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Everything posted by kidThunder

  1. i've took a glimpse at it and played THDJ...it's hard, but cool...then, my brother was playing Wii Sports bowling and that was awesome. But I say, some of the Wii launch games like Red Steel was a piece of shit...but I'm getting that game anyway when I get the Wii. TP is definitely a MUST-HAVE...and many more titles on the wii...though I won't be able to get it now, because I am broke and if i did have the money, i wouldn't be able to get it, because they are all sold out. On the long run, I say Wii will kick ass...and to let you know, if the virtual console feature on there doesn't surprise you, then you suck!!
  2. darn right!! when i get the wii, i will definitely download that game on the wii's virtual console!! along with the SNES version of Sparkster...the Genesis version of Sparkster is crap!! but definitely, i will download Rocket Knight Adventures!! The hottest game on Genesis!!
  3. sort of...true, myspace is sorta below facebook, because you have some folks' pages who literally drop the "F" bomb like it's so cool!! saying F--- this, F--- that, F--- you!! but if you were to view my page, none of that will show up!!www.myspace.com/kid_thunder Notice...people been saying that they like what I'm doing with my page and everything and they like the song on here!! So check it out!!
  4. Anyone heard of this Sega Genesis game called Rocket Knight Adventures? It's pretty cool! The second one, called Sparkster came out on the Genesis and SNES.
  5. agreed...but i spend more time on myspace, though...but, indeed i like facebook...also, I'm on this other site called Xanga. anyone heard of that?
  6. well...if only I had a faster internet connection to play games like WoW, Guild Wars, UT200X, or Quake 4...Me...I'm cursed with dial-up
  7. PS3 will suck in the end. Why? because I, as a gamer, does not see how people should pay a high price for a game system. WTF?!? If I had the money, I'll buy me a 360 and a Wii instead (since you could get those two for the same price). But I see Sony, as a company is all about a few things: making money, rippin' folks off, and stealing ideas. In other terms, if I had a PS3, I'll trade it in and get the Wii and a shitload of Wii games.
  8. meh...i wish i could use that software...though, when I try to remix stuff using NES synth, I record some shit off the NES emulator...and then edit the shit using this shitty mixing software called Adobe Audition (which fucking sometimes fucking shuts me down whenever I'm in the middle of mixing)...Hell, sometimes I won't be able to save a certain session whenever i'm done and want to go back and make a re-do of the mixes i create.
  9. Zelda: TP is an awesome hit...people been waiting like a fucking loooooooooong time to play this game...when and if I get the Wii, I will get this game, along with Red Steel and it's obvious Wii Sports will come with it...
  10. agreed...sometimes audition could shut you down whenever you are in the middle of something in the program.
  11. If I get a DS soon, I plan to get these games (if funds would come through): New Super Mario Bros. Sonic Rush Mario Kart (obviously) Metroid Prime: Hunters Castlevania games (maybe) and probably a shitload of others...DS has a lot of fucking GREAT games!! I don't know what to get!!
  12. Anyone heard of Adobe Audition?
  13. meh...I say that Super Metroid was when the series started getting better!! The original was OK, though!!
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