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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Hero academy seems pretty fun but it takes forever. Im playing my first game right now against modus a:)nd i suck, but maybe ill figure out the strategy. So far 5/10. Maybe itll get better
  2. The boss has been defeated and though you are all heroes, only six of you receive loot! We randomly chose numbers out of the reviews submitted Crulex Mirby Tuberz McGee each WIN $35 eStarland gift certificate! Rexy Lidawg Melbu each win a custom OCR forum avatar! Contact me Via PM for info on your prizes!!
  3. sorry for the delay on this, we dropped the ball, mainly because of mag and the UH release, but winners have been chosen, and will be announced tonight!
  4. He was referring to the british spelling, "sileunt". Those crazy brits, adding U to everything, like armor, and honor.
  5. 15 songs from games that are rare to show up on OCR, with several debuting for the first time on the site! Leave your comments in this thread! Preview it: Download it: http://unsung.ocremix.org/ Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Unsung_Heroes.torrent The original concept was brought forth to me by Shaun "Avaris" Wallace back when we were still working on Echoes of Betrayal, Light of Redemption. We both agreed that while it is great to work with many well-known and often mixed themes - which are so loved for good reason - there should be no reason not to extend our hands into those games that have been overlooked for so long, but have genuinely beautiful themes as well. I'm proud of the work that these gentlemen and ladies have presented in this album, and hope that others will be able to appreciate the beauty of these tracks as well. - Andrew Luers (OA) I was brought onto Unsung Heroes as an assistant director after the success of the Final Fantasy IV project, where I was able to do a lot of organizational work to help for a smooth release. The project idea was really unique; there had been a lot of songs that I'd forgotten about and it was a joy to revisit them and see what exactly I could put together as a tribute to those games that had been passed over for more popular titles. I also have enjoyed working with both Andrew and Stevo; they both have done a great job keeping this project moving and encouraging the mixers to get their work finished. I hope to work with all these mixers again soon! - Deia Vengen (DragonAvenger) Andrew and I first worked together on the Final Fantasy IV album. After work on that was complete, he invited me to take part in Unsung Heroes, helping organize and keep track of progress. The premise for this is something I, as well as every other person on this album, identify with: underappreciated gems, lost in the shadows of the spotlight given to the big hitters in the RPG scene. Each song tackled here has some personal meaning to the musician, moreso than just a single song from a game many people know. The choice of games was up to the individuals, and that adds an extra layer of personal investment into each track. These are the games we had that none of our other friends did, though we loved them just the same. Any song you listen to from Unsung Heroes is a testament that, even though lesser known, these games may indeed be more special. My hope is that this will encourage others to look at other, lesser-known games and find the beauty in them, or even seek out games they have never heard before just to see what they have to offer. Rock on, fellow Heroes! - Stevo Bortz (Level 99)
  6. Hear the upcoming OCR album, Unsung Heroes a few days early, before anyone else! WHEN: 8PM EST WHERE: http://turntable.fm/ocremix and also #OCRListeningParty at irc.esper.net. Only US users can go to turntable, so we are having another sweet party in IRC with SEKRET UTUBE LINKZ to the songs! Come join us as we entertain you with music and antics!
  7. yeha geez, where was I when this was posted?!
  8. Zeal Love - 6,134 No, I am not joking. edit: jk, 6,135
  9. my experience with them was beyond bad; i'm not one to refuse to use an airline, but these guys were nothing but unprofessional. Worst flying experience of my life. Hidden fees, surly staff, shitty airplanes, poorly designed logo (ok, joking on that one). If you can manage to dodge the fees, that is a great price, and do it, but know that you will probably get what you pay for.
  10. I WILL TAKE THREE, PLEASE!!!! With credentials like that, $80 is a total steal and if you don't buy this. you are bad and should feel bad about being bad.
  11. i guess it'd be years if no albums came out between them for years on end.
  12. damn, I feel like I missed out on the achievements, they look awesome to me, even though I didn't know about them. Nice videos, too, Brandon, the sound turned out pretty solid!
  13. I used to be a musician, then I took a Killer Chop to the Studio.
  14. That is an awesome idea! The scars (literally) from my magflu last year are healed, and I don't really want to repeat the ordeal this year. If we hit up a grocery store sometime, I will get some oranges to assist nurse Amy in her quest. I also think having some tea is a good plan regardless.
  15. Goal accomplished! For 2012 i want to spend some more time on my own stuff, both original music and remixes. I love helping everyone, but i got like, very little done myself this year.
  16. This sounds great; excellent synths and a great flow. Very nicearrangement, great modulations and well chosen expansion points. It's clear that you have some killer studio chops. yes
  17. Brandon Strader 3123 www.bstrader.net Game: Final Fantasy 2 (NES) Nobuo Uematsu Source: Revivification NES version: GBA version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdKePGtmKv4 I'm linking both for clarity reasons, plus I used aspects of the GBA version for the mix. FF2 Project Rebirth is pretty close to the kind of music I have been working towards making for a long time. It's kinda undefinable IT'S NOT DUBSTEP STFU with a lot of elements that are not dubstep. It's the kind of hybridization between electronic and organic instrumentation that I've been trying to achieve since the original version of Celestial Entrance. It's possibly the brutalest metal I've ever forged and it shall be upon the Final Fantasy 2 album. The basilisk in FF2 is lizard-like so it almost has Argonians, which is cool. It hadn't occurred to me until just now but this might be a hipster remix.
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