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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Seems difficult to dance energetically to this one. It'd go pretty well in a trendy clothing store though! I feel 'hip' and 'now' listening to this! Where's my credit card? seriously though, it's pretty basic, but it works well and has some cool little details throughout. Not my favorite track from Mattias, but not my least favorite either.
  2. I really enjoy the crazy filtering in this track that seems to alter the pitch a bit too, and the beat is nice'n'solid™. The breakdown section was awesome, and the melodic variation in the second half was welcome and interesting. Overall this is a good mix that is pretty capably handled.
  3. It's pretty sweet, but where is DAT BASS? The low frequencies seem to be missing. The arrangement is really fun and crazy, and the sound clips are surprisingly well used, and the length is about right.
  4. Jewbei is one of the few go-to guys for me when I am looking for music that enhances any mood without being too distracted by musical pyrotechnics. I'd go so far to say that his approach is really without flaw here; everything is shimmering and seamless, devoid of imperfection. I could seriously just loop this track for days and get lost in the soundscape. A++ work as trance; just make sure you use enough obvious source for OCR's purposes.
  5. I absolutely love this mix; it has a really pretty tone and an uplifiting melody. There are a lot of jokes about Senor Mudkip, but this track really has a great feeling of friendship and happiness. Not to put down other artists who don't do it, but i'm really glad that halc specifically isn't afraid to make something beautiful. Great work, Drew.
  6. Some pretty solid ideas, but a lot of the parts seemed a little tacked together for me. THe ending seemed very strange to me as well. There are some moments of brilliance, but I think the track needs a little more polish. Some of the parts aren't quite locking together, etc. Definitely enjoy it, but can't help but feel that it could be even better.
  7. Really moody and introspective work here, with a nice sound, and a expanded arrangement that really focuses on the emotional aspect. Nice stuff, Rexi.
  8. It's the font from arkanoid. And while your crits are generally vague and not terribly helpful, no one hates you for them.
  9. the client is really in need of improvement, but once you learn it (which takes awhile), it's not bad. I recommend cockatrice though, as it's free, and is better for getting back into the game. We also have a mini community who occasionally plays, which is nice
  10. I don't think you played FF13, but the battle system there was fun and fast paced; not mundane.
  11. Interesting arrangement, and pretty decent production overall, I liked the different take on this thee, and the vocal parts were an unexpected and pleasant surprise. I especially enjoyed the line "Choco-Rodeo". Drumming was solid, and the guitars were serviceable, but it sounded a little boomy on the low end; you may want to increase the bitrate on the mp3, and also not use youtube to present your track. What really prevents this from making it on OCR, however, is the overly liberal arrangement. It feels like you wrote a whole new song and slapped the chocobo melody in a few spots. The lyrics tie into the subject matter, but I feel the connection is too tenuous for me to feel comfortable passing. I'd like to hear a resub though, the concept of funny chocobo mixes that have lyrics seems like it might have merit, somehow. No, resubmit ps. i think the song is funny and cool.
  12. My thoughts on GOMAD or any faddish diet where you binge on a single type of food is "NO, resubmit". Once you are out of your teens, super fast gains are very unlikely, but anyone can succeed with the slow and steady approach. You may have reached your genetic max, and if that's the case, not a ton you can do. I'd talk to a doctor with a background in nutrition if you are trying to eke out that last percentage point or two. My short term goal is to shave down a single % of bodyfat, in prep for the deliciously dangerous holiday season. I'll just be doing a light carb cycling for a week and a half, which is easy enough in the short term. Thanks to the awesomeness of some online calorie calculators, I have my meals all planned. Thankfully I am quite capable of eating ridiculously boring meals that people have described as both 'plain' and 'gross', though simple Chipotle salads qualify really well for low carb days.
  13. Overall a beautiful soundscape, but I feel the vocals are a bit buried in everything. Arrangement is ace, with a lot of interesting stuff going on, and the breakdown was sweet. Overall, really strong. Awesome work as usual, Jordan!
  14. Finalment it is here! It is like listening to PURE ROCK AND ROLL POWER! Great work as always!
  15. Space disco all up ons! Jill sounds great as a crazy dance robot, and the track is super funkified, which is a wonderful treat for all. This is a good song, you should download it.
  16. I really enjoyed the subtle nuances and shades of color in this one, it really captures my attention in a unique way, sortof like how if someone begins whispering to you, it draws you in, so you can hear what is being said. Great phrasing and rubato, as well as dynamics. Very evocative aural imagery; This one is great.
  17. The Stevo/Shaun bromance is a thing of beauty, and this track is yet another great piece of evidence. Really nice and simple arrangement featuring some great guitar. Well played, sirs!
  18. Beautiful work and easily one of my favorites from the overall-strong MM9 project, I love the tight rhythm playing, and various harmonies. This is a really clean mix, really giving each element plenty of room to shine. Really solid work, I absolutely love this song!
  19. great textures on this, and DAT CLAV is excellent, and the small nights motifs sprinkled about make this more of a super classy backing track for anything I care to do rather than something i'm actively rocking out to. There is so much going on, but it's so well spaced and layered that you can focus on something new with each listen, and the care put into each part makes each listen equally rewarding. Really intelligent and nuanced work here, Jose, well done! I love it!
  20. I really enjoy the piano sections here, when the guitars provide punctuation, and it makes me want to do some more stuff along that lines in my own mixes, as the feel is really pleasant and somewhat unique to me. Some cool filtering effects, and subtle harmonies thrown in, as well as varied sections, and about the perfect length. Very good stuff, well done, comrades!
  21. This is my pokemon face when i listen to this song ---> I feel like I am sitting on a patio with some shades on watching all the kids wander around aimlessly in some tall grass, battlin with teh pokeymans. Anyways, 2:20 was awesome, the delicate touch on all the synths really made this one for me. Good stuff, sir Rock!
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