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Everything posted by Jaswald

  1. sorry i apparently missed one or more skirmishes, I did not know they existed whoops
  2. I'd like to declare interest in being on the second team
  3. QFE why hasn't this happened yet?
  4. I still say Brushfire should record voiceclips to replace all the existing clips for the votenextmap plugin
  5. this doesn't really belong here but it's really only relevant to the people who will read this thread. I just got a PS3 so you guys can add me on PSN. Name's Jaswald over there too.
  6. Hey Nekofrog, ain't it your birfday? well HAPPY BIRfDAY
  7. and atmuh, i think you're wrong. pub servers are much much easier to play on than our server. which one of the resident spies said they wreak havoc on pub servers because they can't deal with spies? Almost every time I play on a pub server with peeps i met on the OCR server, we lead the scoreboards.
  8. there's a couple clues, I think. -Hammer he smacks his project with at the end should be obvious. (either that or the arc welder) -There is something behind the Lvl3 Sentry at the begginning of the video. It has the same gas tank as a dispenser, but the front of the object is different and it looks like it has an attachment with a lens of some sort on the top. -Robotic arm blueprint behind engie at end of video. -somehting that looks like a welding mask with a glowy eye under the blueprint -also, the propane tank used in the pyro's weapons is sitting on his workbench in front of him is there a copy of the video with high enough definition to read what is on the soldier poster in the back?
  9. what exactly happened? cuz Toomz said he talked to Brush and Brush said he already approved him. so curious
  10. Can Toomz have a reserve slot? He plays on the server often enough and his janky internet gives his client a tendency to crash when the map changes. He's been unable to reconnect quite a few times due to server fullness. thanks in advance
  11. no server?!? ahhhh!!! Also, Eu speaks well. he has a very good point
  12. speaking of Christmas... Does anyone have the old remix "NES Christmas 2000" by tacoriffic?
  13. I'm deaf, so I don't know alot about headphones.
  14. Who the hell decided March was moss month...?
  15. wow, I had 300+ posts here? I never knew...
  16. Hey guys, what's up?
  17. Every year when this thread makes its round I always ask for the Christmas NES rap at the end of 8-Bit Theatre.
  18. yeah... what? message must be 10 characters my ass.
  19. Spambot, no doubt.
  20. I want a PSP Slim, and it's crossed my mind to trade in my old one but it's not worth it. Also, I'm going to pick up War of the Lions next Wednesday because I have a half-day at school.
  21. why? it's awesome, IMO. I like IRC too, but skype is more convenient...
  22. I saw Nobuo earlier that night, cuz he was at PLAY! at the Chicago Debut. I was there too, duh. I didn't get to meet him. I think GT was coming back from VGL that night.
  23. It's liek freestuff friday!! I've been waiting for this project 2 years now. yesssssss. (Not to say people havn't been waiting longer but...)
  24. hey guys. can someone hook me up with the info the the IRC chanel. I've been out of the loop for a while and i've lost all my IRC knowledge.
  25. I actually wanna play this game. I grew up in a catholic school so you know how much education we got of the things going on around us? 0. that's how much. all we got was the little new bulletins our social studies teacher got in the mail every week. and even those were made by scholastics or something. No one's ever told me about columbine, and I wanna know. I'm going to play this game because as far as I care, it's the best medium for me to learn about it, since no one else is gonna tell me.
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