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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Overall I felt that the sound itself was powerful and tight, but the track felt like a super metal version of the source with an original ending added. The mids were a touch too scooped for my tastes, but I feel that the sounds were fine. I think adding even a bit of source into the ending would have been a home run. The 5/4 was excellent, though, and really worked, and the variation between sections was subtle. Also you kids with your 8 string guitars, that's like, what? Half a bass? Love it. Overall I think it's pretty close. I would really, REALLY like to hear some source added to the ending. Yes (conditional on a bit more source)
  2. The track started out pretty good; the main issue is some of the samples, such as the solo violin do sound brittle and fake. The more exposed the sample is, the more I am not feeling it. You added some nice delay to the piano, but some of the other instruments like the violin, and a few of the synths are super dry. You may want to integrate them together a bit more for a cohesive sound. The orchestra and synths were actually pretty well combined, as a whole, though I think adding some sub bass would help it feel even more gelled. Arrangement-wise, it is a medley with good transitions, but still a medley. It has some minor personalization throughout, and while I enjoy it, I think it'd need to further personalized to really shine, though some sections do feel really unique. The section with the slowdown was a bit forced, IMO. I enjoyed it a lot, as it's some of my favorite KH themes in one place, and as a whole sounds good, but between the conservative arrangement and some of the samples, I think it needs a little more refinement. It's actually pretty close, in my mind, but the deal breaker is that violin sound. :/ No, please resubmit
  3. The recorder needs a bit more breath support behind it, but I felt the performance was emotive and well done the first time through. The second was a bit less confident sounding, and had a few minor pitch issues. Considering that's the main nitpick I could find, this is feeling pretty good to me overall. The inclusion of some other random themes is fine; they fit cleverly enough, and the transitions were solid. Overall I'm feeling this one, understated and pretty classy. Yes
  4. I pretty much agree with Deia completely. I thought the lyrics were interesting, but the delivery was a bit indistinct, and overall they were super buried and difficult to hear. Once you projected a bit more, they sounded clearer and a bit more solid. I do agree with the feeling of the delivery being a run-on-sentence. I think having a bit more space to properly phrase the vocal melody would be an improvement. It seems like that if you are singing, you just are adding things to keep singing, rather than having some more effective call and response phrases. Adding bits of vocal harmony in some spots would help to break it up as well and add more interest. The drums could be more exciting as well, they kind of plod on. I do think the synths are pretty solid, and your source selection is good. This just needs refinement. I'd hit up the WIP threads and get some assistance. No, please resubmit
  5. Unique stuff like this is something I really would like to hear on OCR, but that clipping in multiple sections of the recording kills this. It is incredibly prominent distortion on the track when the dynamics get louder. The timing felt mostly on to me, with a few sections that sounded a little too loose, but if not for the clipping, i'd say it was good to go. Please look into fixing that. No, please resubmit
  6. Damn, this thing has some loose timing bits that I definitely was not feeling. :/ There's a cute Billie Jean cameo at the beginning, and some good texture shifts, and a pretty solid balance, which helps, but it feels like your drummer is drunk half the time, and when things are this chaotic, it really detracts. The arrangement is good and interesting, and the source is cool. The idea is great, but this needs to be tightened up significantly for me to be comfortable passing this. No, please resubmit
  7. Blue Magic Damon Campbell Submission Information Donkey Kong Country 2 Bramble Blast, Hot Head Bop (just a small snippet) Original Song: http://youtu.be/73n7HTcmb5g Comments: I know I've remixed theses two songs before in "The Delay," but I've decided to give it another try in a different style. This particular remix was actually an old project called "The Bramble Factory," that I scrapped a few months before I even made The Delay. Back then, it was meant to be more of an industrial, percussion mix, but I didn't like how things were going with it. Basically, everything sounded horrible. I decided that I wanted to redo the whole thing and focus more on the Hot Head Bop theme (my favorite), and that's kinda how I ended up making The Delay. After receiving a few comments about some EQing mistakes that I've made on some of my older projects, I decided that I want to understand EQing and mastering, which is one of my weaknesses. I've been getting advice from my dad and other musical websites to help , and I'm starting to feel a little bit more confident. So, I decided to dig up that old song and test what I have learned so far. Influenced mainly by Radiowar's remix that he did for the DKC3 album, I decided to remake my old "Bramble Factory" mix.
  8. original verdict: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=36505 Your ReMixer name: Hakstock Your real name: Ivan Hakštok Your userid: 43292 Name of game(s) arranged: Chrono Cross, Radical Dreamers: Nusumenai Hoseki Name of arrangement: Cruisin' Name of individual song(s) arranged: Voyage: Home World, Ending ~ Le Tresor Interdit Link to the original soundtrack: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZuBYlCV2j0, Your own comments about the mix: Maybe I'm a little fast with the resubmission, but after the judges rejected the first version of this, I immediately started working hard on a new version. Main issue was production but I think I overcame that with some better synths and a sense of space (didn't pay much attention to balance last time). Also added small variations in the arrangement, for the better I hope. Have fun while listening to it, as much as I had while making it
  9. Remixer Name: Darangen Real Name: Michael Boyd Email: Website: www.darangen.com UserID: 8948 Game: Lufia 2 – Rise of the Sinistrals Songs: Prophet Comments: This submission is part of Bahamut’s Lufia 2 Project. I’ve always enjoyed the Lufia series, I even bought a DS just to play the remake of the first one. The source for this doesn’t have a lot of material to work with, but it’s such a beautiful theme that I always found myself setting the controller down for a while just to listen to it for a while. The title – Hello, Goodbye – is based on the character of Iris in the game, for which this theme is used, because it always seemed that by the time she said hello it was already time for her to leave again. She’d drop in and give you just a tidbit of information, then leave you before really explaining anything. I always wanted to make a lyrical remix of this source, and though I have lyrics written the melody just gets too repetitive even for my tastes when words are used. Maybe someday down the road I’ll integrate it with another source and see if something happens. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it! -Michael ‘Darangen’ Boyd Original Soundtracks:
  10. My remixer name is Techno Jon My real name is Jonathan Mildner My website is whytelytnin.co.cc Submission info: The game is Sonic the Hedgehog 3 My song title is "Have No Fear" The song arranged is the credits theme (does it have a real name? Comments: I had started this mix almost immediately after the resubmission of my previous remix, got it done in about a week, and then waited for the three weeks to pass. It seemed like forever. However, I ended up forgetting about it after school started, and so it sat on my desktop for a month and a half untouched. I just remembered about it now, so here it is, submitted. Anyway, I think the mix is pretty clean; had some trouble with the vocals on the first run, but a rerecording fixed that up nicely. The vocals are 100% original (save for the "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself" clip, of course) and the song itself has many completely original sections, including the beginning and middle, while still tying into the chord progression of the original credits theme. As well, if you listen closely, you can hear the original bass, lead, and organ in there, on some really similar synths, and copied note-for-note into the mix. What else? Oh! There's two solo sections, a lot of wind, some nice lo-fi stuff, some guitar, sax, piano, and an orchestra in the wind (listen well!) at the end. And... that's about it.
  11. ReMixer name: Cosmonal Real name: Eric Fraga Email address: Website: www.cosmiceffect.com.br Userid: 33016 Game: Zelda II: The Adventure Of Link (NES) Song(s): "Temple/Palace Theme" Remix title: "Temple Reprise" Comments: hope you like the 80's feel of some instruments on that one *************** This is pretty sweet, and has a lot of interesting personal touches to it. The only thing that really seems a bit weak is the rolling snare. It's kindof orchestral, kindof not, and in the end it doesn't matter much, but compared to the rest of the thoughtfully constructed 80's soundscape, it felt a little dry. Production was solid, with a really nice sounding bass, and I think the arrangement had a good mix of personalized material with the main theme. I am cool with this one passing. Yes
  12. The feel good track of the year! I love the upbeat and energetic take on a pretty nice theme, and the synths are great when paired with the piano and drums. I only wish it was longer, but i'll definitely take it.
  13. Super cool collab, nice vocals and mood! The lyrics were really good, and everything clicked for me on this one. Nice work, gentlemen!
  14. She recently got some new samples and will re-render with them. i'll post the new link when i receive it.
  15. M-M-M-M-MONSTER NO Emu has seemed to inspire larry and drew to come out of hiding, and this is good.
  16. The issue specifically with the bell sound is the massive overtones it is generating, and the melodic structure and reverb settings, causing a ton of bleed. The string attacks don't feel very natural to me, with mini-SFZ attacks on some, and a bit too much velocity. I agree that the opening part is really nice, and the overall feel of the arrangement I can support, though it seems truncated and not fully developed. The halfway point features a really painful dissonance when the track modulates, and the chimes don't, or something similar. Either way, it sounds harsh and not gelling. Overall, good textures, and backing, but the bells and string sequencing needs work, and the arrangement needs a bit more development. I think this has the potential to be really good, however. No, please resubmit
  17. I feel like the bass itself was pretty weak and buried by a lot of scooped sounding synths. The arrangement was pretty cool, but it really needs more power than it's getting right now. Deia pretty much nailed it in that the samples need a bit of tweaking to have more tone, and generally less high end. and more humanization. The drums are ok, but the kick seems weak, and the snare sounds really static. I'd make some slight adjustments to make the transitions stronger as well, but mainly the only work that needs to be done is on the production end, IMO. No, please resubmit
  18. The opening piano sounds really exposed and rigidly sequenced, and when the bass comes in, it's pretty thin sounding. The arrangement slowly builds, but the production throughout is muddy and indistinct. Overall the arrangement is pretty cool, but the production has a lot of work that needs to be done. Reducing the reverb slightly, and getting a more saturated sound from your samples would be a great start, and Deia' suggestion of hitting up the WIP forums is a great plan. No, please resubmit
  19. Pft, of the 100+ songs on the panel, Deia and I have voted on basically all of them, and just need another person to close them out. Larry did some good votinz yesterday too though, in celebration of both Emunator and the McRib.
  20. Happy Birthday! I hope you do something awesome!
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