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Posts posted by Vivi22

  1. I got my fiancee home safe and relatively uninjured (save some stitches and a fractured thumb) after she had a fairly serious car accident on the 23rd. I've given my time in staying home and looking after her until she's feeling better (she's in a fair bit of pain). Nothing else I gave or received really matters in comparison if you ask me.

  2. I greatly disagree. Playing TFC on a very high level for years, teamplay is far more important in it than in TF2. Even more so in TF1 for QuakeWorld. The classes in TF2 are all far to predictable as far as what they will do in combat and where they will go. The more control and abilities you give the player to utilize the more strategies they can come up with in turn.

    I'm just going to have to call bullshit again. Giving more abilities doesn't make a game more strategic, or somehow give it more depth. In fact, by limiting the abilities of the TF2 classes, there is more team strategy required. All that aside though, despite the limits placed on class abilities, I have seen some creative people come up with some pretty off the wall, and completely effective, strategies that you would never see in TFC. Believe me, I played TFC for years, but never have I seen the potential for team coordination and strategy that TF2 allows. TF2 was designed so that classes would have built in strengths and weaknesses. This insures that not only will they be favoured in certain situations, but barring an exceptional player they'll need to rely on their teammates to do the things they can't do well. This wasn't the case in TFC; at least not to the same degree as TF2.

    Yes, FFVIII was the only decent story in the series. FFVII was there for emo 12 year old kids that somehow found Cloud to be a badass, Cloud is the biggest emo pussy in any game, period. FFX2 was the only other game in the series to have a concept and story close to FFVIII's. But I prefer RPG's over turn based adventur games anyways. Give me an Ultima or Elder Scrolls any day of the week.

    So from what I can gather here, you've played few FF's besides VII, VIII, XII and X-2, and based on the fact that you somehow think X-2 was good, I can only further question your taste in games. VIII may have been filled with characters with no development, more plot holes than I can shake a stick at and a battle system that was broken and easily exploited, but at least it wasn't designed from the ground up for hentai loving fan boys. I may have enjoyed the actual battle system of X-2 a great deal, but the rest of it was pure garbage.

  3. The overall range of skill is much lower in TF2 than is in TFC. This is simply the player has far more control and capabilities in TFC than they do in TF2.

    You don't actually know what game balance means do you? Instead of a game where a good portion of the classes are useless 95% of the time (or 100% of the time in the case of the Pyro) Valve cut back on the different weapons and abilities available to each class in favour of giving them more defined roles and making them more integral members of the team in various situations. And in the process, they also opened up more opportunities for people to master each class.

    Is something like aim as important to be a successful Spy as opposed to a Sniper? No, but a Spy can benefit more from playing smart, and using some unorthodox thinking to get behind enemy lines and take out sentries, or half the team.

    For all of the Team aspect of TFC, it didn't require team work and coordination on the same level TF2 requires against a good team. It was possible (and happened often) that individuals could solo it and be successful going off on their own to cap the flag or some such. The classes did offer differences, but most of those differences did little to nothing to encourage working together. TF2 put the team back into Team Fortress, and created a game with more depth in the process.

    VIII still being the only good FF story

    If you actually believe that then there's no point in arguing with you. You just invalidated every opinion you've ever had. ;)

  4. Thats just it. Developers are making games much easier for the casual gamer to hop in and play, but in turn this detracts greatly from the games overall range of skill.

    You (like many people) seem to confuse a game where it's easy to pick up and understand the underlying gameplay concepts yet has a great deal of depth and takes skill to master, and games that are made easier to attract casual gamers but require no real time investment to get the most out of.

    TF2 has more depth than you give it credit for. In fact, despite my love of the original TFC, I have to say that TF2 is not only far more finely balanced, but it requires more skill and coordination on the part of an entire team to really play well. As much as I like TFC, there were plenty of times where a single really good player may be able to roll a team, or battles came down to which side had more grenades. Granted the problem of really good players can still happen, but it seems to be less of a problem now if a team is aware and working well together.

    All that aside, I wouldn't mind playing some TFC again if other people are up for it. It won't be anytime soon since I'm away for Christmas, and I have to put all of my games back on my computer (just switched my OS last night and formatted my hard drive). Just avoid inflammatory statements like that TFC has superior gameplay to TF2 and the thread might not have degenerated into an argument over which is better.

  5. I also found out that hitting a car with a molotov will set it off. Not the fire, but actually bouncing the bottle off of the car.

    But a zombie jumping all over it won't. Odd.

    It's probably for balance, especially in vs. Wouldn't be very fun if a Zombie could just run into the car and set the alarm off to call the horde.

  6. I think walking on a treadmill while gaming is a great idea. Walking isn't super intense so there's not really a requirement to focus on form, which really lends itself to staving off boredom by doing something else at the same time.

    I've been keeping up with crossfit WODs for the last month or so. I only get to do maybe 3 or 4 workouts a week tops, but I'm already noticing a difference. I've gained some noticeable muscle and definition in my arms, and all of my muscles are hardening up. Chin ups are improving; hopefully I'll be back to pull ups soon. Not sure how much weight I may have lost since I don't have a scale right now.

  7. Not sure why Midway would be part of the bailout line - they're not a financial institution, nor does them going under affect jobs on a massive scale like the big 3 of the auto industry.

    Midway hasn't had a hit in a long time though, and so it doesn't seem too surprising that they're in this financial predicament.

    I wasn't really talking about being bailed out by the government. If anyone gives them financing then they're bailing them out and with no real gain I can see except for saving probably a few hundred jobs for a while longer. I'm honestly surprised Midway has managed to go this long on the string of crappy games they've put out.

  8. 49 days to find $150 million? A year ago, they might have been able to pull that off somehow a year ago. With credit markets what they are though, I will be very surprised if they manage to wrangle anything close to that.

    And to be honest they haven't made a great game in years that I can think of, and there are plenty of companies and industries that employ a lot more people and would be better choices to lend financing (not the automakers if the status quo remains though), so I'm not even sure I can say they deserve to be bailed out by anyone over other failing businesses.

  9. Just went outdoot climbing on granite yesterday, and it was pretty intense. I have a climbing gym near me and I got into it a few months ago, and it is awesome exercise (and its fun as hell). Definitely a great compliment to regular exercises. If there is anything that'll get you in shape it's pulling yourself up the side of walls.

    Awesome stuff. I've missed being able to go to the climbing wall at my former University since I've moved. Definitely a good workout.

    Also, great job to everyone who's gotten closer to, and even surpassed their goals. Great to see everyone keeping up with the working out.

    Went to the gym myself today and did 8 rounds of tabata set chin ups, push ups, sit ups, and squats. I can already feel my muscles getting sore as I type this. I've been keeping up with cross fit workouts when I can. I typically do a workout of the day, unless I lack the equipment to do some of the recent ones; then I'll usually put together my own.

    As far as progress goes, I've already noticed improvement in a lot of areas, such as my chin ups; last week I could do a set of three straight, today it was five. I've also dropped five pounds in the last week.

  10. I meant that I think there will eventually be a system update that removes even that.

    That wouldn't even make sense considering the 60GB models had PS2 chips built in while Sony went out of there way to include software emulation in the models that came after. Not to even mention the backlash they'd get. I don't think Sony would go to the trouble of doing that when it has no purpose other than to piss off PS3 owners with backwards compatible systems.

  11. NNY didn't mention that there are two new dungeons as well. I'd find it hard to say that this doesn't top any of the GB FF remakes. FF IV, on the other hand, is more debatable. (FF III's remake added so little besides graphics that's it's not worth considering).

    You're thinking of the DS remakes, not the GBA versions. And I would say the GBA games top this in terms of offering a new experience since they got extra dungeons and new translations at least (some of those translations being pretty sorely needed). This is pretty much the same game we got in the PSX re-release but with only the new dungeons as additions (couldn't give to craps about this online mode), and that's not enough for me to pay $40 for a game I already own.

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