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Everything posted by DragonAvenger

  1. Really agreed with Larry here, the blockiness is the major issue that would need to be addressed but honestly I'm not feeling the combination of the sources at all. I don't think it's something that could necessarily be addressed by a different arrangement either, I think the themes are just not a good match. In terms of production is also consider looking at the balance of the leads vs. backing tracks. Nothing particularly egregious here, but it felt at times that the leads weren't coming through as much as they could. No (resubmit?)
  2. I can hear what the others are saying about the vocals here. I don't think they are to the point that they alone would bring the track to a no, but I have a couple other issues that do for me. That being said, any of the vocal fixed would be great! My biggest issue overall comes from how thin the track feels. To me I feel like at times there's just too much empty space. I'd love you to maybe even add some quiet backing strings (maybe double bass?), or something to give the track a little more. The other issue I'm not liking is the violin. First is that it's panned to the right for most of the track. Not as much an issue when it's in the background, but when it has the lead it feels weird. I also feel like it could be humanized a little more, it feels kinda uncanny valley at the moment. I really like the concepts and sources you used, but I think it needs a little more. No (resubmit)
  3. The first half of the mix sounds pretty much like a cover of the original with different drums and sone slight modifications to the bass. All the samples sound pretty muddy and mechanical to me. The second repetition through is where I really start to hear done personalization, but it still relies heavily on the melody and structure verbatim. I definitely need to hear more arrangement and personalization here. There is a start here, but there's a lot of work to go. I'd suggest listening to some posted mixes and comparing them to their sources to see what other mixers have done to the melodies, harmonies, and structure to get a better idea of what we're looking for. I'd also look into getting some better samples and working on humanizing your parts more. Good luck! No
  4. Siding with Wes here. I feel like the arrangement really is quite creative, and I think that carries it over the line regardless of the 50% unwritten rule. I do agree that the two sources aren't the best mix, though I think it does work out in the end. Can't wait to hear your next mix! Yes
  5. Kris pretty much hit everything that I was going to say here. One extra thing to note is that there is a high pitched whine I can hear in headphones that is through most of not all of the track. The side chaining is definitely too heavy on the parts and is most noticeable on the solo at 1:25. I also agree that the mid right now suffers from being uninspired in terms of the melody and arrangement. I'd love to hear you expand on the themes and work to personalize the track more. I'll also point out that the sounds at 1:00 and 1:08 are strange and don't fit into the key signature. You've got a start here, but there is a lot of work to go. Keep working on your mixing and your arranging. No (resubmit)
  6. Yup, gonna also co-sign with Kris. You've got some great playing, and based on your ending section I can hear you can do a full on arrangement for us. Midis are a good way to start, but aren't kosher in the end for OCR. Hope to hear more from you! No
  7. Yeah, this is really a tough decision here. It's all based on the arrangement and whether it's personalized enough and varies enough. I'd really like to pass it, but I really feel like more could have been done in both areas to differentiate your mix from the original. Even some subtle changes would do the trick here. Really want to hear this again! Please send it back if it doesn't pass! No (resubmit please!)
  8. I'm between Kris and Vinnie in terms of my vote here. I definitely feel like the instrumentation isn't really gelling, which bothers me more than I'd like. That said, the arrangement is pretty cool and definitely unique, which puts a big positive on this. I'm siding on the YES side off the fence because I do think the arrangement positives are weighing best on the scales, though it was a pretty close one for me. Yes (borderline)
  9. Yeah, dis be gud stuffs! Really like the anxiousness you added to the track here. The mix of elements is great, as Jive mentioned. Your pacing is really good here too; the build is gradual without being too slow. Tiny nit picks were that once in a while a sound would come across a bit fakey, but nothing dragging this down. Yes
  10. I'm a little between Mike and the others. I think the personalization and the chill out mood do pretty well here, but I also wish there was more done in terms of the arrangement. Mike also brings up the drums being thin, and I'm agreeing there too: a thicker sound would fit in better, though I don't think it's terrible. All in all I think that this track skims past the bar due to the subtle but nice change in mood here. I hope that in future subs Ryan goes a bit further out with the arrangement though! Yes (borderline)
  11. There were a couple of times where I felt the lead guitar went a little sharp, but the other judges didn't mention anything so it might just be me. Aside from that I agree with Larry and Kris that the mix is personalized and has a lot going for it for how short it is. Really would have liked a better ending, and I almost feel like it drags things below the bar, but I think it squeaks by. Yes (borderline)
  12. I like that you took the original and went even grittier with it. The crunch in the drums, your vocal tone and performance, and the bass synth really do a nice job of highlighting the mood. I'm finding the balance between the vocals and the bass synth aren't really working well here, however. The vocals are feeling drowned out by the other elements, which is a bigger issue due to the fact that there aren't that many elements here. I think this needs s bit of a rework due to fix this up. I'm also a little worried that this might be a bit too close to the source, but I'm curious what the other judges think. Regardless id like to hear this one adjusted with the vocals being a bit clearer. No (resubmit)
  13. I'm down with this, it's a really fun mix that definitely pulls the source into a new and different style. On the dissonance I agree with Shariq that nothing feels like it's a sore thumb here, and if anything only adds to the flava. I do agree with Kris that the intro is a little long, I think a reference to the source would make it tie in better, but that is a small nitpick. Yes
  14. I agree here, the instrumentation, tempo, and dynamics are pretty much the same throughout the mix. Without a change in energy it starts to feel repetitive even if the melody is changing or new sections have started. I think a transition to half-time or a lead instrument change (or other things) could really make things feel different and more interesting. I suggest using the WIP forums and getting some more feedback and sending this back in! No (resubmit)
  15. I think I'm on the boat with Vinnie here, the ideas are great, but things feel pretty repetitive and it hovers pretty close to the original for a lot of the track. That being said, I do think that changing one of the two issues would bring this over the bar, and I'd lean towards the repetitive parts more than the arrangement closeness if I got to pick. I hope you fix this one up and send it in again! No (resubmit)
  16. I definitely feel like the background of the mix sounds pretty muddy. The sounds are kinda mushing together, and it feels like there is a lack of definition throughout. Definitely look into cleaning up the parts, panning and balancing as well as using note velocities to humanize those backing instruments. The guitar playing is pretty good, and the soloing fits the style of the track, but I do agree with Shariq that there needs to be a little more substance to what's going on. Maybe having some other instruments take the lead, adding some harmonies or countermelodies, etc., rather than soloing over the source. The WIP forums could be a good place for you to keep working on this, I encourage you to take the track there to get more feedback. No (resubmit)
  17. Shariq's right, the arrangement is really nice. I'd love to hear a clearer version! Yes conditional? (changed below)
  18. Yeah, agreeing with Shariq here. The thing that stands out the most to me is the production on the vocals: they sound like they're sung in sabathroom shower. To some extent the sound works, but it's too strong on the reverb and gets lost in the rest of the mix. The style is killer here, and I'd love to pass this, but it needs some production TLC. No (resubmit)
  19. Really nothing to add here. Would love to hear this with a cleaner recording, but I understand if it doesn't happen. Nice listen though! No (resubmit?)
  20. Alright guys, I'll take on the group registration. I'll need you guys to PM me your details. Looks like group registration is $40 and will increase to $45 on Sept. 30. I'll keep this open until Sept. 20, so get me your info before then! From what I can gather, I will need from you: First name, Last name DOB email address Zip/Postal code Emergency contact number Your Cell number I will get paypal info from you guys a little closer to when I reg!
  21. Kris has the right of this: the lead needs some work. The synth itself sounds pretty blocky and piercing and that particular melody line is used quite a lot without any change in the rhythm, notes, or attack. Definitely could use some more variation there, as well in the drums and occasionally the bass. There's a lot of space to work with and is love to hear you make the parts really support each other more. On another note I love what you did with the source arpeggio. It feels like a natural change to the source opening and really adds done flavor to the track. Keep working on this! Use our WIP forums to get done more advice! No (resubmit)
  22. I'm more on Shariq's side here. I think the track ideas and the soundscape are pretty unique and fun, but I feel like the execution isn't quite there. The samples and mixing sound pretty mechanical, which is definitely noticed in the slow down sections. I'm also it feeling the vocal sample, which just sounds too fake to me. The arrangement does need a little work as sections are sounding too similar, but I think a lot of your ideas are good here. There's plenty of source apparent, so maybe some original writing can be used to broaden your mix. The fade-out ending is also not cutting it here, IMO. Good start here; hit up the WIP forums to get some more feedback and send this one back soon! No (resubmit)
  23. I'm in the boat that the arrangement is too repetitive along with being pretty conservative. The mix has a nice feel, and I'd love to hear this sort of style with more change-ups. 2:07 sounds too similar to the first iteration of the source melody, and I kinda feel like it might be the same verbatim. Adding some flourishes or small changes would make a world of difference. I'm also going to agree this is a bit too heavy on the reverb. The washed out feel is nice, but I agree it's a bit too strong, especially on the drums. Good luck on the rest of the vote! No (resubmit)
  24. Wow, what a beautiful piece! Really loving what Roe has done here. Sure, the source doesn't have a lot to it but he's stretched every once out of it and then some. I felt like the source was pretty apparent throughout since it relies so heavily on that chord structure, but I can see other judges disagreeing. Regardless, this was a very moving piece that I enjoyed quite a bit! One nit to pick though, some of the string attacks feel late, but super minor in the long run. Yes
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