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Triad Orion

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Everything posted by Triad Orion

  1. ZX wasn't a bad Mega Man game by any means, but I think that the Biometal Mega Men don't really represent the series all that well, but that would make for some fascinating potential in Brawl, I'd admit. I'm suspiscious still about Mega Man's appearance. At this point I'm mostly doubting it, but the tongue in cheek manner of which Inafune addressed the matter is still suspicious, especially considering Sonic got the same treatment. Well, we'll find out soon, one way or the other.
  2. I see your Super Mario Hell and raise you Asshole Mario: This one's got like ten levels and they're some of the meanest I've ever seen. Though most of them aren't just random things to piss you off. (Goombas don't fall from the sky, for example.)
  3. I disagree entirely. I *love* Fire Emblem and I disagree. Because of one thing I got in my haul: Super Mario Galaxy. Enough said. XD
  4. Mystic Cave Zone. And this thread will be back on track by tomorrow anyway. No worries.
  5. (Completely ignoring what I said earlier about picking a best...) I see your Metropolis Zone and raise you a Chemical Plant Zone.
  6. See, the problem is, every numbered Sonic game on the Genesis had a memorable, catchy soundtrack. I have a hard time picking a "best" one because there were few tracks that sucked in general. Hell, even 3D Blast had a few really good songs in it.
  7. I was skeptical at first of the music update (I expected Green Hill Zone, truthfully), but damned if they didn't make it sound really cool and Smash-worthy. I likes it.
  8. I dunno. This sounds like Inafune was going "nudge nudge wink wink." It remains a reasonable possibility that Mega Man is not in Brawl, but I'm still not totally convinced. If a random guy from a Japan only game from the N64 makes it as an assist trophy, the idea of Mega Man still possibly being in the game doesn't seem too farfetched. By the way, when was that last podcast? Like, recently?
  9. Happy Birthday, dude. Congratulations on 24, hope this year goes great for you.
  10. I like Trigger a lot too, but there's a problem. Trigger's not really representative of the Mega Man liscense. Plus, he was only in one game on a Nintendo console, which doesn't look quite as good. X was in three (five if you count the GBC games), while Rock was in many more. Plus, if the logic that Mega Man's in due to the 20th Anniversery comes into effect, it will probably be Rock because he's the one who's anniversery they're actually celebrating. ...And because the Classic games freakin' rocked.
  11. Quoted for Truth. Glad the Temple's made a comeback. That's truthfully my favorite stage in Melee despite the mixed community feelings about it. Wonder what other stages will return. Actually, I kind of hope Rainbow Cruise comes back. May have been a moving stage, but that was my favorite of all the movers.
  12. Lawls, I see what you did thar. Though why Yoshi of all Brawlers?
  13. Don't feel bad about it. OoT was an amazing piece of work, but it is not for everyone. Any video game is the same way, but Mario is probably the closest thing to a universal (pardon the pun) game that is accessible and enjoyable to almost everyone. Personally, I liked the storytelling and mood of Majora better as well, though the dungeons were much more fun in OoT, and that's where a lot of the game's real fun factor matters.
  14. I like that item. Also, sad Electrode is made of pure win. ...Wonder if you can still pick him up and chuck him even when he's a dud....
  15. I'm loving this tune. This was my favorite song from the CS soundtrack and I really like what you've done with it. The warm synths and the faith to the source material have really made this an instant favorite of mine. Downloaded, and will be burned to a CD shortly.
  16. Both sides have their points in this debate. Personally, I think anonmyinty online is a blessing in some ways. As Geoffrey Taucer pointed out, it's good in that you don't have to deal with as much constant swearing, bragging, and just general douche-baggery. In some ways, this makes internet play more accessible to people who don't frequently play online to begin with. However, by contrast, yes, it does cause issues with seasoned online players, which are a significant portion of the game's audience. I think Nintendo's opting to go the "safe" route for several reasons, most of which have already been discussed. While I do agree that I wish I could have an online handle, I care little about anything else. So, I personally don't have much issue with the current way Nintendo's doing the online play. *Shrugs*
  17. I wouldn't agree that Brawl is a hardcore game for hardcore people. Super Smash Brothers was always meant to cater to both the casual and to the hardcore. If you throw a bunch of casual Melee players together, I'd wager they'd have just as much fun with the game as a group of the hardcore playing together. Brawl will almost assuredly be the same way, and the Spectator Mode update is some evidence to that. Smash is meant to be a game for everyone: Simple to pick up, but very difficult to truly master. That said, I like this Spectator Mode thing. I wouldn't mind finding a good fight or two with my Wii and watchin' how it plays out. That could be good entertainment if I can't find anything on TV.
  18. Yeah, I'm not a fan of the musical update either. The song itself sounds okay, but the instrumentation is just lousy. I think if they improved the sound of the instruments, it'd probably be much better overall. As for the moveset update, I'm going with "meh." Nothing really all that exciting there. None of Meta Knight's moves on paper have that "Oh, Snap!" reaction, though the Cape may prove to be great for throwing people off. But the WOW factor certainly isn't there. Oh well, they can't all be winners.
  19. Failing Saffron City's actual return (which I hope it returns as well), you can probably make a similar setup using the stage editor. Dunno if you could make the moving platforms and you couldn't remake the pokemon door, but you could make the bare skeleton of the stage work, at least... and give it Pokemon music or something. But yeah, in a lot of ways Brawl looks like a hybrid of Melee and Classic Smash in how it does things with a huge, fresh dose of new stuff thrown in too. I think that's what makes me so excited for it; it's a great mix of old and new. ....Which is really the essence of the series to begin with.
  20. Ike's taunt is awesome, but Snake's is the best. Period. XD
  21. Yeah, DarkeSword actually said what was on my mind pretty well. Hospitals can be boring places if you're stuck there for extended periods of time. I think the idea of donating money to help kids get entertainment while being treated is a great idea. I mean, in my experience when I see kids playing games, it makes them happy, even when they're sick. I think that's what they were really going for with this. But yeah, if you have misgivings about donating solely to Child's Play, DJP, I think having OCR associated with two different charities would be really wise too.
  22. Which Belmont? Simon? Trevor? Julius? Richter? ...Hell, any of 'em, really. XD
  23. Yeah, I don't trust IGN as a reliable source of information. They're an infamous hype machine and it's best to take anything they say at all with a grain of salt. While that's true of any media form, one must really keep reasonable doubt in mind.
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