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Everything posted by Jivemaster

  1. I think the track overall is pretty great. The source usage is in your face, and there is a lot of clarity in the mix. I am a fan of the synth choices and dig the beats. I actually dig this more than the source tune, and that can be tough when remixing. My main concern with this mix is the arrangement side - it gets a bit repeaty for my liking to substantiate the length. The source is largely responsible as it's quite short, so there isn't a lot to work off to keep things fresh. I can also appreciate stuff in this genre can lean towards the repetitive side, however I'd love to see some more original bits to add some variation which will make the track more enjoyable. I'm a bit on my own saying this, but when listening I thought the track was basically the same thing twice and could almost go for half the duration and be enough. All that this needs is a touch more variation throughout and I'm in. My recommendation is to play with some slight note variation and some changes in your synth modulation across the track to make the first and second half of the song feel more unique. NO (super borderline)
  2. Some decent use of the source here, the arrangement is fulfilling consisting of a bunch of nice sections. Liking the instrumentation in this as well. Some nice piano freestyle going on, however it would greatly benefit from more volume so we can hear whats going on more. The hats starting at 0:53 are a little loud in that portion of the track, but are a decent volume throughout the rest of the track. My main concerns: the snare feels a little weak IMO, along with the piano lead at 0:59, the string/violin lead at 1:23 and the synth lead at 1:48. Nothing is really popping out in the mix as much as it should, almost like there is a little too much compression across the master bus gluing everything together too tightly. This for me is hurting the clarity of the above mentioned lead lines. I would also say the bass is a teeny too boomy, but that may only be because I can hear it a lot more than most of the other elements. I might be the odd one out here, but I think a bit more clarity would really benefit this track. The lead instruments need to pop out more. That would really strengthen the mix and make it more enjoyable. If this is done I'll be happy. NO (please resub)
  3. I think the main problem here apart from the source not being as prominent as it should be, is that everything goes on a bit long without a lot happening. Because we don't get any kind of leads or soloing happening, we're really just waiting for something to happen most of the way through. I think the track could benefit from more elements being introduced over time (build up to more than what we have here), and I think if we can get to the action quicker we'd be in for some success. The song really "starts" for me around the 4 minute mark. I'd almost suggest starting the song at that point, going into the soft section you have there, and then building up to something else and closing us out. That'd make things a lot more interesting. It'd also mean you'd have a lot of your source usage covered (which as mentioned is the other thing letting this down), as you'd have a lot of the source filled bits left behind. Instrument wise things sound nice, strings could do with a little more work (tiny articulations) to make them feel a bit more real. It'd also add some variation. Production wise the mix is a bit quiet. As an orchestral piece I wouldn't be reaching for the compression, just lifting the volume of the lot would work. Overall this does need some work. I would like to hear a resub of this track with some of the above mentioned ideas explored. NO (please resub)
  4. This track starts off as some kind of prog rock opera mix, very enjoyable. Some great tones throughout. Production quality is decent, the guitars in particular are very clear which can often be a problem in these kinds of tracks when a lot of other stuff is going on. The choice of instruments - organ, guitar, strings, work well together. Drums are complementary and audible. Arrangement wise I'm hearing minor repeat of sections in the first few minutes, but you have more than enough variation there to keep interest. The main thing I'm not liking is the transitions to different source/sections. I'm even finding the tempo change at 2:21 a bit disjointed to my ears. I'd love to hear it gradually sped up to that change rather than just drop that change on us. When we make the change to the next source around 3:06, it feels like we're moving into a new song. There are some things I think that could work to make the transition smoother and link the two parts together. As I see it, there are two issues which are working against this "second" portion of the song: 1. At 2:21 we up the pace, with some nice riffage and that mad synth solo, then at 2:54 we drop everything to a slow down. This feels like we're building up to something that doesn't eventuate. 2. That guitar is a part of our lives for almost 3 minutes, and then vanishes. Perhaps that nice big strum at the end followed by some licking over the top as we move through to the sax would help cut over better. To give an example, have a listen to the lethal weapon soundtrack. I'm not saying to do that, it's just an example of how guitar and sax play off each other really well. I actually feel this is really close. For both "parts" of the song, I feel arrangement, production and source wise it's there. There's just a bit more work to be done to get those parts feeding into one another to feel like a cohesive piece. NO (please resub)
  5. Ok, I'm getting a chippy jazzy funky vibe from this track. The big thing that stands out to me is the multitude of soloing throughout, which really makes it your own and adds an extra level of enjoyability over the original source. There are quite a few dissonant chords at the start of the track, as well as in the break later on at 3:12, and while I wish some parts weren't quite so dissonant, most of this is from the source tune. For the parts that aren't, you do have the skill to make them work and have it under control. This is a jazzy track after all. There is a sizeable amount of fake-ish instrumentation throughout (some of the horns and strings for example), but this is typical of the genre, and considering the song is predominately led by synths, it fits well IMO. Almost has a protodome feel, which can only be a good thing. There is quite a lot of variation here, both in the instruments used between sections and the various riffing throughout, which really makes this feel like a journey. It doesn't really feel like a section is repeated. The thumping beat and some other percussive elements feel a tiny bit loopy at times, but there are enough fills and things going on over the top to keep it all interesting. I'm particularly fond of those bass licks. Source wise I think you have it down pretty well. Obviously a lot of original elements in there which set it apart, but you can tell the tune is there. Your production quality is very clear and relaxing on the ear dynamically which is what you need in this kind of song. The slower tempo over the original works well. Overall judge jivey is happy. YES
  6. Yep, I like to think of it more like a competitor to Wavelab than a fully fledged DAW. Some great features though. I did all of my GHS's fades, encoding and dithering through the application. In particular, I like its great clip detection algorithm that you can run, which runs across the waveform and detects clipping without the file having to be played. I'm sure there are others out there that can do this, I just saw it here first and was impressed.
  7. Strader, maybe you should stop playing games and actually, you know, make some remixes. You've got hardly anything posted.
  8. Well NutS did. I'm retired. Gettin too old for this stuff.
  9. Being in Australia, it's pretty deserted, but I have met that Tuberz fella a handful of times. Couldn't meet a nicer dude tbh, friendly as and full of energy, like a puppy. I also see that Rabcandy chick occasionally.
  10. Great remix, and getting it done in such a short space of time. NutS certainly has a pair.
  11. Apparently there's been a change of plans, it's now all about me Brandon. Soz
  12. Thanks K-wix. As with solo albums like this, sometimes it can be difficult to get the inspiration needed to hit up every track with equal force, particularly where you favour some sources over others, which is why it took so long to complete the album. However I think it turned out pretty well. Any tracks in particular you're not happy with? Most Jivemaster tracks can be love/hate, due to the DJ mashup nature of them. As far as price goes, the majority of the remix albums out there go for $10 on Loudr and other outlets. Considering this is a full cohesive album covering the whole OST, it's arguably worth it. Many thanks for the kind words Chern, means a lot bro!
  13. Many thanks Timaeus, I know what you mean about it sounding like me - that's a great thing I think. Some people out there find it difficult to find a musical identity, I'm lucky enough to have found my niche, regardless of how small it is Yes I do tend to go crazy with the arrangement at times, however they wouldn't be Jivemaster tracks without some level of cray being involved
  14. Hey Beatdrop, many thanks for the kind words. You're an OCReMix god so it truly means a lot. The new Scrap Brain mix has definitely come a long way in comparison to 'ol Particle Brain. Certainly a lighter take on the source but I'm quite happy with it, especially the chorus, which sounded very Bis to me after I was finished. A happy mistake. Valid question SegaMon - we're complete legit as Beatdrop mentioned. Roughly the same kinda deal that was done for Mega Man Everlasting Peace. You can be sure the original composer gets their deserved royalties from each and every sale.
  15. Haha thanks Beatdrop! Much respect! Has your body recovered yet Kyle? I'm told the main thing missing is an intermission to give people a chance to recover. I'll try to remember that for Emerald Hill Sessions.
  16. Thanks a bunch Subz, with the variety there I hope everyone finds something they like.
  17. Bump it. Bump it real good. Oh yeah and the album's out now and stuff: http://overclockedrecords.com/release/green-hill-sessions/ More info in the OP.
  18. Hey Jordan, I managed to catch a couple of these tunes on soundcloud yesterday, very smooth indeed. Nice work mang.
  19. Good news for those interested... the album is close to completion! Queue excitement and all that. EDIT: It's kinda done. EDIT 2: Catch the pre-release listening party with Rexy on Radio Sega! https://www.facebook.com/events/613515072088869
  20. I just realised a WIP was due. Better get cracking.
  21. We have to be honest with ourselves, the chances of the game being good are fairly low
  22. Time for an old timer to step in - forget all this 3D or even 16-bit bullcrap, I grew up around the time of the Sega Master System, and at that time Sega did a whole bunch of licensed games directly themselves as they didn't have the 3rd party support the NES had. Subsequently, many great games were created - arguably some of the best licensed games of the time IMO (and possibly some of the best licensed games evar). In particular, I loved stuff like Sega's version of Asterix, Spider-man and Ninja Gaiden, and the music was kewl.
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