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Everything posted by DragonAvenger

  1. Agreeing with the other judges here; I like how you sped up the original, it gives the song a little more pep and is a lot of fun to listen to. Justin mentioned the drums and Kris the bass, I'd like to mention that the guitar feels a bit forward in the soundscape compared to the other elements. A touch more balance between the parts would have been nice, but I don't feel like it is a huge deal. Nice work here! Good (or rather, YES
  2. Yeah, overall agreed here. I think it takes the source into a fun direction, and has a lot of nice sounds that work well together. I think opening up into some more sounds and some more bombastic sounds (Wes worded it just right) would bring this up a notch, though I think having the track be a bit understated works in it's own way, too. I can't say this is my favorite work by you, Shaun, but I think you've done a good job with the source here. YES (borderline)
  3. I think I'm with Dain here as well. There's a lot of little things that aren't quite dealbreakers on their own here, but it's adding up to just under the bar for me. The distant drums and the pretty coverish beginnings, plus the very cut-off ending are what do it for me overall, but I also agree that there's a lot of mud going on in the mixing overall that could be cleaned up. On an unrelated note, I feel like this source (and your mix in particular) could go really well with parts of the . Just feel like it was worth a mention. I'd love to hear this fixed up, and hear how you've improved over the past 3 years. Send this back and more! NO (resubmit)
  4. I think Vinnie worded this best in how I'm feeling about the piece. There are some great harmonies added, and there's quite a new feel about the piece, but once things are established the textures and backing parts remain pretty similar. I think adjusting those parts will add a lot more life to the mix and really let the track shine. I also wasn't a fan of the key change ~1:40 or so. I think there should be a little more build/lead up to it. I'll put that as personal taste though. I definitely hope you keep working on this one! Hit up the workshop forums for some more advice and send it back to us! NO (resubmit)
  5. I can kinda see Larry's crits, but I'm on the boat that overall the flaws aren't enough to bring it below the bar. The arrangement is a beautiful expansion on the original, and the flow is very nice overall. Definitely like the combination of instruments you've used. While I wouldn't mind another pass to fix a couple of the issues (probably mostly the drums), I think this is good to go as-is. YES
  6. Definitely two sources that are pretty difficult to meld together. I like your approach here and feel like it's got a good vibe going, however I feel like there isn't much variation going on in the backing parts and it really starts to drag on. I'd love to hear some more change-ups as this goes on in the drums, bass, and backing pads. The synth solo at 1:55 and 2:20 have some notes that aren't quite working in the key signature and really stand out. I'd look into those and try to make them fit in a little better. After that around 2:55 we go into the main section which sounds pretty verbatim to the last time it played. There might be some differences, but it feels so similar it's hard to tell. You're on the right track here, but there needs to be more change-ups. NO (resubmit)
  7. My main issue with this piece is that a lot of times it's really only the melody line going. The backing parts are often just following the melody-line, so the lack of harmony is kinda a put-off for me. The first time you hear some counter-melody is around 3:03, at which the piece is almost finished. I love the intimate setting that's going on here, but if you're going to have a choir background and some strings, I'd love to hear them expend out into some harmony and really add life to the piece. Similarly, the choir's attack is a bit slower than the guitar, and though it's pretty close, I'd like to hear it get tightened up a bit more so they are landing closer together. Because there are so few parts going it makes the slight off-time more noticeable. I think this has a lot of promise, but I think there needs to be more going on for this to get past the bar for me. I would love to hear this again! NO (resubmit)
  8. There are a couple times where I can kinda hear what Will is getting at, but being a vocalist myself with some of the same issues, I don't really take issue with the use of autotune to clean things up. I think the song is a great and intimate piece that really reflects a lot of emotion; Dustin's feelings really come through here. The nits I would pick is that I would have liked a bit more in terms of harmony with the vocals, either a second singing part, or maybe some other instrument to flow with the vocals at times. Aside from that, I'm feeling this! YES
  9. Yeah, I'm hearing a good amount of source myself. I definitely think this one is good to go. Love that Alex kept the overall ominous tone of the originals here; really suits the pieces well. Alex also did a great job making this come together without being noticably medley-itis. To me, those are the best medleys! Production is solid, with a lot of nice layering between strings and choir elements and piano. Nice work! YES
  10. You can always do my not-as-cool idea of "Bossa Nova" - boss themes remixed in that style.
  11. So The Damned actually got a present for you AND your dad? Nice work, good sir!
  12. Just mailed out my gift today! Sorry to my recipient that it won't be on time for Christmas, but I put a little extra something in to compensate!
  13. Feeling the same as Wes here; the track is very energetic, and for the most part the sounds are pretty solid. What gets me is that the track is played through twice without much interpretation either time. I'd almost say it was a cut and paste the second time through, which is what bothers me the most. You have some really good things going on in the background parts, but the lack of change at all to the melody and the second run through are what do it for me. I'd love to hear you expand out for the second time, add some original sections/melodies, maybe a solo or something! You've got some good playing chops, show them off! NO(resumbit)
  14. This is a bit crazy, especially near the end! There's a lot of quirky textures going on which gives this track a pretty unique flavor. The mixing is clear, the parts come across well, the balance is good, and the source is apparent (thanks, Kris!). I'd say it's an easy decision here. I'd say this isn't going to be everyone's cup of tea, but it is a fun take that is definitely different from what everyone else would do to the track! Neat listen! YES
  15. I think I'm just on the YES side of this as well. There are definitely things that can be improved in regards to the mixing, the attacks of the instruments, and the reverb, but I don't see them being a dealbreaker. The arrangement is really dynamic, and I enjoyed hearing the lead motif played back in different ways to really catch your attention. I hope you continue to work on your mixing and send us some more fantastic arrangements! YES
  16. Pretty much on track with Kris' vote here. There's definitely some harmonies that need to be worked out, to begin with, and I agree that the mixing feels like it's a bit too mid crowded. On headphones the bass felt like it didn't have a huge presence as well, so trying to beef that up a bit might be good. You definitely had a tough couple themes to work with, and I really like the approach you went for here. I think it still needs a bit more finesse, and Kris, Shariq, and Wes gave some great crits. Love to hear this again! NO (resubmit)
  17. The sound choices in this are pretty unique, I'm really enjoying the overall soundscape here. I do think the balance could use a bit of tweaking; the track feels overall a little muted to what it could be. Bringing up the leads a touch could be the difference here. Kris is right that there is a lot here in the mids, and spreading things out a bit more might also make a difference. That being said, I think the arrangement is a ton of fun, and I don't think the balance is a dealbreaker here. Good to go, IMO. YES
  18. Hey, cool to see you submitting after such a long time! Right off I'm noticing that the synths are a bit on the generic side of things. I think you can take a look into upgrading your sounds and picking some synths that mesh a bit better together. A lot of the lead choices had some strange attacks and delays on them as well, which made them sound awkwardly out of time. I haven't found all the source tunes yet that you used in the track, but the opening section is pretty much an exact cover to the title theme, and similar for the first area. I'd love for you to branch out a little more and work on your arrangements. Check out some of the recently posted mixes and compare them to their source tunes to get a bit more familiar with the standards that OCR has now in terms of arrangement. Some of the transitions are a bit rough in the track as well, one example being 2:00 where the track abruptly stops then starts a new section. Good to see you submitting again, Matt, and I hope you stick around this time! Check our WIP forums to get some great feedback from our forum goers and WIP moderators. NO
  19. Your ReMixer name: subliminal labs Your real name: matt friedly Your email address: Your website: http://mattfriedly.bandcamp.com/ Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile: 4340 Wow! I can't believe my Zanac remix isn't up here! I've had my two lesser quality remixes on Overclocked for years now! -------------------
  20. I got my gift from Wes! Super squee Eevee plushies (the whole set!!!) and a copy of both Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire! Thank you so much! https://scontent-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/t31.0-8/1973220_10205351605971104_9167829261048090476_o.jpg To my secret recipient, I'm still working on your gift, and I'm hoping I'll finish it in time for Christmas!
  21. Contact Information Your ReMixer name : Rockos Your real name : Roch Côté Your email address : Your website : None Your userid (number, not name) on our forums : 44017 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged : Final Fantasy III Name of individual song(s) arranged : Boss Battle Name of the remix : Le Patron Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. : (This song is part of an album project. The FF III project leaded by Brandon Strader.) Well, I took one of the non-claimed track that I think I could do something with it. And within a week, this was the final piece. Like always, I mixed some dubstep in. But this time, I tried to incorporate some new elements. Like the violin synth or the guitar. I also added more varied hi hat. Played a lot with the bass and kept the real melody nearly intact. The song is recognizable from the start to the end. There are some minor variation. Nothing more to say Enjoy.
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