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Everything posted by Jaswald

  1. Oh, he's there, believe me.
  2. As for the first post updates, I believe Arek is taking a break from the Internets for a while, so don't expect any updates, however Drack is working on the database, so we might have that soon.
  4. then get in the skype, you lazy bum.
  5. you bet, but it's mostly a ghost town. Skype is where it's at.
  6. I thought you were gonna do that ages ago... Also, we do have a skype... and sort of an IRC Get in there. Most of the ClanOCR Vets are in there. My skype name is Jaswaldd(2 Ds intentionally)
  7. Second'd.
  8. alright, i got everything up and running, but could someone explain to me what all the info on the HUD is?
  9. yeah, i guess i didn't understand it. If i can convince my mom to use it, i bet i can have it on all day. Well, looks like i'm hooked up now. Not sure if i set it up for the team though pretty sure i did. Add'd:What's the sccreensaver option for? can you actually make FAH your screensaver?
  10. I'd like to get involved, and i read the first post stuff, but i don't get what this is all about
  11. BGC was the remixer of the first remix I ever downloaded. Congrats, BGC and Pixietricks
  12. DJP, you just went way way up on my coolness scale, and I must say... You've really been doing a bang-up job lately! Keep it up!
  13. I think a River City Ransom DS game would be really good. You could utilize the Wi-Fi technology for street gangs and stuff like that. Just a thought, feel free to discuss.
  14. zaaahhh!!! i've missed too many vgdj's here at staffing at this summer camp, i'm gettting withdrawl. i miss Jill's soultry voice, heh heh uh,oh... boss is coming and i'm supposed to be working, so goodbye for a while. Jas out, peace out.
  15. just to clear things, my name is pronounced oswald with a J (JAAZwald)
  16. i could do a weekly Jasa Report, but i don't wanna take time away from the real reports.
  17. whoo!! that is pretty sweet. looks like we beat "crybaby emo kids" but we all know what's gonna happen to the listeners of that now. we are still behind mugglecast, but meh.
  18. O. M. F. G!!!! this is gonna be the longest sixth months ever. I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!
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