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Everything posted by LongeBane

  1. Don't try to be humble man, you earned those two wins so don't try to play it off like that. I was rusty and you just proved to be the better man
  2. I just played dama, he's one tough fucker, beating me twice.
  3. Boy are you easily amused
  4. Wait, shit! Am I too late?
  5. (9:37:16 PM) LongeBane: do you rmemeber what the last tourny I was in? (9:37:22 PM) LongeBane: like over a year ago mirite? (9:38:52 PM) METZGERISM: at least (9:38:56 PM) METZGERISM: maybe closer to two (9:39:04 PM) LongeBane: 05? (9:39:06 PM) LongeBane: wuttz (9:39:25 PM) LongeBane: I even forgot the number to pluto (9:39:46 PM) METZGERISM: 134340 (9:40:16 PM) LongeBane: I FORGOT (9:40:23 PM) LongeBane: I \MOTHER FUCKING FORGOT (9:40:28 PM) LongeBane: THE SECOND I FORGOTY IT cEASES TO EXIST (9:40:54 PM) METZGERISM: I nevar forgot
  6. I'll join if someone bad mannered or that guy jessica joins. I'll also join if eppy somehow manages to beat me
  7. you are such a fucking excellent troll
  8. You're totally right! As I've heard from sam, he worked DAMN hard on this suite. He had to work on each movement in segments, like each project file would contain 20 seconds of the movement, and he'd have to work like that, and then merge it all in the end! Imagine trying to finish a whole suite through that process. Word needs to get out of the accomplishments of this man! I decided to post a digg article on this. Support Shnabubula! http://digg.com/music/Beautiful_Musical_Retelling_of_novel_Ender_s_Game
  9. Am I the only one who gets a sweet pop up?
  10. Really? Wow, I didn't expect you were influenced by people like Jeremy Robson or Zircon. I Barely even hear their styles in your Ender Suite.
  11. Well well, impressive Shnabubula! What were your inspirations and models for the various styles you have composed for in this suite?
  12. I can listen to this and play Oblivion. I think what I really like about this piece is the rhythm Jeremy had going.
  13. Thorazine is supposed to be a sort of sedative, that slows down the processes. BUT the song is all backwards! Looks like thorazine isn't working for someone. I should write a life novel about that. I wished it was more like valentine since it goes on hi pitched for too long. Those articulations just jab at my ear. I don't care how real they're supposedly supposed to sound. I guess I just have a bias towards these things.
  14. Yea, I think it's a really well-made game considering it's an indy game made by some guy in a basement. Maybe that's the source of all inspiration, the basement.
  15. I see a lot of tower defense games on warcraft, as well as java versions of it. Here's this independent one called Immortal Defense. The visuals are stunning, with its abstractness and effects shooting here and there. I think along with the addicting gameplay, the storyline is really deep too (which most if not all TD's lack). You are this form trapped in another dimension, sent there to defend path space. "You'll experience an interesting combination of procedural and pixel-art, an original soundtrack, and you'll explore a story about love, duty, and the consequences of immortality. With six to ten hours of gameplay, this game won't be something you play and then forget about." I think you guys should definitely try the demo! It contains about 32 levels. http://studioeres.com/immortaldefense/immortaldefense
  16. I thought much was possible with the track I liked most in the game. Good work in raising my interest.
  17. Funny you say that, because the ostinato is Jurassic Park's. And this took me almost a month to make.
  18. lol I didn't make this while drunk, I made the post while drunk. Silly gooses!
  19. longebane (7:37:53 PM): lol chess
  20. fine. here it is http://longebane.aoikokoro.net/archieve/Lost%20Dark%20World.mp3
  21. it was horrendous (and i was drunk)
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