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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Gonna echo the others, this has some cool ideas, but is too spares and needs further expansion. I think the B section should be a little more prominent as well, since it has a brief cameo and that's it. A stronger melody line would be nice as well, and would help the overall track. No, please resubmit
  2. I agree with the crits Deia has, and have a few extras, but *overall this is on the right track*. The violin sample that is used briefly is not cutting it, as it's super dry and brittle sounding, and doesn't match the lush soundscape at all. It's also rigidly sequenced, and kindof ruins the moment when it comes in. With that being one of the few places the melody is very present, it's crucial that it sounds it's best. You have everyone's attention, waiting for the main melody payoff, and then... dry and rigid sample! I think the cello earlier on could have a little bit of the low mids scooped out, as it gets pretty muddy in some spots. It's very very close but needs a few more fixes for me to pass it. No, please resubmit
  3. Pretty much what everyone has been saying If you want to do it, then do it. I personally fucking LOVE modulations and use them when it feels right. You can try to mix it up too, with a double modulation fakeout like I used at the end of this track: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01997/ Results may vary, but anyone who tells you they are cliche is right. Anyone who tells you not to use them ever is a dick and is also wrong.
  4. I'll go with the five most beautiful ladies in the series for my TEAM HOT CHICK for my 5 C. Viper 4 Cammy 2 super Sakura 4 Vega 2 Juri 4
  5. I think Deia really had some great crits on this. You have some good expansion, but it's spread out so thin. I recommend condensing and layering parts to shorten the length and thicken it up. You have good ideas, just need to execute them cleanly! No
  6. I don't think you actually can dismantle it. Plenty of people who have multiple consoles decide which version of a game to buy based on little exclusives.
  7. Original joojment http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=33860
  8. I support this man, but what a weird combination in that picture. What kind of modeling agency is looking for a sexy guitar cop? Seems sooooo specific.
  9. Wouldn't it be El McRibo, or La McRiba in Spain?
  10. It is almost like half trance, half house, with a somewhat empty soundscape for trance, but using a lot of the sounds associated with it. I will agree that it feels like the arrangement is way long, but it is constantly progressing and building new elements. I think the main issue is that this is definitely a DJ style cut, and OCR needs to have a radio edit, where things build and break a lot faster. I thought once it got to the super fast arps it was pretty sweet, but it took awhile to get there, and then sortof played them into the ground, only because the arrangement was so spread out. The production seemed fine to me, with the exception of it being empty in a lot of spots, but that's more the OCR format than anything; this type of soundscape would be perfect in a club. My suggestion is to boil down the arrangement to the essence and resubmit. I like what you have, but it needs to be more succinct. No, please resubmit
  11. This has been on my playlist ever since it was subbed and will never, ever leave it. fantastic work on this one, I love the big intro that leads into the softer but still focused main. Great sounds chosen, great flow, great feeling. A+
  12. I didn't hear the first version, so I am coming at this with fresher ears. The arrangement has a few cool aspects to it, with some rhythmic changeups and some new features. I'm cool with that; Part of the balance seems off though, with a lot of sonic space dedicated to backing instruments, and the lead frequently sounding overpowered. Part of it is that bass is pounding over everything else, making them sound thin by comparison. The drums sound fine per se, but some sections are just really empty. I think the arrangement is fine carrying this, but the empty sections and balance need further tweaking. I also feel the fadeout isn't really working too well, and a composed ending would be better. No, please resubmit
  13. This is sounding quite a bit more cohesive than the original submission; I think the semi-b section you'd added by emphasizing your rhythm motif and soloing a bit really improved the repetition aspect. It still plods a little bit, but it works a lot harder in capturing interest. Guitars sounded good, and the synths chosen also felt at home in conveying a mysterious but focused mood - very good for the character. I think you've done a pretty good job with limited source material in an interesting way, and though that melody keeps coming back, the different feels keep it fresh enough, and the slightly melodic changeups when the guitar takes the lead are well thought out and work. I think the fade could have actually been a little slower, as this is actually a type of song where a long, drawn-out fade can work well. Still, good resub, and I'm cool passing this. Yes
  14. That is what i'm talking about! Once I heard the drums, I was definitely hyped for this one. Nice soloing, and a meat-and-potatoes simplicity to the instrumentation makes the performance aspect crucial. The playing was great, and I think the no-nonsense approach works well. Good resub. Yes
  15. Rexi is pretty br00tal sounding, so her matching Brandons vocals is cool. This sound is completely ridiculous, but i think the blackmetal genre is pretty much a parody of itself anyways, so it really works. I thank you fine British folk for adding the word "caboosey" to the lexicon. The production is a bit muddy in spots, but the arrangement is really good, and this really isn't something. Solos were fun, and the huge ROOOOOOOOOWWWWWRRRRRRR was epic. Overall this is a spot of silly fun, and it's performed well enough to get the nod from me. Watch those low mids though! Yes
  16. This is indeed an improvement over the original submission. A lot of the synths are still pretty generic sounding, but with the guitar added, it gives it a lot of extra personality, and the varied arrangement helps it as well. The bass and drums definitely sound like some sortof preset, as they are pretty bland. The filtering in the intro was pretty cool, and a good way to capture interest early, and things progressed well enough to maintain momentum, though I do think beefing up the overall synths and percussive palate would be a good idea. I think it's good enough to pass, but it could have been an easier vote. Yes
  17. I love the feel on this one, has a 70's swagger that I really am groovin' on. The drums feel really good, the brass is cute, and the synth and chip additions were a lot of fun. Overall it's a really fresh-feeling track, with a lot of creative arrangement additions. The opening really brought me back to the 70's, even though I wasn't born yet. This is definitely a step up in production for you, as it sounds a lot fuller than usual, and the only real sample issue I have is some of the brass gets a bit fake on the attacks. Since it's as accents for most of the piece it doesn't really bother me much, and the well-modulated synths take the lead. The drum fills were a highlight for me, and the chiptune breakdown was cheeky but fit in well. The ending was a bit unexpected, but worked in bridging the styles together enough that I was ok with the shift. The brass attacks are weak at times but the rest makes up for it. Yes
  18. Remixer name: Rexy (real name: Beverley Wooff) OCRemix user ID: 7528 Remix info:- Remix title: "Synthesize This!" Games covered: Mega Man 1 / Mega Man 6 Songs covered: Wily's Tower Stage 1/2 (MM1), End Credits (MM1 - Cameo), Plant Man's Stage (MM6) --- Greetings, all! I have come here to submit my second attempt at arranging Plant Man, and the last one to be finished for the Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet 2011. And let's see if I can pass a non-piano non-collab arrangement for 2012 Still feeling keen to experient with Plant Man's potential flamboyant nature, the direction I felt for Round 8 of the gauntlet - in which contestants were expected to fuse it with Mega Man 1's Wily Tower 1 - was to just go out and be silly with it. Both this and "Red Chamomile" were inspired by a conversation with teammate Brandon Strader about how to best approach the arrangements, in which at one point he felt that listeners would rather listen to 'covers that are the opposite of straight' (parenthesizing for political correctness); the first thing that came to mind for me though when I read that statement was the disco boom in the 70s (why my mind was stuck in the 70s for this phase of the compo, I have no idea!) and the musical storm of the Village People. So here's my attempt in fusing the two sources together with everything I researched about the genre, though it's not a pure genre adaptation. I even attempted to squeeze in an NES part in there (which worked wonders as a good secondary melody), more ridiculous cameos (Ectogemia apparently thought the MM1 ending cameo was Earthbound when he first heard it!) and just generally being tongue-in-cheek! It also has quite a huge instrument roster - my most complex setup at the time. It even got to the point that I had to export some of them individually (especially my brass section and the wah guitar) to compensate physical memory, but all in all I'm glad it managed to turn out wonderfully for the competition's purpose. DragonAvenger even provided some writing tips and stated ideas to fine-tweak the arrangement prior to the competition, and Jason Covenant also provided me some pointers on equalisation which also marked a huge impression; and during the voting phase itself I felt happy with the unanimous love from all three of the Concrete Men as well as the harshest remix critic I know, SnappleMan I can say I feel really positive about this track; it's one that has marked a huge turning point for me as a producer and with all the techniques I learnt from it, the experience will be transferred well onto other projects. We'll see which ones in later subs, but for now, I hope this is taken into consideration, and thanks again DarkeSword for running the compo! Peace out, -Rexy-
  19. ReMixer Name: AngelCityOutlaw User ID: 45057 (I think) Games Remixed: Tomb Raider Anniversary, Tomb Raider Arrangement Name: Lara Croft & The Path Of The Tiger Name of Song(s) ReMixed: Tomb Raider Main Theme Here's the sources http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpMiAwDovRM ReMix Link: So, after I beat Tomb Raider Anniversary, I started reading the absolutely killer TR comic series by Top Cow. I had just finished reading "The Trap" storyline, which follows Lara's Adventures in Tibet. Being a criminal mastermind, I got this crazy plan: Why not take the Tomb Raider theme and put a chinese spin on it? So, the goal was to give this an adventure movie type feel. I was primarily influenced by the Anniversary version of the theme, because while the song has many different parts, you can still pick out the main melody somewhere in most all of them without it getting too repetitive. I kinda tried to go with a similar idea, but at the same time use parts from the first Tomb Raider because it has some memorable parts aside from just the main melody. Actually, Anniversary is a remake of the first game I think so it's like I'm remixing two different games that are actually the same game....whoa. Lara Croft would basically be the perfect woman if she was real. Think about it, She's hot, British, adventurous, smart, and has an unlimited supply of money. What more could ya want? Fingers crossed that this will make it and even if it doesn't, a big thanks to Archangel, Gar23, and Devastus for their great feedback in the WIP Forums. Tomb Raider is a series that's special to me. When I was kid, my Aunt bought me Tomb Raider II. I was too stupid to figure out how to get out of the pit at the start of the first level, but I still had hours of fun doing flips and shooting at tigers. When the tigers were dead, I shot at nothing. In total, this will be my third submission to OCR....the last two failed. Do you love me YET OCR!?
  20. This starts out sounding like a sound upgrade overall, with a similar instrumentation and feel of the original, but as it goes along it starts to get filled out a bit. I definitely agree that the leads sound too static, as there are few if any dynamics in play, and while the nostalgic feel of the same velocities is pleasant to me, I don't think it's quite getting there for OCR's purposes. I do like the drum writing, and there are actually a few cases of dynamics being used for them, so I don't see it being a huge stretch for it to match the rest of the track to that. Once the arrangement opens up a bit more it feels better to me as well, with some epiano, but I think throughout the dynamics are too static and need some extra humanization. I'd love to hear this revised and resubmitted, as I love the source and feel it's got promise as an arrangement. No, please resubmit
  21. • Patrick Burns • • www.patrickburns.us (replacing 'patrickmusick.com') • user id: 10666 • game: Golden Sun • arrangement name: Chimeras Need Not Apply • game song name: Happy Towns • comments: I made this for a Golden Sun project that dissipated a while back. I appreciate those on the project who gave feedback and encouragement -- the final feedback I received was that the lead instruments could use some more humanization. (Ahh, humanization; so small a word for so boundless a meaning.) I agree that they're a bit stale, but I haven't struck upon an easy way to enliven them in the current project/workflow. If it's a deal breaker, I'll be more than happy to revisit them. In any case, maybe their synthetic feel harkens back to the source and lends to a nice JRPG feel... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF43R2BcHDM
  22. This is a pretty solid take on a sweet source track. The opening builds well into the rockin, and it has a pretty solid and upfront attack. Tell those ninjas you mean business! It almost feels a touch too dry, but there is definite sound field, and there is a good blend of guitars and synths. Production could have stood to be a little punchier overall, but I think it gets the job done well enough. The arrangement was a good mix up of source sections to always feel like it belonged, but had some fresh ways of presenting it. The drums changed patterns well and sounded interesting throughout. It felt like it ended way too soon, and I would have loved a completely shredding solo in there, but it's still pretty solid. Yes
  23. Remixer Name: DusK Real Name: Dustin Branscum Website: http://www.itstartsatdusk.com User ID: 24328 Game: Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master Arrangement Name: Oboro Drive Song Arranged: Whirlwind Platform: Sega Genesis Composer: Masayuki Nagao, Hirofumi Murasaki, Morihiko Akiyama Release Year: 1993 Source: Comments: I wrote this remix in the middle of doing Generation Gap, to kinda stop me from getting burned out on remixing so much Sonic in such a short amount of time. I really shot for preserving the feel of the source; it has a rock attitude somewhere between leisurely and energetic, and I really wanted to capture that in the remix. Much of it ended up being me messing around with various solos and leads over that catchy chord progression, meshing various parts of the source together, and switching that chord progression up later in the track to give the "chorus" a more climactic feel. I gave this a run through the Mod Review process and followed Rozovian's advice to shoot this version out. Hope you joojes like it.
  24. Pretty great source choice, nice time changes and a good melody as well. I don't think the drums really fit that well into the soundscape, but I did find them to be well programmed and interesting overall, but whther it was a sample issue, or a production issue, it's hard to tell, but they felt a little pasted on top. The synths themselves seems a little thin as well, and rhythmically weren't near as interesting as the drums. I also think it ended very abruptly and maybe a little too soon. I think it has promise, but needs some additional work. No, please resubmit
  25. Contact Info remixer name: Stares From Strangers real name: Nathaniel Chambers website: bubblepipemedia.com user ID: 48314 Submission Info Name of Game: Godzilla Name of Arrangement: The Whole World Can Wake Up and Live Again Name of song arranged: Earth Original game composer: Miyamo Shant Original system: Nintendo Entertainment System Mix Comments: I was looking for a request on the forum that might catch would catch my attention. I saw Godzilla list and remembered I really liked the music for the original game. I decided to give it a shot and am really happy with the results. I aimed for something that was a mix between retro and modern sounding, but never fully either.
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