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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Nice 70's feel to this track, but why is it so quiet? I think it could come up a lot in volume. The drums felt a little indistinct, and the low end in general was a bit muddy. I do think the production needs more refinement; more volume, clarity, and punch. The arrangement was pretty creative, and the performances were decent. Vocals were brief, but fun and unique, and lent even more of a 70's vibe to this; definitely cool. I also feel that the solo section went on a bit long for overall source use. I think this has promise, but needs a bit of a tuneup. No, please resubmit
  2. Pretty cool concept, and definitely a good exercise. The arrangement itself is pretty varied, though it seems to rely a bit much on random synth sound effects. There is some good filtering and panning, as well as rhythmic changeups, but the constant SFX edn up detracting for me. Production-wise, it's ok, but the balance is really top heavy, with the kick specifically feeling completely clicky and having no beef. I think this is pretty cool, btu I don't feel it's polished enough for OCR as-is. Sorry. No
  3. Interesting start of the track; the string articulations felt rather mechanical, but the gates made it interesting. The idea is cool, but it definitely wears out it's welcome eventually, and the semi-static beat isn't helping things. Some of the runs were pretty well done, and the idea is cool, but the constant full-track gating is just too much. It's like taking a sandwich and dumping an entire bottle of ketchup over it. The gating works as a condiment, but not as a main dish. Also somewhat strange that the drums cut out early on, never to be heard from again. I think there is something here, but it needs a good deal of revision and polish. No, please resubmit
  4. The good news is that with the compression decreased, we can hear the track itself now, while there are some good ideas, the high end is still massively overhyped, and the low end is almost non-existent. You will need to rebalance the track to get some more low end and bring the high end down slightly. There are some good parts, but overall the sequencing is very mechanical, and definitely needs humanization. Certain sections in the drums sound good and exciting, and some are pretty boring, and need spice. Overall this is a distinct improvement, but still needs work. I recommend hitting up the WIP thread and getting additional advice from our workshop mods. This has potential, but it has a ways to go. No, please resubmit
  5. Cool idea to modulate the track while keeping the melody the same. The soundscape is barren but spacious, and the production is balanced, with some nice percussive textures. The song progression is very slow burning, which is not something that i'm really used to, but the track progresses and builds nonetheless. I think the left-panned synth could use a slightly more present delay, but otherwise things gelled pretty convincingly. I do think the length is a little long, but overall I was feeling this. The second half doesn't feel as unique as the first, so it plateaus a little before the breakdown. Overall the sequencing was good, and I enjoyed the warm strings. I do think a bit of editing would have improved this, but I am still down with passing it. Yes
  6. The lead guitar sounds muffled in the beginning, and the bass is lacking low end, but the sounds chosen fit well, they just need tweaking. Drums are also slightly muffled sounding as well, and overall I think the track could use some more high end. Arrangement is very cool, and the transitions between the themes are exciting and intelligently done. The lead playing ranges from being very solid and flowing, to stiff and blocky. I think smoothing out the plaing in some sections would help the track out. Overall, the arrangement is solid, but the production and some of the performance aspects need to be improved. I definitely think this could pass with some tweaking though! No, please resubmit
  7. i've contacted him, and will be receiving an updated track.
  8. Original Decision * Your ReMixer name: Draconiator * Your real name: Justin Landry * Your email address: musicphreak48@yahoo.com * Your website: http://www.youtube.com/draconiator * Your userid: 20634 Submission Information * Title of Mix: Resub of "Suncoils"; changing the title to "Solarcoil" however. * Name of game(s) arranged: Mega Man 7, Mega Man 10 * Name of individual song(s) arranged: Solar Man's Stage ( )Spring Man's Stage ( )Hi again, I am resubbing this with the fixes suggested by the panel. I like this lead a lot better, I've also tried to keep things interesting by adding a few things to the second verse and being subtle with the lead as well. Hope you like this version
  9. Finished it back when i was 8-10ish. It is a lot easier to find all the secrets when you have infinite time.
  10. Contact Information Remixer name: ATIO Real name: Anthony Higham Email address: kickflipto5050@hotmail.com Website: www.soundcloud.com/anthony-higham www.facebook.com/DjATIO Submission Information Name of game arranged: Sonic The Hedgehog 3 for Sega Genesis Name of arrangement: Ice Cap Zone (ATIO Remix) Name of Individual song arranged: Ice Cap Zone (ATIO Remix) Comments: I created this version because I just love the style of sonic music. I have made many songs not pertaining to sega or sonic, but listeners have told me to submit them to video game companies because of their video game (sonic) sound. I think you will enjoy this because it has an electro/dance feel to it that can be easily played in a dance club or in a video game environment. I have added some of my personal sounds by playing around with the chord progression, and bass line. I also created my own melody and counterpoint on top of the original melody to add more dynamics/fullness and less repetitive than the original. This particular remix is definitely different than any other remix of this particular song.
  11. This has some good stuff going for it, but i feel the lead samples really static and in need of modulation, as well as the overall soundscape being pretty thin. The lead noodling gets distracting too, as it ends up being very busy with no clear direction. Samplewise, I think enhancing the bass and giving the production more depth would help this feel a little richer. Adding more nuance to each insrument and having them feel a little more distinct would help. overall this is a decent start, but needs further polish. No, please resubmit
  12. Blackmetal and loaded with Nicholas Cage movie clips? Am I being trolled? I really do like the atmospheric elements, and the movie quotes, while super cheesy, are funny enough. The arrangement is varied enough, and though I don't think that anyone should try to produce authentic-sounding blackmetal if they know better, this has bass and a balanced lead, and it's played tightly and the softer sections sound really good. That's a bonus. I think the creativity and ability to not take the mix too seriously win me over. Nothing is destroying the mix, and near the end I can actually hear some bass, so that's pretty cool. Yes
  13. Sickness, dude. Glad you can (sortof) talk about it now. I hope Juan Olive was a cool guy, i've been a fan of his work since before you were born.
  14. i am in if it's a little later - i need to get JAMZ to bed.
  15. Previous thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=35250 Hello, Here is my resub of the arrangement "Dramatic Dark World" from FF6. Thank you for the constructive and valuable feedback, which I took into account when tweaking this piece. I think the mix and production are improved now, after I fixed the mids in the beginning, toned down the brass in the middle, spaced out the panning more, and adjusted some velocities and removed some instrument doublings. I hope you find this version to be an improvement. Thank you! ReMixer name: LemonLime Name: Christian Floisand userid: 44839 Game: Final Fantasy 6 Song arranged: Dark World Composed by: Nobuo Uematsu Comments: I was inspired to do this arrangement after hearing Jeremy Soule's great orchestration of Terra's Theme from Final Fantasy 6. But in addition, I was also keen on developing my midi orchestration skills in Logic using Vienna Special Edition and this seemed like a good way to do that. After auditioning several tracks from the game, I decided that Dark World presented some good orchestral opportunities that I wanted to explore. Thanks very much for your time! Best regards, Christian Floisand
  16. Game: Final Fantasy VIII Name of arrangement: White Magic Is For Sissies Song: Don't Be Afraid Original Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Remixer: Knight of the Round Real name: Justin Taylor User ID: 43205 Genre: Polyrhythmic Metal This is actually an older track of mine. I created my first version of this a little over a year ago for my old Myspace page, but I've learned well, a LOT more about recording/engineering since then. It was my first Final Fantasy track that was more of a "remix" than it was a cover, so I decided that I would re-recorded it and submit it for evaluation. I love polyrhythms, and had a blast with the 5/4 time signature that this song has by keeping a nasty underlying 4/4 groove for some of the 5/4 parts. For the song itself, it's a pretty conservative remix of the original, keeping most of the original arrangement and 5/4 time sig, with a few changes here and there, along with an original ending based on the original rhythm riff. Production was fairly similar to my last track. I used Sony Acid to record, mix and master (with Izotope Ozone). Recorded rhythm and lead guitars with an Agile Intrepid 8 string guitar into a 60W ENGL Fireball head through a VHT Fatbottom cabinet (dual mic'd), along with a clean track being ran into Line6 PODFarm for re-amping (which I then used used multiple amps for blending). Bass was recorded direct into a SansAMP Bass Driver, then into PODFarm as well. Drums were programmed via Superior Drummer 2.0, then the snare and kick were replaced with Steven Slate drum samples. That's pretty much it! Enjoy! Link to original:
  17. Remixer name: Kate Lorimer Real name: Kate Lorimer website: http://www.buntyandtheboffin.co.uk id: 47249 Name of Game: Runes of Virtue II Name of arrangement: Data of Synthetic Virtue Name of individual song: Title Screen Original composer Martin Galway - which is what brought me to the piece in the first place, Galway is famed for his Commodore 64 work, and his quality writing comes across even on the gameboy, though the sounds can be a little flat. The piece was brought to my attention a while back by retroscener Kenz through one of his podcasts. I suddenly remembered the music whilst talking about Ghouls'n'Ghost's C64 music by Tim Follin, and it reminded me of the "forgotten" Galway tune. After finding it again, I felt compelled to produce my own take on it Original can be found here: http://www.buntyandtheboffin.co.uk/music/Martin-Galway_Runes_of_Virtue-GB.mp3
  18. metaphist (Paul Ford, 8822) Sonic 3 (not Knuckles), Death Egg "Funky Side Up" It's been a long time since I subbed something. I dabbled in remixes all the while and nothing seemed to click, but fortunately the planets seemed to align for this one. It all started when I found out about Nerdapalooza in my hometown of Orlando FL, and couldn't miss an opportunity to see the One Ups get down live. I had no idea that I would run into Mr. Larry Liontamer Oji himself at an OCR table there. I chatted with him and Level 99 (cool dude) for a while before he eventually asked me my name, and I must say that the enthusiasm and surprise that followed was something I honestly did not expect. Not only did he remember me and my submission despite the years, but had a lot of encouraging words and nothing short of a demand for more music. It was then settled - I would get off my ass and really make some music for OCR. The events that followed were quite divine. Larry hooked me up with a hard copy of The Sound of Speed (amazing Sonic). I happened to stumble upon the chiptune album FM Funk Maddness (amazing funk). I happened to get the Death Egg theme stuck in my head (not so amazing, but quite coincidental). Then, the spirits of Larry, DJP, and Sebastian Shaw (NOT Hayden Christensen) appeared before me at a party with small furry creatures, and I then knew what must be done! Shout outs to Superior X for naming my remix and giving feedback, Larry for the encouragement past and present, DJP, Virt, and Bomb Boy for funk inspirations, and the whole OCR community for being what it is. -- Paul
  19. Halc here's my dubstep remix of terra. unnecessary in more ways than one, I'm sure. ;] note for larry/djp: joojlink is labeled as just 'Ruffneck' for some reason, the correct title is 'Ruffneck Terra'
  20. The 2 decks that I am considering (aka have the physical cards for): UR 9 Mountain 4 Sulfur Falls 9 Island 4 Stromkirk Noble 3 Delver of Secrets 1 Phantasmal Image 2 Bloodcrazed Neonate 2 Stormblood Berserker 4 Snapcaster Mage 2 Shrine of Burning rage 4 Gitaxian Probe 2 Vapor Snag 1 Geistflame 2 Shock 2 Incinerate 4 Brimstone Volley 4 Mana Leak 1 Chandra, the Firebrand SB 3 Steel Sabotage 4 Flashfreeze 2 Nihil Spellbomb 2 Vulshok Refugee 2 Chandra’s Phoenix 1 Act of Aggression UW 12 Plains 1 Island 4 Glacial Fortress 2 Moorland Haunt 1 Inkmoth Nexus 4 Seachrome Coast 4 Champion of the Parish 2 Gideon's Lawkeeper 2 Grand Abolisher 2 Snapcaster Mage 1 Phantasmal Image 1 Mentor of the Meek 4 Blade Splicer 2 Geist of Saint Traft 2 Dismember 2 Timely Reinforcements 2 Midnight Haunting 4 Mana Leak 3 Honor of the Pure 2 Angelic Destiny 2 Sword of War and Peace 1 Sword of Feast and Famine SB 1 Gideon Jura 3 Oblivion Ring 2 Revoke Existence 2 Celestial Purge 3 Flashfreeze 2 Shrine of Loyal Legions 2 Mirran Crusader
  21. We had some good block battles too, though I admit my play was pretty weak throughout the entire night, mainly because I was testing with 2 friends standard decks for the states tournament tomorrow. I may have ADD, but keeping track of 3 gamestates is brutal. Thankfully decision trees in drafts are easier, but I still managed to screw up a few times. Sorry to Hemo for the weak play, i'll be more focused next time. Speaking of states, i've got an interesting build that has decent answers for the expected Standard metagame, and really makes Snapcaster Mage shine. I'll be playing it at FNM tonight to iron out some last minute issues.
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