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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. This is a Remix of the Intro from Maniac Mansion. The bad part is.. i did not create it by myself (at least not directly) and i have lost contact with the original remixer. Buuuuuut : This song was made for a game I and some friends created (a classic Point and Click Adventure, though only in german language : www.aluehn2.de) and i instructed the remixer (His name is Dan Müller (Dan Minus) ) how the remix should be, so you could say i participated. Also since this song was exdclusivly made for our adventure game i thought that it might be ok to submit this song to the overclocked libary. I think this remix is great and it would be a pity if only german players can listen to it. I know its against the rules for submissions, but since i lost contact with Dan Müller its the only way. And i can ensure you that I have permission to share this song with the world. (as i did already since it's in the game, which btw is freeware) Remixer Name : Dan Müller (Dan Minus) Songname : Fungi for the ethical treatment of Asteroids. Source : Maniac Mansion Intro Music. Regards, Ben Maas.
  2. Dear Judge, Here is my contact and submission information: Remixer name: Piertas Real Name: Pontus Hultgren E-mail: Userid: 47657 I made a remix of the various Zerg-themes from the original "Starcraft" by Blizzard Entertainment. I call the arrangement "The Hive Cluster Is Under Attack". I only know the names of the tracks by "Zerg 1", "Zerg 2" and "Zerg 3", which all contain pieces of themes and memorable melodies. I believe sufficient information about the game and its composers can already be found on OCremix: http://ocremix.org/game/220/starcraft-win The entire soundtrack can be found on VGMusicCentre's youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL93E3273601342EE0&feature=iv&annotation_id=annotation_313270&src_vid=dNFnIQoeijM Also, here is a link to my remix, uploaded and downloadable on Soundcloud, should there be any problems with my attached file: ]. I have always been a fan of Blizzard's games - especially the atmospheric music conveyed in each game. For this remix, I originally intended to make it slow, grinding and ambient. However, I had a look at some of the cinematics for Starcraft 1 and 2, played a few rounds as Zerg and decided to have a bit more fun with it. The Zerg are often played hectically and aggressively, so I wanted my remix to reflect that while still maintaining a distorted, ambient feel to it. I used Cubase 5 to record, mix and master the remix. The drums were made using EZdrummer. The "guitars" in the remix is actually a distorted bass-guitar and everything else was recorded with my Casio CDP 220R. I hope you find it enjoyable! I look forward to your response! Best Regards, Pontus Hultgren
  3. ReMixer Name: AngelCityOutlaw Games Arranged: Final Fight Double Impact, Guilty Gear XX #Reload (Korean OST) Songs Arranged: Stage 4-1, "Red Crossroads" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gPd7XKXLs0 User ID: 45057 So yeah, the idea here is that I wanted to make my own arrangement of a final fight song inspired by the character Poison. I always thought she was one of Capcom's most badass looking characters. She's also one of their most controversial. So I picked up the guitar and looked to bands like Poison, RoxyBlue, Babylon A.D., Ratt, Motley Crue, XYZ, Hardline, Cats in boots, and Wildside (basically all the early 90s hair metal bands) for musical inspiration. I also added a pinch of guilty gear to the recipe of hairspray and guitars. I should mention this is a collab, I wrote the original parts, arrangement, played guitars etc. and a friend of mine (who for some reason does not wish to be named) did all the mix stuff. Because I suck at mixing and all things related to music production. Actually, I just suck at music in general. Alright, that was plenty. Chris.
  4. Brandon Strader www.bstrader.net 3123 Game: Phantasy Star Universe Source: Hakura Temple - Composer: Masamicz Amano Xbox360 Remix title: Hogosha Hogosha was the 1st place entry in Dwelling of Duel's Phantasy Star month in September 2011. The listening party was on my birthday, and I finished the song the day before. I wanted to go for a more proggy sound rather than metal, so I used lower gain settings on the amp, and threw about 4 seconds worth of 7/8 during a transition early on -- mission accomplished. Most of the parts of this remix are based on parts from the source, hopefully they are recognizable enough, but also changed and made into my style. The mixing is upgraded on this version, and I really enjoy the song and listen to it a lot even now. My dad liked the chorus at 2:07 and he never used to be "too" into my music so I think it's worth mentioning, I am finally starting to make stuff he likes. The main verse with the cool bassline has recorder and a falsetto "ahh" sound courtesy of my mouf. The very beginning of the song is the end of it reversed. For the record my favorite part is from 3:08 until the end, especially the reversed/panned bass guitar that sounds trippy, which leads directly into a variated key progression of the main part (It was based on a key change in the song but I didn't get it quite right, works anyway, possibly bettar!).. It flows really nice from there until the end I think. More koto and shamisen, can't go wrong -- it's Hakura temple after all. I actually played this game almost to the end (ragequitted) but the Hakura Temple town and general area I remember being really beautiful and kinda oriental looking. Decent game, some sweeeet songs on the soundtrack! Sadly, no Argonians. Some freaky looking anime dudes though.
  5. ReMixer name: Psycho Crusher Real name: Cristián Escobar Website: http://soundcloud.com/kris-escobar Userid: 47622 Name of game arranged: Shadow of the Colossus Name of arrangement: A Wanderer on the Way Name of individual song: The Opened Way My name is Cristián (Kris for my friends), and I live in Chile. Psycho Crusher is the name of my videogame arrangements project. Arranging from a huge orchestra to a rock band format was challeging. The power is given to the track through the simple but rhythmically rich riffs and potent drum patterns. The melody has been kept intact, this has always been something I do in my arrangements. I added a lower 8th to the melody, and a minor harmonized passage. The whole thing finishes with everything playing a nice unison ending. Thanks for listening, guys. Greetings from Chile!
  6. "You'll be the one that smells like sushi when I shove my trident up your caboosey." this is the best lyric in this entire contest.
  7. I've been looking at the contest, but the ROI of entering VS. my free time is such right now that i'll have to pass. I do encourage all of the designers to do some awesome work though, and help out MY BRO, Zircon.
  8. PS. I am not joking, I will NO your shit into the ground!!! >:-\
  9. <abuse of power> If there is a FF6 secret album, whoever is running it, let me on it for the Veldt, or i will NO OVERRIDE all your song submissions from here to oblivion. </abuse of power>
  10. Contact Remixer Name: Miso29 Real Name: Glyndwr Williams Email Address: Website: http://www.youtube.com/user/Miso29?feature=mhee Submission Information Name of Game: Pokemon Black and White Name of Arrangement: Shades of Grey Name of Song: The End of Black and White Platform: Nintendo DS Original Song: Comments: A remix of the end credits from Pokemon Black and White Totally inspired by my girlfriend bugging me constantly about how epic it was!
  11. Contact Information Alias: Omega Hauzer Name: Nathan Dandy E-Mail: Website: http://www.facebook.com/OHWKY (If this is acceptable.) UID: 37580 Song Information Game: Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest Name of arrangement: Funky Forest Original song: Forest Interlude Comments Greatest song in any video game. 2:31 is evidently the pro time, which I am glad for as it was improvisation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0Mp8uMammw
  12. ITT: "this list is ok except they missed *my* favorite song!" Lot of Mega Man and Castlevania, because those songs are actually the best ones. No real shock to me.
  13. Bahamut has never met a project he didn't want to mount.
  14. Those friendly and industrious Shizzies spent a TON of time voting on a whole slew of nominated NES tracks (1700+) in the quest to find the best one. Votes were tallied, and then tracks were revealed a few at a time for a month or so. You can preview each chiptune in a embedded player, and download either the individual chiptune or the whole game's chiptune. Overall it's really well laid out. Contained in the list, there are some obvious favorites, and a ton of hidden gems, so fans of NES music should definitely check it out! http://bestnestracks.captaintortilla.com/results/index.php
  15. Your ReMixer name: Emunator Your real name: Wes McDonald Your website: I guess emunator.deviantart.com for now, will probably change it later. Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile: 16467 Name of game(s) arranged: Donkey Kong Country 3 (both GBA and SNES soundtracks) Name of arrangement: Footloose Falls Name of individual song(s) arranged: Cascade Capers (Waterfall) SNES & GBA Additional information about game: GBA soundtrack composed by David Wise, SNES soundtrack by Eveline Novakovic Sources: & Comments: Aside from a few short project tracks that ended up being part of multicollabs and a few improv piano pieces, this is the first song I've ever finished in my life, as well as my first solo submission to the site. That said, I feel like I've learned a lot from being involved in the evaluation/workshop/project directing side of OCR enough to get an intuitive feel for remixing so that I've been able to jump right into the world of mixing and arranging without actually having much musical background/history aside from a few years of self-teaching piano. Shoutouts to Ergosonic, Flexstyle, Cody Wedel, halc, WillRock, Jason Covenant, OA, and a million other people who listened to this through its creation and gave me motivation to finish As for this mix, it started off as an original track that was intended to be entirely ethnic/ambient, drawing heavy inspiration from mv's classic "A Foray into Eastern Horizons." However, the chord progression reminded me of Cascade Capers, one of my favorite tracks off of David Wise's criminally-underappreciated Gameboy Advance remake of the Donkey Kong Country 3 soundtrack. I arranged around that for a bit before realizing that the totally-unique SNES version was also in the same key and had a lot of backing elements to pull from that fit nicely with the soundscape I'd already come up with. I added a dance beat as a joke, initially, but I guess it stuck and what I ended up with is some weird-yet-cohesive (I think, anyway!) genre-fusion that I think works pretty well. The mix was done entirely in FL Studio 10. The ambient sounds were pulled from free sample packs across the net and Alchemy Player (which is, bar-none, the most gorgeous-sounding free synth software anywhere) the beats were default FL Studio samples and Kore Player for the ethnic percussion, the instruments were all from Sampletank, and all the riffs/backing tracks were played live on my electronic piano and then quantized to fit. The bassline was actually rendered by my buddy Flexstyle using Harmless and Toxic Biohazard. Thanks for that! Cheers! - Wes
  16. Not really feeling the opening melodic stucatto line, but when it comes in with radical dreamers bit, it fits well and provides nice contrast. There are some cool bass fills, but I definitely would not have turned down additional ones, and some low/mid pads being a bit more hifi would have been nice. Productionwise, it feels a bit empty in sections, and the drums don't really sound that great to me either, and feel a bit flat. The arrangement and ideas presented are excellent, however. The call and responses are great, as are the mixing of themes. The drums are a bit static, but have a few changups, and some decent fills. Overall I feel this is closer, but still not quite there. I really think this has the potential to make it though, so if you'd like to hit me up via PM, I can walk you through what needs to happen in more detail, should you choose to resubmit this again. No, please resubmit
  17. I think you could pretty easily enhance this with some original ideas and harmonies, as well as rhythms and textures. It definitley feels like a solid blank canvas to work some artistic magic on, so go get'em! No, please resubmit
  18. I agree on some level that the arrangement and sound scape sounds a bit simple, and the scooped strings fill out some harmonic places, but could stand to have a little more meat on them to fill out the back of the song. The leads feel really exposed for a lot of the track, especially with the frugal use of bass. There are some solid transitions, and the little Hot Head Bop cameo was welcome and smoothly integrated. The glitchy transitions were cool as well, and for the most part, some additional harmonic interest is what this track needs, I feel. It's close but not quite there. No, please resubmit
  19. Some of the playing was ever so slightly on the loose side, but overall I thought this was really nicely done. I love the reverb used for the intro/ending, and the track itself had some good texture and direction, where new elements were adding up to a big finish. Source use was good, if somewhat vanilla, but I think this is a simple and clean take on a pretty good source. Yes
  20. This is actually pretty much exactly what I am looking for. Thanks for the heads up.
  21. The game looks super pretty; I hear it's more linear than previous ones, which is a huge plus for me. Any confirmation on this by people who have already played it?
  22. That lead synth sound definitely needs to be tamed in the higher end frequencies, my ears are shredded by the end of the first listen. ;_; Overall things felt pushed a little too hard and I think toneing down the harshness of the compression and the lead would help give this some more room to breathe. The arrangement felt like it really dragged as well, I think this needs some pretty liberal editing; I didn't really feel the sections where not much was going on besides some voice clips; i'd take a look at those first. No
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