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  1. Already did. Some of the most talented people I know are in a band- they're called the "Main Men" Now, I hate the name, but their music is amazing. I hope they do this!!!
  2. If you want anime that's not just the usual fare, in terms of both art and plot, go for Gankutsuou, Mononoke, and Kaiji. Akagi too. The first is a retelling of the Count of Monte Cristo story, with some of the most amazing style and art direction I've ever seen in animation. Mononoke, although I'm personally not a huge fan, primarily because it's creepy and haunting, has even more amazing art than Gankutsuou. Akagi and Kaiji both chronicle gamblers of one form or another. They're both made by the same guy, and both are hilarious and tragic at the same time. The story is new and fresh- it's great to have stories like this in a medium that often boils down to either "weird shit detective" or "boy and girl fall in love BUT IT CAN NEVER BE." Also do yourself a favor and buy some Lupin the 3rd. It's a classic, and sells on the cheap cheap.
  3. I'll tell about some games that haven't aged a SECOND: Freakin' Viewtiful Joe and Viewtiful Joe 2. I really hope there's a third at some point. SSX 3 too. More on subject, I remember playing Stubbs the Zombie at a buddy's place a while back, and when I saw that steam ws selling it for like 15 bucks, I figured why not. As much fun as I had playing it years ago, after playing TF2, Gears of War and Portal, and pretty much realizing how shooters, third person or first person should handle, the game was incredibly frustrating. It's a shame because it's fun and unique, but ionno, the difficulty curve and other factors just make it HARD TO PLAY. Same goes for FF3. Playing it back in the day, before it came all pimped out to the DS, I remember really liking it. Then I bought it and got an unimpressive, frustrating grindfest. Gah.
  4. This movie was perfectly fine if you went in expecting giant robot fights and explosions, and nothing else. Which is why I hated the first 20 minutes. The rest, I thought, was great. Also this. http://www.cracked.com/blog/storyboards-from-michael-bays-the-great-gatsby/
  5. gawd I haaaated dr muto
  6. If I know you butts, you'll love these doods. My Dear Disco. http://dancethink.com/
  7. quoted for law enforcement purposes
  8. Also, they say themselves that their stuff isn't remixed, it's COVERED. There's little to no arrangement there. That's not to say it's not kickass and totally fucking sweet, it's just not what OCR is.
  9. So I got in a fight the other day, and after I handed this dude's ass to him, I heard a disembodied, booming voice say "FINISH HIM". I proceeded to laser the guy with my eyes, causing him to burst into flames. The same voice proclaimed "SammyG WINS. FATALITY". Then a second disembodied voice squeaked "Toasty!"
  10. Yeah, that's not to say I didn't enjoy the game, quite the contrary. Like I said before, I just think it's way too far up its own ass.
  11. If you think it's due to congestion, try making yourself a hot toddy. Clears your sinuses and throat real real quick. Otherwise, lukewarm tea, honet, and vitamin C, man. TANG.
  12. Is it just me , or were the levels not so much "clever" as they were "Jonathan Blow being a douche". It's a great platformer, and it's fun, but I can't stand the dude that made it. The story is uninteresting amd cliched, assuming you've read any poetry. I saw the ending coming a mile away, and had no attachment to any of the characters. I feel like it has its head way too far up its own ass. It oozes "indie". In this case, I think it's a bad thing. (to be fair, the SPOILER atom bomb SPOILER thing is interesting, at least. It just feels way too symbolic and stuff for me. If you're not actively looking for the metaphor, it's simply not there. Which, to me, is the sign of a bad metaphor.)
  13. What's to understand? He's asking the dude if he's okay!
  14. Isn't the word "shit" in like a ton of the jet set radio songs? Specifically Rock it On: "ROCK THAT SHIT HOMIE"
  15. quoted for common sense
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