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Everything posted by Jivemaster

  1. 100 pages and round 3 ain't even over. This comp is full of GOLD.
  2. From this day on it will be known as the egg salad test
  3. Don't get me wrong - I'll give any genre a go, but I know a lot of people who don't care for specific genres and as soon as they knew what kind of song it was, they sadly won't give it much of a chance.
  4. I agree that genre will have a direct effect on voting. For example, if someone hates hip-hop, it doesn't matter how awesome the track is, they ain't going to like it or vote for it. Someone's dislike for a genre really can't be blamed on the producer.
  5. I'd like to congratulate Nuts on his first ever vocal performance. Love the falsetto man. When I first heard it I fell in love with you.
  6. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh we're meant to be making GOOD music. Sorry my bad.
  7. Well I wanted to keep this quiet, but I'll just come clean. "Nuts" is actually a one man band, and is a persona I use for my trance/disco mixes. I just post under different aliases to explore other genres without ruining my reputation. I retired the jivemaster alias in 2006 because the mixes weren't working out (frankly, they were rubbish). Recently I've been using "Strader" for my experiential rock projects after I learned guitar a few years ago. The only reason they're all back is because I need 3 for a team. My sincere apologies for deceiving you all.
  8. Um is it too late to be placed onto another team? Lol joke I kid - love ya buddy. We is da team with da heart <3 XD
  9. You mean I had to sing my own falsetto for nothing?
  10. Crap dude now me hungry! XD BTW I hope everyone's tracks are going super for round 2.
  11. Lol Ben and I aren't fighting we already cleared that up Mr. Nuts. We're cool bro
  12. No I completely understand Ben, is no problem, and I can see where you're coming from. My apologies to you. I thought you were getting angry, which is my misinterpretation. Everything's kewl. The main disadvantage of posting your mix early that I can think of is that someone might try to steal your ideas. (Not that many would be able to replicate them in such a short time frame).
  13. Ben you proably need to read back on the previous posts. I didn't once say it gives an unfair advantage. Firstly, I was just agreeing with KT that it's probably not a good idea to post your tracks early because people can see what you're up to (for better or worse). I didnt say anything about it being for or agianst the rules, or that a rule should/shouldn't apply. Where are you getting this from? You made the arguments for/against it, not me bro. Likely you're mad because you posted your mix first in this thread and thought that we were talking about you. Seriously we aren't referring to you at all and I apologise if you got that impression. Cool your jets bro. Win with grace.
  14. Lol you misunderstand me completely Ben. I'm not saying any of that at all.
  15. Agreed, people really should be keeping their tracks quiet until they are posted by Darke to keep things clean.
  16. Not the youtube vids, but I've seen the profile pic. Tis stellar.
  17. KT I can just imagine your epic vocal hook right now, while rocking your keytar. Gimmie. Dude. Respect. This must happen or I will loose excite.
  18. True dat KT. The frequency struggle is a heartless biatch. Come to think of it the other thing I noticed distrinctly lacking in people's mixes were vocals. I want to hear those pipes peeps! Don't you dare make us do a rap battle for the final round. All that Strader can do is growl apparently, so if I can't understand what he says how do I even have a chance in a face-off against him?
  19. I hear ya bro. Just wait til round 3. Strader is going uncut yo.
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