didn't even come halfway to overloading before I killed the flying AU. The ending was a little.. meh. But, I do wonder who that green ship belongs to.. and just how the fuck did Samus get out of there? She wasn't in the wormhole, the distance was way too far to just jump, or the entire fleet would have.. so how'd she get to safety? Seems to me like there's one more game, in between Prime 3 and Super Metroid. Something to cover how the pirates managed to get another AU, and to explain the new ship. At least no more Dark Samus.
One thing that people seem to be missing about the story... With the first Hunter battle, Samus wasn't entirely sure what was going on until it was too late. She was ignorant of the situation. Seeing the phazon ghost of Dark Samus rise from the corpse literally scared the shit out of her. With the second hunter battle, she was prepared to fight, trying to launch her missiles at the ghost, to no effect. The battle didn't catch her off guard at all. But, the most telling battle, would be the one with Gandrayda. Samus shows emotion when you defeat her, showing Gandrayda as she shifts between the other two hunters, reminding Samus how she had to destroy 3 of the most talented bounty hunters, 3 of her friends, because of the darkness caused by Phazon. But, when Gandrayda comes crawling toward Samus at the end, as her own doppleganger, that's when it hits her that she too is corrupted. It's subtle, but visible, because of how she clenches her fist at her side, steeling herself against the horrors of seeing what could well turn out to be her own future, at the hand of her own darkness. When the phazon ghost of Dark Samus rises from the corpse of Gandrayda, Samus just looks on in defiance, watching without making a move, as if she was almost hoping to endure the battle then and there. I just wish they worked the corruption factor into the game more. The previews indicated that the corruption might be based on how often you use it. The more you turn to the phazon, the more corrupt you become, the more it takes hold and the more you have to worry about losing the game early. So far, the only time anything bad has happened to me from the phazon, was when I was hit with a pair of phazon grenades, leading to a phazon overload and killing me through critical corruption.
It's still far too far between zones. Especially with how far you tend to have to go into a level, before hauling ass back out to go somewhere else. I wonder how many ship missiles it would take, to shoot down SkyTown..
Since I can't really be bothered with reading 25 pages worth so far.. anyone else think they should have included more shortcuts between areas? Or at least more damn save points? I'm seriously fucking sick and tired of SkyTown. Those damn rails always have monsters spawning on them and it makes it more annoying than it really has to be.
Anyway, here's a quick picture of the aforementioned Metroid Dread message. http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b212/SilverStar1995/MetroidDread.jpg
Oh, how I look forward to having a real, -good- 3D platformer. I miss the genre.
I actually really enjoyed 2, largely for the interface improvements. I don't mind the massive backtracking, because it gives me time to look at things I might not have noticed before. And, for a game that has such a high level of detail in the textures, that's a lot to look at. But, I can see why people might not have liked it. Could have been worse, though. Imagine if there were nothing but drab steel-gray passages to walk through.
You know.. personally, I have one mark against Corruption.. on the Advanced control method, it's just a little too drifty and touchy, when trying to aim and scan objects. But so far, that's the only niggle I have with the game.
IIRC, BoF was originally by Square, but they abandoned the project and Capcom picked it up. Truly, BoF2 is one of the top RPGs of the SNES era. And, IMO, an improvement over the original game in every way. Which was already a fairly solid game.
Or hit up something like metacritic, and see what everyone else is reviewing it, so you can see who thinks a game sucks for no good reason. And leave your own review/rating of the game.
Looks like it's official.. Gamespot has a hate-on for Wii. MP3: 8.5. According to Metacritic, it's the lowest score out so far, for that game.
If I weren't itching for some Corruption, I'd grab BoF2.
Nope. But I can direct you to an IGN link where it's mentioned. http://ds.ign.com/articles/815/815899p1.html
Hehe.. Apparently, Retro may have leaked a 4th wall spoiler into Corruption with one of the scans. "Experiment status report update: Metroid project 'Dread' is nearing the final stages of completion." I almost wonder if maybe they built some sort of Corruption/Dread bonus into it, like they did with the past 2 games, and that might have been one of the reasons for the delays.. They needed to know what to work with, to give the secret bonus features..
I was hoping for higher, but I can understand why it'd be docked a few points. Still, very solid game. More of the same great Prime action, but not as much of a massive overhaul as the original was.
I vote, do both. I've found that the Prime games are good for at least 2 playthroughs. And I'm someone who rarely -ever- picks up a game after I've beaten it. First time, you learn the game and get familiar with it. Then 3 months later when you play it on the big system, you can -enjoy- it.
Agreed, I want to read it too. And about the spinjump.. Yes, it can be very annoying to get it right. But, if you master it, you start to wonder if you're even doing the game in the right order, for the items you can grab at will.
Something I've noticed is.. we've actually gone well past the point where fanboy fights actually happen in this thread. It's been going on for about a year, and now we're actually having discussions about the systems, pointing out shortcomings in all 3 approaches. Honestly, it's strange to see a Nintendo thread where the downfalls of each system can be pointed out with a fairly level head.
You know, for all the lip service about the reason for Wii not having games being that everyone was caught off guard.. Why is it that PS3 doesn't have a shitton of A+ quality games out for it already? Developers were working in overdrive to get their products ready for it, and you'd think they might want to try to get together to at least validate the costs of all that work. Instead.. things have just slipped. Lair, Heavenly Sword, Warhawk.. 3 games that were supposed to be system sellers, are being generally panned(Alright, to be fair, Warhawk was panned by PSM, after being reviewed by a smacktalking X360 drone-turned-reviewer for the magazine, oddly enough..). It just doesn't seem like PS3 is living up to its own potential by any measure, and I'll admit.. this is rather troubling for the industry. It's almost like the developers themselves have hit walls, unable to evolve their own tried and true methods for creating hit games, and just can't even bring themselves to do the same things.
If you send it in to Nintendo and let them do the work, you'll get to keep all your saves and whatnot, since they can transfer it all over. If you opt to let them just send you a replacement unit and exchange that way, which is faster, you lose all your VC stuff, because it's tied to the hardware exclusively.