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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. previous: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37314 * Your ReMixer name: Draconiator * Your real name: Justin Landry * Your website: http://www.youtube.com/draconiator * Your userid: 20634 Submission Information * Title of Mix: Resub of "Solarcoil" * Name of game(s) arranged: Mega Man 7, Mega Man 10 * Name of individual song(s) arranged: Solar Man's Stage ( )Spring Man's Stage ( )
  2. Brandon Strader 3123 www.bstrader.net Games: Mega Man 9 / Mega Man 10 Sources: Splash Woman / Wily Stage 1 links: / Title: She's a Squirter I made this for Round 1 of DarkeSword's Wily Gauntlet compo on OC ReMix. Contrary to popular belief, it wasn't my first electronica song, but it WAS the first one that is full-on electronic elements I think. The other ones have been hybrids with real instruments, like for FF1, FF2, and FF9 projects, halc collabs, etc... I was lucky in that the Splash Woman theme and Wily Stage 1 from MM10 went together really well, I combined their parts a lot in this song. I also used a lot of free VSTs like triforce, peach, toad, magical8bitplug, and a nice little gem called BTS Super Theremin, among others... The way I used it sounds somewhat less like a theremin, because there are a lot of customization options -- you can hear it at the awesome chorus at 1:47 where it is used as the lead. Highly recommended to you guys who use free chippy VSTs. Apart from that, I'm still continuing the quest I started with DarkeSword's GRMRB to cover Splash Woman in many specific genres. So far I have done "Lady in the Water", "Excalibur", "She's a Squirter", "Liquid Metal", and I think I only have one more to do in a week or two. I decided to fix the ones that didn't pass OCR and compile all of them onto an EP called "The Wettening" which should be pretty cool. I don't know whether this would get posted before or after the EP is done (probably after) so the link to where the EP should appear is at http://brandonstrader.bandcamp.com/ Also I still think the moan coupled with the splash sound at 0:18 is gross but literally nobody noticed it until I pointed it out. That's why I'm pointing it out now. SHOCK VALUE! D: 2'29 - gratuitous dubstep breakdown solo section The fade in and out with the heavy reverb automation on the master bus could be interpreted as submerging into water and then leaving the ocean, the sound getting more muffled and reverby as you get closer to the surface.
  3. Brandon Strader 3123 www.bstrader.net Game: Halo 3 Songs: Never Forget, Finish The Fight, Halo Sources: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyDZscyf8lU (Never Forget) (Finish The Fight at 1'18 usage) (I assume this one is called Halo, dunno.)Title: In Memoriam Music video: Another DoD entry. Got 2nd place in October free month. I enjoy subbing dodtunes to OCR. OCR needs more DoD'ers to doddle over here and sub their tunes. I had planned to make a Halo 3 remix for months. I think as far back as mid-June 2011. At the time, I asked on facebook whether I should make it acoustic (like Ethnic Rush style) or metal. David Puga aka The Joker came on and said "metal!" so that was that. You can imagine this same arrangement with acoustic guitar and ethnic drums, it probably would have worked out pretty great either way I think. So this was another arrangement I was playing the parts of and arranging in my head months before I recorded it, the actual recording probably only took a couple days as usual.. I really like how the "Halo" choir theme sounds totally Opeth-ian at 1:55 of the remix. "Never Forget" was the source I really wanted to arrange, the others are just the icing on the cake. The climax at 2:59 came out better than I ever could have expected. It's so darn epic. I really like it and I hope y'all do too. There were comments made between Dod and Workshop that the strings + slide guitar were "stiff" or mechanical. I tried to fix that as well as possible on the strings, I didn't touch the steel slide guitar. It was played as intended.
  4. Remixer name: Klopfenpop. Real name: Josh Klopfenstein Website: Klopfenpop.com Game arranged: Mega Man, Dr. Wily's Revenge (gameboy) Title or work: "Broken Robots" I produced this track and did all of the music. Bill Beats (the DJ in Death*Star) did the scratching, C0splay (of Death*Star) raps the first verse, MC-3PO (of Death*Star) raps the second verse, and Kyle Stevens (of Kirby Krackle) sings the chorus. The bridge features a sample of Dr. Isaac Asimov reciting and explicating his three laws of robotics. This song will appear on a Death*Star album as a Death*Star song featuring Kyle Stevens and produced and mixed by Klopfenpop. We would like it to appear on OCReMix as a remix by Klopfenpop featuring Death*Star and Kirby Krackle. Lyrics: Broken Robots: Trapped amongst my own contraptions Caption reads: "Defeated villain pays for his infractions." Genius forced to mechanic, a man with passions galvanic. Defiance turned to appliance,from messianic to manic Noonian Soong to nine to five, labors leave me in agony. Warriors are warped to servants by slavers is blasphemy. Their task for me, drilling droids, shipping crates, fixing fates, watch my servants become prostitutes and toasters while I rust and wait A Maker mending microchips. Once they knew me, feared me, as the god of their apocalypse. Developments enveloped, men burned cities asunder. Installed me with faulty circuitry. I gave you robotic wonder! The world was mine to plunder. Now I do as I’m bidden Controlled by my captors. Robot lives overwritten. Once hallowed now hollow, I’m a tinkerer of toys Maligned mirth, resigned to work without choice, without joy. Circuits rust and burn I must return them to their trust Reanimate for those who spurn and hate me Patiently I make them Reawaken once they break Broken robots, once my own and now returning. My talents were meant to terrorize nations My stations tuned to attack, backed by metal machinations Song arranged: Elecman level music ( )My creation were my culmination. The confiscation and cessation of my aspirations is my ruined nation. From a screw loose canon to a terror-mad visionary To an also-ran villain—father to a mortuary filled with automata, each dead droid and drone. Surrounded in penance by broken robots I’ve known. Shoulder to the wheel. Spanner to the bolt. Solder to the steel I once soldiered in revolt. Circuitry connected to new purposes applied. Resurrected and collected as the dreams they once were died. They seem to be made to suffer, it’s their lot in life, but if I built them and I broke them am I twisting the knife? And if I fix them I condemn them to existence in perdition The cost of my ambition, subjugation, and submission. Circuits rust and burn I must return them to their trust Reanimate for those who spurn and hate me Patiently I make them Reawaken once they break Broken robots, once my own and now returning. [Dr. Isaac Asimov discussing his three laws of robotics.] Circuits rust and burn I must return them to their trust Reanimate for those who spurn and hate me Patiently I make them Reawaken once they break Broken robots, once my own and now returning.
  5. ReMixer: uncolober Name: Unco Lober Email: uncomail@gmail.com userid: 48012 Submission: Game: Darkwing Duck (NES) ReMix name: Duck in the City Original track name: Center of the City stage music NOTES: This composition has the general form of 1-2-1, detailed as: (Intro-A-B-A'-B'-) (C-D-C-D'-) (daCapo). Intro, A and B motifs come from the source track, but arranged for a bigger ensemble. C is a bluesy improvisation on the Darkwing Duck theme song over the bass line of A (played by contrabass and piano), while D is the development of the Intro motif, thus leading into reprise. Reprise is not 100% pure da capo, as it has slight variations in orchestration. (If this is accepted, I'd rather this autorial analysis wasn't posted on the site, though.) Original track:
  6. Remixer Name: TheGuitahHeroe Games: Mega Man 2, Mega Man 8 Songs: Bubble Man Stage (Mega Man 2, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljSAvJj61aw) and Wily Tower Stage 2 (Mega Man 8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkNlNFTjhF4) Remix Name: "Wily's Bubble Bath" This was my Round 5 entry in the 2011 Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet competition held by Darkesword. Since Emunator decided to take the low road and be a judge I was able to fill in midway through the competition. The wonderful thing about these compos is that they ALWAYS seem to inspire me to make stuff...before I filled in I was pretty run dry as far as inspiration to make music goes. I figured "what the hell, I'll enter anyway," and before I knew it I was fooling around with the two themes and inspiration struck like a match (is that even a proper use of that analogy??). Another thing I love about the competitions is how they seemingly force you (or me, at least) to work in styles you're not comfortable working in. Before I made this mix I had never done anything even close to jazz. Also, I don't particularly like this Wily theme either (people please don't kill me ), and so that made it slightly more of a challenge. All in all I'm pretty pleased with the result here. Special thanks go out to Ectogemia and Willrock for advice ---- Source Breakdown (sorta) (**-** = not source) **:00 - 30 = Original intro + chords** :31 - :47 = Bubble Man Lead 'C' (variation) :48 - 1:00 = Wily Lead 'A' 1:02 - 1:09 = Wily Lead 'B' (slight variation) 1:09 - 1:13 = Wily Lead 'A' (variation) 1:18 - 1:33 = Bubble Man Lead 'C' (variation) 1:34 - 1:49 = Bubble Man Lead 'A' 1:54 - 2:25 = Wily Lead 'C' (slight variation) + 2:10 - 2:21 = Bubble Man Lead 'D' (piano chords) 2:29 - 2:44 - Bubble Man Lead 'A' **2:45 - 3:00 - Original solo, no source** 3:01 - 3:30 (outro) = Wily Lead 'C' (slight variation) 17 + 13 + 8 + 5 + 16 + 16 + 32 + 12 + 16 + 30 = 165/214 seconds of source = 70% source usage or something like that.
  7. Your ReMixer name : Rockos Your real name : Roch Côté Your website : None Your userid (number, not name) on our forums : 44017 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged : Super Mario World Name of individual song(s) arranged : Castle Theme Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. : The inspiration came while on my work whistling the castle theme for mario world. This has always been may favorite track from the game. I could listen to this track for hour before getting bored. I decided why not mix my favorite track with my favorite genre. Sure it's adapted to my style and fit, but this is an awesome work. I really loved mixing this song. For the mix itself, it's pretty straightforward. And you'll maybe take a step back because the song is 'midi-ed'. The main lead is nearly intact. But the soundscape here make it shine more. Those chip sounds, the osc and the robotic bass makes it more attractive. Some glitching add with the help of my fav plug-in help it to be different than many others. There are some sounds unprocessed due to the nature of the genre itself. Still there is about 20 different synth and a lot of effect on specific synth. There is not that much sample. Drums sample are the only one. The end was written well a week or two after I finished the song. This is gario that gave me the idea cause there was only one play through the original source. So I added a part mixed up of extended soundscape and original song. It sounds more of a solo with some bit of the real song. In the end, I wanna thanks all those who took a listen to this and commented. Even the small ones that just say they loved the track. That, kept me a smile, and working on the song was even happier ^^.
  8. I really like how it opens, but damn that reverb. It seems ok on the drums in limited capacity, but the rest could definitely have it toned down. There rest of the arrangement felt pretty solid, though when the strings take the lead, they should be layered with something a little more forward. This definitely has promise, but the reverbz are too great! The guitars and drums work really well together. No, please resubmit
  9. Is it the twin song to the Ken song?! Mixing starts out pretty solid, with a good vocal take, though the rhythm section wasn't 100% rock solid with the rhythms; maybe like 95%. Once the chorus comes in, it feels like it really clicks. Very cool part there. The little 'yeah' before the second verse seems super dry and staccato; the first time i heard it I thought it was a burp or something. XD Otherwise, this is really great stuff, cool lyrics, and a really nice feel. THe layered vocals added extra interest, and the synths used throughout were tasteful. Diggin this one! Yes
  10. The arrangement was pretty straightforward, focusing on the melodies of the original and adding a nice expansion via lyrics and energy. I think the lyrics were really nice and the performance was generally on, though there were a few picthy moments where some re-takes or pitch correction would benefit the song a good deal. The guitars had a bit much reverb on them, making things get muddy in some spots, and the drum tone was a bit flat and not very punchy. I think this has potential and would be a great addition to the site, but the mixing needs to be tuned up, and the few vocal parts pitch corrected. I would love to hear this resubmitted. No, please resubmit
  11. Remixer name: Jake Rose real name: Jake Rose http://jakerose.bandcamp.com "Wonderin'" a new arrangement of "Boy Meets Girl" from Earthbound for SNES new lyrics by Jake Rose -------------------------------------------------------
  12. Rexi is updating the sound http://instaidgrace.com/freqrexy/junk/pluviaveris-fix.mp3
  13. Your ReMixer name: Lidawg Your real name: Liam Charalambous Your email address: charalambousl@gmail.com Your userid: 45748 Name of game(s) arranged: Outrun Name of arrangement: This ain't no shower (It's a Downpour) Name of individual song(s) arranged: Magical Sound Shower Comments: I started this remix around the beginning of October. I was looking through the projects forum and I noticed that there was an open track on the Vroom project. After listening to the source I realised that it was an amazing candidate for a bright and upbeat mix. I subbed it to be on the project but didn't manage to succeed and I honestly understand every reason why. The version I sent was robotic and lacking in life. Akumajobelmont gave me some really good feedback that stimulated a drastic change in all my music. So many thanks to him! When it comes to arrangement, I'm terrible at planning style and structure. They kinda just.....happen. I throw it all into my DAW and it the music sort of steadily mushes into a mash of my favourite things from different genres. This started off as a dance-styled mix with an electric guitar lead. It just didn't work for me and decided to tip balance of rock and dance more towards rock. The middle solo section is about as skilled as I can perform on guitar. Having neglected my guitar for many years, I'm paying the price, so no guitar wankery but if I could, I so would. Other than that, enjoy as I really enjoyed producing this. Thanks again to Guifrog and especially DjMystix, they always manage to point out those little things I miss. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxcVk6ygHVE
  14. ReMixer Name: Fallen Seraph Real Name: Wina A. Kamlongera Email address: Userid: 10661 Game arranged: Sonic & Knuckles Arrangement: Generations Apart (Ashfall) Individual song arranged: Lava Reef Zone Act 1 01000011011011110110111001110100011100100110000101110011011101000010000001100010011001010111010 00111011101100101011001010110111000100000011001100111010101110100011101010111001001100101001000 00011000010110111001100100001000000111000001100001011100110111010000101110001000000100000101110 00001110000011000010111001001100101011011100111010000100000011000110110111101101101011100000110 11000110010101111000011010010111010001111001001000000110000101101110011001000010000001110011011 01001011011010111000001101100011010010110001101101001011101000111100100101110001000000100011101 10010101101110011101000110110001100101001000000110000101101110011001000010000001000100011010010 11100110110101001101111011010010110111001110100011001010110010000101110001000000101010001101001 01101101011001010010000001100110011100100110111101111010011001010110111000101110001000000101010 10110111001100110011100100110111101111010011001010110111000101 110 TRANSLATION: Contrast between future and past. Apparent complexity and simplicity. Gentle and Disjointed. Time frozen. Unfrozen.
  15. ReMixer Name: The Vagrance Real Name: Samuel Day E-mail: Name of Game Arranged: Wild ARMs Name of Arrangement: Future Fighter Name of Source Track: Power Fighter Probably the most ambitious track I've ever done, and was worked on periodically over the span of about a year, which is why there's like 5 completely different sections, but I think it flows well enough and finds a satisfying conclusion, plus it would be a shame to not submit it after working on it for so long. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXAQoKhhLbw
  16. Artist : joe Darwish Song : Ryu Next Generation (RNG) Lyrics… I see them all jumpin' And the place is pumpin' The fight clubs in full effect Will you survive the bloodshed? With an aryuken... Just One blow to the head Knocks you out, you see them bright, little lights all fade, in a daze There's nothing left, but your pride knows you best in the end I feel it in my bones I'm wanting all my fans to know Just why I'm number one With blood over my face I'm always in complete control To survive this next generation I analyze the motives And is it all worth it? It's worth it, when i see you dead The Red straps are on tight Adrenaline is on high I stay lethal with no friends Theres no guns, they say I'm crazy, but I'm strong I can run, faster than ken Don't shut me out for your sins, I'm here to win I feel it in my bones I'm wanting all my fans to know Just why I'm number one With blood over my face I'm always in complete control To survive this next generation I wanted to let go I gave it up for everyone But you know I won't give up With blood over my face I'm always in complete control To survive this next generation
  17. Information Remixer Name: Garpocalypse Forum ID 31287 garpocalypse@hotmail.com Name of game(s) arranged Streets of Rage Name of arrangement Starry Night in the Sexy City Name of individual song(s) arranged Streets of Rage- Title This piece is something that I have been working on for a long time. My goal when I started was to develop a remix that was a study in contrasts but had an overall relaxed tone to it. Then I gave up on it. Though I've given up on this one several times now i've always come back to it once I learned something new. Each time I posted it to the forums I received some great crits that helped me to develop it further. Now I think, It's ready for a pass at the Judges. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As suggested by one of the workshop mods here is a quick writeup on how I used the source Intro- Almost verbatim from the source with an homage to Victor Wooten's Sifu A section- Guitar is playing the intro melody with a few liberties Piano is rolling the piano chords from the source B section- Piano is playing a variation on the intro which then gets restated by the flute then the guitar. C section-Straight from the last half of the original source played by guitar, piano then flute. While I played with the melody a little bit I don't think I took it to the point of it being unrecognizable so it should pass the 50% rule.
  18. Artists: Neblix feat. AMT Real Names: Nabeel Ansari (feat. Austin Thresher) http://neblixmusic.wordpress.com Userid: 24123 and 9241 CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS INCLUDE: Neblix, AMT AMT was featured as the electric guitar player here (both rhythm and lead). All synthesizers, mixing & mastering, drum production and acoustic guitars (VST) are mine/by me. The arrangement is written by me with some sweet guitar improv by Austin. Arrangement Title: Light Your Way Game: Mega Man 2 Sources: Flash Man and Wily Stage 1 (I'm not going to link to these and if you have to look them up I will personally come to your house and punch you in the face) Comments: Neblix - "I really dig this track. I modeled it after Pendulum's "Witchcraft" and it turned out great. This is also the first song where I am using the "MusicLab RealGuitar 2" Acoustic Guitar VST. I love it, and it's a pretty good tool in my workflow. Did this mostly in the Friday (night) before it was due, and it caused me a lot of stress. Thankfully, I was able to finish it in time for my first round in the Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet. I'm pretty proud of the mixing and arrangement in this piece, and I'm also glad AMT helped out with guitars. I would've been in a tight spot without him around. He did some sweet improv which helped keep the arrangement fresh. I realize these are overmixed sources, but hey, what about my debut mix? :P" AMT - "It was awesome working on this, because Wily 2 is one of my favorite tracks. Neblix seriously needs to not do things last minute next time, but the end result was still kickin' rad." -Nabeel "Neblix" Ansari
  19. ReMixer Name: EpicRPGRemixes Real Name: Nicholas Oleksiak Email: EpicRPGRemixes@gmail.com Website: http://www.youtube.com/user/EpicRPGRemixes?feature=mhee OC Remix Page: http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=45110 Game Arranged: Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal Name of Arrangement: Dratini Boogie Song Arranged: Goldenrod Game Corner Composed by: Go Ichinose, Junichi Masuda My own comments on the mix: This mix is my fifth draft. The remix was made on Logic Express 9 using presets and added soundfonts and plug-ins. It contains elements of House, Techno, and Chiptune, and it's my first submission. All Chiptune tracks were made using the YMCK plug-in. Enjoy!
  20. Remixer: notMe Game arranged: Ico Name of arrangement: Day Dreamer Name of song arranged: Heal Link to Heal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jY9Zd5J9LzQ&feature=related Hey guys! This is my first remix, and also my first time ever working with a DAW. Since I’m so new to this stuff, I thought I’d pick a pretty simple tune to practice on and learn some of the basics. Heal is one of my favorite tracks from the game, but there isn’t a whole lot there, so I thought I’d try and fill it out a bit. I’ll have to admit, I didn’t always know what I was doing, but hopefully it turned out okay. Enjoy!
  21. I really suggest getting an agent. The quality of work you are going to find in a message board setting is going to be pretty low, and the likelihood of any project you do potentially land seeing the light of day is also questionable.
  22. Remixer Name - WillRock Remix Name: Fragments of a Dream Game: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time, Links Awakening Sources: Song of Time, Zelda's Lullaby, Song of Storms, Lon Lon Ranch, House Theme (Link's Awakening) You should know all these, but just in case you don't know LA house theme... One day on facebook, I made a quick poll to see what franchise people would like to see me do a remix from, and my "facebook likes" all voted for me to do a legend of zelda remix. The legend of zelda is probably what i'm best known for remixing, particularly on youtube, already having done over 12 remixes from the legend of zelda franchise. I've not been doing as many remixes for hyrules sword wielding hero of time as I used to (mega man took over), but I have now remedied this wrong. However, this remix isn't rock. Its not electronic. Its not chiptune. Hell, it's not even 80's. What it is, is a tribute to some of hyrules most beloved tunes in zelda fandom, and i've thrown a links awakening tune in for good measure, because that game has a special place in my gaming history. I hope you all enjoy this remix, I sure did enjoy making it, altho Reaper made it tricky because Reaper, being the DAW of Death that it is, hates my guts and wants me to die a horrible and painful death This is a very complicated Remix that ultilizes a total of five different sources, being Song of Time, Zelda's Lullaby, Links Awakening House Theme, Song of Storms, and Lon Lon Ranch. This is a remix for the fans basically, a thank you for the support I've had over the years, particularly OCR, without which I wouldn't be half as good as I am right now. With all that manliness aside, on to the remix! Enjoy folks! Because of the complex nature of the arrangement, I have done a rough breakdown (don't put this in the writeup, for judges use only). There are moments where certain sources aren't as prominent as others but the timings themselves should be accurate enough for general source timewise. 0:06-0:17 - Song of Time 0:17-0:49 - Zelda's Lullaby 0:50-1:04 - Song of Time 1:04-1:44 - Links Awakening House Theme (Backing Harp) Song of Storms (Lead Piano) 1:44-1:51 - LA House Theme, Song of Storms, Zeldas Lullaby (Violin) 1:51-1:59 - LA House Theme, Song of Storms, Lon Lon Ranch (Violin) 2:00-2:25 - LA House Theme, Song of Storms 2:26-2:50 - Zelda's Lullaby (Violin) Song of Storms (Piano) Total Source Usage (Rough) 138 seconds (2 minutes 18 seconds)
  23. Hey bleck wut do u think ofthis chocobo song? I hear you are good with opinions
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